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Packages In Use

Muah edited this page Dec 25, 2020 · 47 revisions

# Main

library description
vue Main
axios HTTP client
dropzone upload manager
laravel-echo WebSockets
music-metadata get audio files data "media"
plyr a better media player "media"
cropperjs image editor
camanjs (cdn) image editor "effects"

# Helpers

library description
vue-ls local storage "history layer"
vue-tippy tooltips
vue2-filters filter by
vue-notif notifications card
vue-clipboard2 copy to clipboard "item link"
vue-awesome font-awesome icons "svg icons on demand"
vue-touch touch support
vue-input-autowidth resize input dynamically "global search panel"
vue-image-compare2 image editor "diff"
vue-focuspoint-component focal point "upload options"
vue-infinite-loading auto load extra files on scroll
fuse.js fuzzy search "global search"
keycode handle "shortcuts"
bodymovin/lottie loading animation
Download-File-JS programmatic file download
animated-scroll-to reliable smooth scrolling
idb-keyval IndexedDB "audio data cache layer"
annyang Speech recognition "search"