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This repository contains was created by Team Silver Serpent for a class project at BU Met College CS672 (Spring 2018). As of January 2019, the project is being maintained by a second group of BU Met College students in CS 633 (Spring 2019).


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Repository files navigation

 _____                      ____  _ _                  ____                             _   
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Project Portal

Project Portal aims to help BU Computer Science students and instructors to keep track of software development projects. This repository contains Team Silver Serpent's class project for BU Met College CS672 (Spring 2018).

A live demo of the server can be found on Project Portal Demo on Digital Ocean. The code can be found on GitHub at Project Portal.

Project Structure

Backend project structure

│  app.js
|  package.json
│   │ users-controllers.js
│   │ sessions-controllers.js
│   │ projects-controllers.js
│   │ users-model.js
│   │ sessions-model.js
│   │ projects-model
│   | default.json
|   | prod.json
│   | test.json
└──project-angular-src (the frontend folder)

Frontend project structure

│  package.json
|  tsconfig.json
|  └──app
|  │  └──add-project
|  |  |  |  add-project-component.css
|  |  |  |  add-project-component.html
|  |  |  |  add-project-component.spec.ts
|  |  |  |  add-project-component.ts
|  │  └──display-project
|  │  └──home
|  │  └──login-page
|  │  └──models
|  |  |  |  Comments.ts
|  |  |  |  Project.ts
|  |  |  |  Session.ts
|  |  |  |  User.ts
|  │  └──(several other components)
|  │  └──services
|  |  |  |  project.service.ts
|  |  |  |  users-session.service.ts

Software Stack

  1. Front-end

    Angular 2 (to create a sleek, responsive front-end)
  2. Middleware

    Express (for routing and controllers)
  3. Back-end

    Mongoose (an Object-Relational Mapper) MongoDB
  4. Runtime

  5. Testing Framework

    Mocha + Chai
  6. UI Component Framework

    AngularJS Material

Software Installation

  1. Create a local project folder

    For example, Han Solo, a Windows 10 user, might create a folder at C:\Users\hsolo\Documents\project_portal, whereas Chewbacca, a Mac enthusiast, decides to create his at /Users/chewie/Desktop/project_portal.
  2. Install Node.js & NPM

    Requires Node 8.9.4. (NPM is bundled with Node.) See Node.js.
  3. Install MongoDB

    Requires MongoDB ^3.6.0. (^ means "at least version 3.6.0.") See MongoDB. Use all defaults, including port 27017. After starting the mongo server, load the test data by typing:
       mongoimport --db project-portal-test --collection projects --file projects-sample-data.json 
       mongoimport --db project-portal-test --collection users --file users-sample-data.json
  4. Install Git

    See Atlassian Git Tutorial.
  5. Change directory into your project folder from the command line.

    Han fires up his Command Prompt and types chdir C:\Users\hsolo\Documents\projects_portal. Chewie enters cd ~\Desktop\project_portal.
  6. Clone the Project Portal repository in your project folder

    Both Han and Chewie, from the command line, type git clone
  7. Install npm dependencies

    After the repository cloning finishes, our fearless heroes type npm install from inside of their project folders. This will download all of dependent modules that the backend currently uses. They'll then change directory into project-angular-src, and do another npm install to install the frontend dependencies.
  8. Start MongoDB

    Until this step is automated, you must start MongoDB manually or at startup on your machine. See MongoDB for platform-specific instructions.
  9. Start servers

    Inside of the project folder, Chewie types npm start. If successeful, he will see two console message: Starting the server at port 3000. and Starting the server at port 3001. Chewie should accepts the self-signed certificate error, at which time he should see the "Welcome to Projects Portal!" message from https:\\
  10. From here on out, Chewie will be interacting with the frontend, which is at https:\\


This repository contains was created by Team Silver Serpent for a class project at BU Met College CS672 (Spring 2018). As of January 2019, the project is being maintained by a second group of BU Met College students in CS 633 (Spring 2019).







No releases published


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Contributors 4
