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Christopher edited this page Feb 14, 2016 · 4 revisions

Ti MSP430F5529 Documents

Ti USB Developer Package

Turns out you need a dev kit to effectively integrate a project into the provided API.

Download "" here:

Page of examples:

Setup your USBAPI toolchain

Get the delopers package zip from above, and extract it somewhere. Looking through its contents you now have driverlib, examples, and USB_API.

Driverlib appears to be a new thing since we took CPE323 with MSP430 architecture. It looks like Ti's attempt to "Arduino-ify" their MSP lineup in code (how does this connect or compare with Energia?). I'm not really a fan, but we have to use it in order for the USB API to compile, and it's BSD licensed -- which is nice.

Examples are always nice, the important thing here is that they include makefiles! We'll be able to use them as a leaping off point to developing prototype firmware. From the keyboard example, the USB API + driverlib appears to make writing USB compatible firmware pretty straightforward.

USB_API is the real folder we're after. Here are the source files to hook into from our firmware source and make things happen.

Copy the driverlib and USB_API folders into your source path and tie them into the modified makefiles. You should now be able to compile code! Look at the mspdebug section below for instructions on flashing to the device.


With F5529 and tilib.

mspdebug is my current program of choice to flash compiled binaries to MSP430s, it's a clean approach that doesn't get too weighed down like the other AUR utilities available.

To use mspdebug with a G2231, use the rf2500 driver. To use with a F5529 launchpad you need the tilib driver, which takes some setup.

In either of the following cases, you can replace the LD_LIBRARY_PATH export with a line in ~/.mspdebug, which is run like any ~/.bashrc script except only when mspdebug launches.

with mspds

We are package maintainers of the mspds AUR package. It's a very simple package which just fetches and installs to your /usr/lib/ directory.

  • Install mspds
  • Run mspdebug like so:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib; mspdebug tilib

If mspdebug crashes with a segfault and/or you have trouble flashing new firmware to the launchpad, then use the energia library temporarily along with sudo/root. Once the firmware is re-flashed, you can pivot back to this library.

with energia

Energia is not my favourite. But it does provide the library that mspdebug needs.

  • First -- ugh -- you need to get energia. I install from the AUR.
  • Next, find the location of file (/opt/energia/hardware/tools/msp430/bin/)
  • Then run mspdebug like so:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/energia/hardware/tools/msp430/bin; mspdebug tilib -d /dev/ttyACM0
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