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Howaner committed Dec 13, 2014
2 parents 8e753fa + 72b38c2 commit a595a4a
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Showing 104 changed files with 2,183 additions and 1,752 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,15 @@ compiler:
- if [ "$TRAVIS_MCSERVER_BUILD_TYPE" == "COVERAGE" ]; then sudo pip install cpp_coveralls; fi

# g++4.8
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
- sudo apt-get update -qq

# g++4.8
- sudo apt-get install -qq g++-4.8
- export CXX="g++-4.8"

# Build MCServer
script: ./

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions CONTRIBUTORS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ mgueydan
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2564,7 +2564,9 @@ World:ForEachEntity(
if not(a_Entity:IsMob()) then
local Monster = tolua.cast(a_Entity, "cMonster"); -- Get the cMonster out of cEntity, now that we know the entity represents one.
-- Get the cMonster out of cEntity, now that we know the entity represents one.
local Monster = tolua.cast(a_Entity, "cMonster");
if (Monster:GetMobType() == mtSpider) then
Monster:TeleportToCoords(Monster:GetPosX(), Monster:GetPosY() + 100, Monster:GetPosZ());
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion MCServer/Plugins/Core
Submodule Core updated from 4183d6 to 39d980
124 changes: 91 additions & 33 deletions MCServer/Plugins/Debuggers/Debuggers.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,39 +35,15 @@ function Initialize(Plugin)
-- _X: Disabled so that the normal operation doesn't interfere with anything
-- PM:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_CHUNK_GENERATED, OnChunkGenerated);
PM:BindCommand("/nick", "debuggers", HandleNickCmd, "- Gives you a custom name");
PM:BindCommand("/le", "debuggers", HandleListEntitiesCmd, "- Shows a list of all the loaded entities");
PM:BindCommand("/ke", "debuggers", HandleKillEntitiesCmd, "- Kills all the loaded entities");
PM:BindCommand("/wool", "debuggers", HandleWoolCmd, "- Sets all your armor to blue wool");
PM:BindCommand("/testwnd", "debuggers", HandleTestWndCmd, "- Opens up a window using plugin API");
PM:BindCommand("/gc", "debuggers", HandleGCCmd, "- Activates the Lua garbage collector");
PM:BindCommand("/fast", "debuggers", HandleFastCmd, "- Switches between fast and normal movement speed");
PM:BindCommand("/dash", "debuggers", HandleDashCmd, "- Switches between fast and normal sprinting speed");
PM:BindCommand("/hunger", "debuggers", HandleHungerCmd, "- Lists the current hunger-related variables");
PM:BindCommand("/poison", "debuggers", HandlePoisonCmd, "- Sets food-poisoning for 15 seconds");
PM:BindCommand("/starve", "debuggers", HandleStarveCmd, "- Sets the food level to zero");
PM:BindCommand("/fl", "debuggers", HandleFoodLevelCmd, "- Sets the food level to the given value");
PM:BindCommand("/spidey", "debuggers", HandleSpideyCmd, "- Shoots a line of web blocks until it hits non-air");
PM:BindCommand("/ench", "debuggers", HandleEnchCmd, "- Provides an instant dummy enchantment window");
PM:BindCommand("/fs", "debuggers", HandleFoodStatsCmd, "- Turns regular foodstats message on or off");
PM:BindCommand("/arr", "debuggers", HandleArrowCmd, "- Creates an arrow going away from the player");
PM:BindCommand("/fb", "debuggers", HandleFireballCmd, "- Creates a ghast fireball as if shot by the player");
PM:BindCommand("/xpa", "debuggers", HandleAddExperience, "- Adds 200 experience to the player");
PM:BindCommand("/xpr", "debuggers", HandleRemoveXp, "- Remove all xp");
PM:BindCommand("/fill", "debuggers", HandleFill, "- Fills all block entities in current chunk with junk");
PM:BindCommand("/fr", "debuggers", HandleFurnaceRecipe, "- Shows the furnace recipe for the currently held item");
PM:BindCommand("/ff", "debuggers", HandleFurnaceFuel, "- Shows how long the currently held item would burn in a furnace");
PM:BindCommand("/sched", "debuggers", HandleSched, "- Schedules a simple countdown using cWorld:ScheduleTask()");
PM:BindCommand("/cs", "debuggers", HandleChunkStay, "- Tests the ChunkStay Lua integration for the specified chunk coords");
PM:BindCommand("/compo", "debuggers", HandleCompo, "- Tests the cCompositeChat bindings");
PM:BindCommand("/sb", "debuggers", HandleSetBiome, "- Sets the biome around you to the specified one");
PM:BindCommand("/wesel", "debuggers", HandleWESel, "- Expands the current WE selection by 1 block in X/Z");
PM:BindCommand("/rmitem", "debuggers", HandleRMItem, "- Remove the specified item from the inventory.");
PM:BindCommand("/pickups", "debuggers", HandlePickups, "- Spawns random pickups around you");
PM:BindCommand("/poof", "debuggers", HandlePoof, "- Nudges pickups close to you away from you");
PM:BindConsoleCommand("sched", HandleConsoleSchedule, "Tests the world scheduling");
-- Load the InfoReg shared library:
dofile(cPluginManager:GetPluginsPath() .. "/InfoReg.lua")
-- Bind all the commands:
-- Bind all the console commands:
Plugin:AddWebTab("Debuggers", HandleRequest_Debuggers)
Plugin:AddWebTab("StressTest", HandleRequest_StressTest)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1643,3 +1619,85 @@ end
function HandleConsoleLoadChunk(a_Split)
-- Check params:
local numParams = #a_Split
if (numParams ~= 3) and (numParams ~= 4) then
return true, "Usage: " .. a_Split[1] .. " <ChunkX> <ChunkZ> [<WorldName>]"
-- Get the chunk coords:
local chunkX = tonumber(a_Split[2])
if (chunkX == nil) then
return true, "Not a number: '" .. a_Split[2] .. "'"
local chunkZ = tonumber(a_Split[3])
if (chunkZ == nil) then
return true, "Not a number: '" .. a_Split[3] .. "'"
-- Get the world:
local world
if (a_Split[4] == nil) then
world = cRoot:Get():GetDefaultWorld()
world = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(a_Split[4])
if (world == nil) then
return true, "There's no world named '" .. a_Split[4] .. "'."
-- Queue a ChunkStay for the chunk, log a message when the chunk is loaded:
world:ChunkStay({{chunkX, chunkZ}}, nil,
LOG("Chunk [" .. chunkX .. ", " .. chunkZ .. "] is loaded")
return true
function HandleConsolePrepareChunk(a_Split)
-- Check params:
local numParams = #a_Split
if (numParams ~= 3) and (numParams ~= 4) then
return true, "Usage: " .. a_Split[1] .. " <ChunkX> <ChunkZ> [<WorldName>]"
-- Get the chunk coords:
local chunkX = tonumber(a_Split[2])
if (chunkX == nil) then
return true, "Not a number: '" .. a_Split[2] .. "'"
local chunkZ = tonumber(a_Split[3])
if (chunkZ == nil) then
return true, "Not a number: '" .. a_Split[3] .. "'"
-- Get the world:
local world
if (a_Split[4] == nil) then
world = cRoot:Get():GetDefaultWorld()
world = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(a_Split[4])
if (world == nil) then
return true, "There's no world named '" .. a_Split[4] .. "'."
-- Queue the chunk for preparing, log a message when prepared:
world:PrepareChunk(chunkX, chunkZ,
function(a_CBChunkX, a_CBChunkZ)
LOG("Chunk [" .. chunkX .. ", " .. chunkZ .. "] has been prepared")
return true
223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions MCServer/Plugins/Debuggers/Info.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@

-- Info.lua

-- Implements the g_PluginInfo standard plugin description

g_PluginInfo =
Name = "Debuggers",
Version = "14",
Date = "2014-12-11",
Description = [[Contains code for testing and debugging the server. Should not be enabled on a production server!]],

Commands =
["/arr"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleArrowCmd,
HelpString = "Creates an arrow going away from the player"
["/compo"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleCompo,
HelpString = "Tests the cCompositeChat bindings"
["/cs"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleChunkStay,
HelpString = "Tests the ChunkStay Lua integration for the specified chunk coords"
["/dash"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleDashCmd,
HelpString = "Switches between fast and normal sprinting speed"
["/ench"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleEnchCmd,
HelpString = "Provides an instant dummy enchantment window"
["/fast"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleFastCmd,
HelpString = "Switches between fast and normal movement speed"
["/fb"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleFireballCmd,
HelpString = "Creates a ghast fireball as if shot by the player"
["/ff"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleFurnaceFuel,
HelpString = "Shows how long the currently held item would burn in a furnace"
["/fill"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleFill,
HelpString = "Fills all block entities in current chunk with junk"
["/fl"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleFoodLevelCmd,
HelpString = "Sets the food level to the given value"
["/fr"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleFurnaceRecipe,
HelpString = "Shows the furnace recipe for the currently held item"
["/fs"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleFoodStatsCmd,
HelpString = "Turns regular foodstats message on or off"
["/gc"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleGCCmd,
HelpString = "Activates the Lua garbage collector"
["/hunger"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleHungerCmd,
HelpString = "Lists the current hunger-related variables"
["/ke"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleKillEntitiesCmd,
HelpString = "Kills all the loaded entities"
["/le"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleListEntitiesCmd,
HelpString = "Shows a list of all the loaded entities"
["/nick"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleNickCmd,
HelpString = "Gives you a custom name",
["/pickups"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandlePickups,
HelpString = "Spawns random pickups around you"
["/poison"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandlePoisonCmd,
HelpString = "Sets food-poisoning for 15 seconds"
["/poof"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandlePoof,
HelpString = "Nudges pickups close to you away from you"
["/rmitem"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleRMItem,
HelpString = "Remove the specified item from the inventory."
["/sb"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleSetBiome,
HelpString = "Sets the biome around you to the specified one"
["/sched"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleSched,
HelpString = "Schedules a simple countdown using cWorld:ScheduleTask()"
["/spidey"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleSpideyCmd,
HelpString = "Shoots a line of web blocks until it hits non-air"
["/starve"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleStarveCmd,
HelpString = "Sets the food level to zero"
["/testwnd"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleTestWndCmd,
HelpString = "Opens up a window using plugin API"
["/wesel"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleWESel,
HelpString = "Expands the current WE selection by 1 block in X/Z"
["/wool"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleWoolCmd,
HelpString = "Sets all your armor to blue wool"
["/xpa"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleAddExperience,
HelpString = "Adds 200 experience to the player"
["/xpr"] =
Permission = "debuggers",
Handler = HandleRemoveXp,
HelpString = "Remove all xp"
}, -- Commands

ConsoleCommands =
["sched"] =
Handler = HandleConsoleSchedule,
HelpString = "Tests the world scheduling",
["loadchunk"] =
Handler = HandleConsoleLoadChunk,
HelpString = "Loads the specified chunk into memory",
["preparechunk"] =
Handler = HandleConsolePrepareChunk,
HelpString = "Prepares the specified chunk completely (load / gen / light)",
}, -- ConsoleCommands
} -- g_PluginInfo

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