If you haven’t learned ES6 yet, the time is now. - Eric Elliott
ES6 also know as ECMAScript 6 or ECMAScript 2015 is a fun and interesting addition to JavaScript. There's lots of ways to learn the content, here's my take on the topics. It's meant to have a low barrier of entry and to be consumed in six one hour sessions.
- Let and Const
- Arrow Functions and Lexical This
- Template Literals
- Destructuring
- Default + Rest + Spread
- Iterators + For..Of
- Generators
- Promises
Knowledge of JavaScript (ES5) is recommended.
Setup and use requires Git, Node JS, and a text editor such as VS Code.
If you're on a Mac, I'd suggest using Homebrew for installing the required software listed in Setup.
Inspired and some material from other awesome contributors to Open Source from around the Internet.
Made with ❤️, JavaScript, and GitHub.