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Syropod Remote

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An interface between user input via Joypad/Keyboard/Tablet and OpenSHC.

Current version: v0.5.0

Getting Started

If you haven't looked at the tutorials for using OpenSHC, see OpenSHC Tutorials.


  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • ROS Melodic



mkdir -p openshc_ws/src
cd openshc_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin build

Input Device Mapping

Joypad Control

Default control scheme for Logitech F710 wireless gamepad.



  • Logitech:
    • System State Transition
  • Start:
    • Robot State Increment
  • Back:
    • Robot State Decrement
  • A (Green):
    • Gait Cycle Selection
  • B (Red):
    • Manual Posing Mode Selection
  • X (Blue):
    • Cruise Control Mode Toggle
  • Y (Yellow):
    • Auto-Navigation Mode Toggle
  • Left Joystick Button
    • Primary Leg State Toggle (with primary leg selected)
  • Right Joystick Button
    • Pose Reset
    • Secondary Leg State Toggle (with secondary leg selected)
  • Left Bumper:
    • Primary Leg Selection
    • Primary Leg Manipulation Mode (with primary leg in manipulation)
  • Right Bumper:
    • Secondary Leg Selection
    • Secondary Manipulation Mode (with secondary leg in manipulation)


  • Left Joystick:
    • Linear Body Velocity Input
    • Primary Leg Manipulation Input
  • Right Joystick:
    • Body Manual Posing Input
    • Secondary Leg Manipulation Input
  • Left/Right Triggers:
    • Angular Body Velocity Input
  • DPAD:
    • Parameter Selection
    • Parameter Adjustment

Tablet Control

Please read readme of syropod_tablet_control for control using tablet PCs.

Keyboard Control

Please refer to readme of syropod_keyboard_control for control scheme and key mapping.



  • System State Transition:
    • Controls SHC system state. Press to start/suspend/resume control.
  • Robot State Increment:
    • Increments robot state. Press to transition forward through possible robot states. (i.e. PACKED->READY->RUNNING)
  • Robot State Decrement:
    • Decrements robot state. Press to transition backward through possible robot states. (i.e. RUNNING->READY->PACKED)
  • Gait Cycle Selection:
    • Cycles through possible gait selections defined in config/gait.yaml (defaults include Wave, Amble, Ripple and Tripod)
  • Manual Posing Mode Selection:
    • Cycles through manual body posing modes:
      • NO_POSING: NO posing input.
      • X_Y_POSING: Linear translational posing in the x-axis and y-axis of the robot frame.
      • ROLL_PITCH_POSING: Angular rotational posing about he x-axis (roll) and y-axis (pitch) of the robot frame.
      • Z_YAW_POSING: Right Linear translational posing in the z-axis and angular rotational posing about the z-axis (yaw) of the robot frame.
  • Cruise Control Mode Toggle:
    • Starts/Stops cruise control mode. Cruise control sets a constant input velocity dependent on:
      • The input body velocities at activation OR
      • Parameter values defined in config/\*SYROPOD_NAME\*.yaml
  • Auto-Navigation Mode Toggle:
    • Starts/Stops auto navigation mode. Auto navigation required correct sensing capabilities and syropod_auto_navigation.
  • Pose Reset Mode:
    • If no leg is selected for primary manipulation - reset all current body poses to zero (according to current POSING_MODE)
  • Parameter Selection:
    • Cycles through possible adjustable parameter selections.
  • Parameter Adjustment:
    • Adjusts selected parameter by incrementing/decrementing according to adjustment step amount defined in config/\*SYROPOD_NAME\*.yaml.
  • Primary Leg Selection:
    • Cycles through possible leg selections for primary leg manipulation.
  • Secondary Leg Selection:
    • Cycles through possible leg selections for secondary leg manipulation.
  • Primary Leg State Toggle:
    • If a leg is selected for primary manipulation - toggles leg manipulation for primary selected leg.
  • Secondary Leg State Toggle:
    • If a leg is selected for secondary manipulation - toggles leg manipulation for secondary selected leg.
  • Leg Manipulation Mode:
    • Whilst in leg manipulation, cycles between tip velocity input mode or secondary selected leg. (i.e. Manipulation in X/Y or Z/Y planes)
  • Leg Manipulation Mode:
    • Whilst in leg manipulation, cycles between tip velocity input mode or secondary selected leg. (i.e. Manipulation in X/Y or Z/Y planes)


  • Linear Body Velocity Input:
    • Commands desired linear body velocity.
      • Positive/negative velocity input in the x-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. robot forward/backward)
      • Positive/negative velocity input in the y-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. robot left/right)
  • Angular Body Velocity Input:
    • Commands desired angular body velocity in the positive direction (i.e. robot turn left)
    • Commands desired angular body velocity in the negative direction (i.e. robot turn right)
  • Body Manual Posing Input:
    • No Posing Mode: Delivers no posing input.
    • X/Y Posing Mode: If the current POSING_MODE is X_Y_POSING - commands desired linear posing velocity in the x/y axes.
      • Positive/Negative velocity input in the x-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. pose robot body forward/backward)
      • Positive/Negative velocity input in the y-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. pose robot body left/right)
    • Roll/Pitch Posing Mode: If the current POSING_MODE is ROLL_PITCH_POSING - commands desired angular posing velocity about the x/y axes.
      • Positive/Negative velocity input about the y-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. pitch robot body forward/backward)
      • Negative/Positive velocity input about the x-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. roll robot body left/right)
    • Z/Yaw Posing Mode: If the current POSING_MODE is Z_YAW_POSING - commands desired linear/angular posing velocity in/about the z axis.
      • Positive/Negative velocity input in the z-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. pose robot body up/down)
      • Positive/Negative velocity input about the z-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. yaw robot body left/right)
  • Primary Leg Manipulation Mode:
    • If the primary selected leg is toggled for leg manipulation - commands desired tip velocity with respect to the robot frame.
      • Positive/negative velocity input in the x/z-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. tip forward/backward OR up/down)
      • Positive/negative velocity input in the y-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. tip left/right)
  • Secondary Leg Manipulation Mode:
    • If the secondary selected leg is toggled for leg manipulation - commands desired tip velocity with respect to the robot frame.
      • Positive/negative velocity input in the x/z-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. tip forward/backward OR up/down)
      • Positive/negative velocity input in the y-axis of the robot frame. (i.e. tip left/right)

Konami Code

  • Press in the Konami Code sequence to find out. (May not be implemented for all Syropods)



Subscribed Topics

  • Joypad Input:
    • Description: Input message from joypad.
    • Topic: /joy
    • Type: sensor_msgs::Joy::ConstPtr
  • Keyboard Input:
    • Description: Input message from syropod_keyboard_control.
    • Topic: /key
    • Type: sensor_msgs::Joy::ConstPtr
  • Android Tablet Joypad Input:
    • Description: See tablet_control package.
    • Topic: /android/joy
    • Type: syropod_remote::androidJoy::ConstPtr (custom message)
  • Android Tablet Accelerometer Input:
    • Description: See tablet_control package.
    • Topic: /android/sensor
    • Type: syropod_remote::androidSensor::ConstPtr (custom message)
  • Syropod Auto-Navigation Input:
    • Description: The input desired body velocity from syropod_auto_navigation node.
    • Topic: /syropod_auto_navigation/desired_velocity
    • Type: geometry_msgs::Twist

Published Topics

  • System State:
    • Description: The desired state of the entire Syropod High-level Controller system.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/system_state
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Robot State:
    • Description: The desired state of the robot.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/robot_state
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Desired Velocity:
    • Description: The desired body velocity of the robot.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/desired_velocity
    • Type: geometry_msgs::Twist
  • Desired Pose:
    • Description: The desired body pose of the robot.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/desired_pose
    • Type: geometry_msgs::Twist
  • Posing Mode:
    • Description: The desired manual body posing input mode.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/posing_mode
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Pose Reset Mode:
    • Description: The desired manual body pose reset mode.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/pose_reset_mode
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Gait Selection:
    • Description: The desired gait selection for the walk controller of the robot.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/gait_selection
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Cruise Control Mode:
    • Description: The desired cruise control mode.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/cruise_control_mode
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Auto-Navigation Mode:
    • Description: The desired auto-navigation mode.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/auto_navigation_mode
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Primary Leg Selection:
    • Description: The desired leg selected for primary manipulation.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/primary_leg_selection
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Primary Leg State:
    • Description: The desired state of the leg selected for primary manipulation.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/primary_leg_state
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Primary Tip Velocity:
    • Description: The desired tip velocity for the leg selected for primary manipulation.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/primary_tip_velocity
    • Type: geometry_msgs::Point
  • Secondary Leg Selection:
    • Description: The desired leg selected for secondary manipulation.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/secondary_leg_selection
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Secondary Leg State:
    • Description: The desired state of the leg selected for secondary manipulation.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/secondary_leg_state
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Secondary Tip Velocity:
    • Description: The desired tip velocity for the leg selected for secondary manipulation.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/secondary_tip_velocity
    • Type: geometry_msgs::Point
  • Parameter Selection:
    • Description: The desired parameter selection for possible adjustment.
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/parameter_selection
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8
  • Parameter Adjustment:
    • Description: The desired adjustment of the selected parameter (increment/decrement).
    • Topic: /syropod_remote/parameter_adjustment
    • Type: std_msgs::Int8


Note: Version control commenced at v0.5.0. No changes were logged before this version.

  • v0.5.0
    • Renamed from hexapod_remote to syropod_remote inline with release of SHC v0.5.0.
    • Refactored into command specific functions
    • Added support for keyboard control
    • Modified control scheme for leg manipulation plane selection
    • Modified control scheme for to make joypad triggers control body angular velocity


  • Fletcher Talbot
  • Ryan Steindl


This project is licensed under the CSIRO Open Source Software Licence Agreement (variation of the BSD / MIT License) - see the LICENSE file for details.


Please report bugs using Issue Tracker or contact us via email