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PROJECT - POC/Prototype

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@Shinabel Shinabel released this 16 Jun 03:58
· 92 commits to master since this release

Note to grader: Please see the latest release

(It was completed before the Sunday night deadline)

Release Details:

Prototype requirements:

Yelp API Integration

  • Implemented restaurant-searching using Yelp's restaurant database for when a user wants to recommend a restaurant to another user.

Search functionality

  • Implemented search bar to search through all existing posts in our mongoDB database. The results are displayed in a list with the post's title and author. Clicking the post title will redirect to the full post page, which also displays the post's description and list of responses.

Live Demo:

  1. Open the Heroku app
  2. Create an account under "Register" in the navigation bar
  3. Log in to your new account
  4. Once you are signed in, you can:
    1. Create a new post requesting a restaurant recommendation
    2. Reply to a post by recommending a restaurant to another user
    3. Update your profile
    4. Search through all posts

Run Locally:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run Node.js server:
    1. cd zelp-nodejs (from root directory)
    2. npm install
    3. node server.js
  3. Run Angular app
    1. cd zelp-angular (from root directory)
    2. npm install
    3. npm start
  4. Open http://localhost:4200 in your browser