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Adobe Xd Design mockup

Azure DevOps Pipeline

Installation steps

Angular installation steps

Open the cmd inside src/Voluntariat/ClientApp then run the following commands:

  • npm install
  • ng build

Web app installation steps

Open the cmd inside src/Voluntariat then run the following commands:

  • dotnet build

Setup database

  • Create appsettings.Development.json file by copying appsettings.json and leave in it only DefaultConnection
  • Change DefaultConnection to your connection string
  • Open Package Manager Console and run update-database

Starting the app

Start angular

Open the cmd inside src/Voluntariat/ClientApp then run the following command:

  • npm build

Start web app

Open the cmd inside src/Voluntariat then run the following command:

  • dotnet run

Technology stack

  • ASP.NET Core
  • MsSql Server
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Angular 9
  • Angular Material Design 9

Useful commands/templates

Azure MsSQL connection string

Data Source=tcp:{server},1433;Initial Catalog={database_name};User ID={username}@{server};Password={password}

Angular build & watch for changes(during development)

ng build --watch

Angular build in Production mode

ng build --prod

Publish ASP.NET Core App to specific folder(don't forget to build the Angular app first)

dotnet publish --configuration release --output output

Start ASP.NET Core App after publish to specific folder

dotnet run output/Voluntariat.dll

Start ASP.NET Core App in Production mode

dotnet run --environment "Production"

Docker commands

Remove images without tag

docker rmi $(docker images --filter “dangling=true” -q --no-trunc)

Build dockerfile

docker build -t core-api .

Run docker image

docker run --name core-api --env ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development -p 8080:80 core-api:latest

Docker compose commands

Build docker compose

docker-compose build

Run docker compose

docker-compose up