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Samples in the manual examples

Menno Knevel edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 6 revisions
  • add loop points to some samples so this makes sense in sampler opcodes like loscil3 CAN AND WILL BE DONE WITH ALL SAMPLES wav AND aif
    DONE replace kickroll.wav as it is a bad stereo sample This new sample will have qualities to better explain the examples of the manual, like for example the MS opcodes. Problem with kickroll.wav is that it is 'just not stereo enough'
  • request for a modern drum loop. What is wrong with the present one? it is boring.
    Replacements are drumMlp (mono looping drum) and drumSlp (stereo looping drum) kickroll is used in these examples:

bbcuts.csd filelen.csd filenchnls.csd ftchnls.csd ftsr.csd loscil.csd loscil3.csd loscilx.csd lposcilsa.csd lposcilsa2.csd nsamp.csd pconvolve.csd sndwarpst.csd soundin.csd vdelayxs.csd vdelayxws.csd


  • mary.wav is not normalized, dull, and have 1 second of silence before it begins - should be edited or replaced. We need a file that plays a melody or a scale - I have share oboeScale.aif (mono) and oboeScaleS.aif (stereo) for your consideration replacement examples for mary:

diskgrain.csd ftchnls.csd granule.csd loscil.csd loscil3.csd pitch.csd pitchamdf.csd scans-2.csd strcpyk.csd strindexk.csd


  • sometimes, depending on the example, replace fox.wav with a quote from Max Mathews. Other replacement options are marimba and singFemale.

  • look into sample with more noise and reverb so to de-noise it with GEN43 and pvstencil. with a noisy quote from Max Mathews

  • add good samples for use in lpslot and lpinterp examples