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Projects completed

  1. A.I. Task Planning

  2. Smoke Semantic Segmentation
    Implementation :
    Difficulty Level : ★★★☆☆
    Concepts Learnt : U-Net
    Skills : Tensorflow, Python
    Hardware : None
    Category : Computer Vision

  3. Visual SLAM using Intel RealSense R200 Camera on Aero RTF Drone (
    Implementation : TO BE UPDATED
    Difficulty Level : ★★★☆☆
    Concepts Learnt : VisualSLAM
    Skills : ROS, Python
    Category : Computer Vision

  4. Simulation environment for robot grasping
    Implementation :
    Difficulty Level : ★★★☆☆
    Concepts Learnt : Grasping, Sythentic Dataset Generation
    Skills : Pybullet, Python
    Category : Robotics

  5. Diana Robot control using ROS
    Implementation : TO BE UPDATED
    Difficulty Level : ★★★☆☆
    Skills : ROS
    Category : Robotics

  6. Character Recognition using neural network
    Implementation :
    Difficulty Level : ★☆☆☆☆

  7. Gaussian Filtering (
    Difficulty Level : ★☆☆☆☆
    Category : Deep Learning

  8. Object Detection using tensorflow
    Implementation :
    Difficulty Level : ★☆☆☆☆
    Category : Deep Learning

  9. Principal Component Analysis from scratch
    Implementation :
    Difficulty Level : ★☆☆☆☆
    Category : Data science

  10. Mask R-CNN Implementation using Tensorflow Object Detection API
    Implementation : TO BE UPDATED
    Difficulty Level : ★★☆☆☆
    Category : Computer Vision

Projects currently working on

  1. Fabric manipulation using Model-free visual reinforcement learning
    Implementation :
    Difficulty Level : ★★★☆☆

Project Ideas

Projects I may or may not pursue in the future

Computer Vision

  • Estimate calories of food items using images
  • Social Distancing detector using surveillance camera
  • 3D Map Generation of room and track the location of objects, e.g. wallets in the room
  • Evaluating videos of Public Speeches (e.g. TED Talks) and suggest improvement points based on chosen parameters of evaluation (e.g. gestures, vocal variety, etc.)
  • Use mobile/laptop camera to detect human emotion, track mobile/web application/website usage simultaneously and use the correlation to recommend applications/websites Robot Manipulation
  • Implement DexNet Research Paper
    Deep Learning
  • Gender predictor (der/die/das) for German words
    Android app development
  • An accountability app to help people form habits/ meet goals
    AI Planning
  • AI Planning based app to generate daily planner given a set of tasks to complete
    General automation
  • Automate clip generation from full length podcast videos

Kaggle Projects



Compilation of all my projects






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