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lotsaram edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 5 revisions


This process will delete a specified C-Level item or ALL consolidations in the dimension hierarchy.

Use Case: Could be used during development or in production.

  1. Delete a specific or all C-Level items in a hierarchy.

Valid dimension name (pDim) is mandatory otherwise the process will abort. Control dimensions are excluded.
The hierarchy (pHier) will default to pDim if not specified, otherwise it must be valid else the process will abort.
ALL consoldidated items in hierarchy will be deleted if consolidated item (pEle) is specified as *, otherwise it needs to contain valid c-level item(s).

⚠️Caution: Target hierarchy (pHier) cannot be Leaves.

Process Parameters

Parameter Data Type Default Prompt Text
pLogOutput Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Write parameters and action summary to server message log (Boolean True = 1)
pDim String REQUIRED: Dimension name
pHier String OPTIONAL: Hierarchy name (if blank then same named hierarchy as dimension is assumed)
pEle String OPTIONAL: Filter on elements (element list separated by delimiter, accepts wildcards (if * then all the consolidation elements get deleted))
pDelim String & OPTIONAL: Delimiter character for element list (default to '&' if blank)

Full Process Dependencies

Process ExecuteProcess RunProcess
}bedrock.hier.sub.create.bymdx Y N

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