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new colors!
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Kaleb White committed Feb 1, 2013
1 parent d772500 commit b77afd0
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Showing 17 changed files with 3,308 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added .DS_Store
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110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions colors/3dglasses.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
" Vim color file
" Name: 3dglasses
" Maintainer: Erik Falor <>
" Version: 1.1.1
" Version 1.1.1: Modified MatchParen group so that Matching < > in XML
" files stand out better.
" Version 1.1: Added support for GetLatestVimScripts
" Version 1.0: Initial upload
" GetLatestVimScripts: 2019 1 :AutoInstall: 3dglasses.vim

set background=dark
if version < 700
if exists("syntax_on")
hi clear
syntax reset

"map <F1> :echo synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")<CR>
let g:colors_name="3dglasses"

"3D Glasses palette
" {{{
let s:White = ['#ffffff', '#dddddd', '#bbbbbb']
let s:Black = ['#000000', '#001621', '#1B3641', '#00222B']
let s:DarkBlue = ['#00117B', '#0D4CAD', '#01BEF6']
let s:LightBlue = ['#004455', '#0088AA', '#00CCFF', '#55DDFF', '#80E5FF']
let s:Red = ['#2b0000', '#800000', '#AA0000', '#FF0000', '#FF2A2A', '#FF5555']
" }}}

hi Normal guibg=#00222B guifg=#00ffff
execute "hi Normal guibg=" . s:Black[3] . " guifg=" . s:LightBlue[4]
execute "hi NonText guibg=" . s:Black[3] . " guifg=" . s:Red[1]

" {{{ syntax
execute "hi Comment gui=italic guifg=" . s:LightBlue[2]
execute "hi Conditional gui=bold guifg=" . s:LightBlue[1]
execute "hi Constant gui=bold guifg=" . s:Red[2]
execute "hi Error guifg=" . s:Red[5] . " guibg=" . s:Red[0]
execute "hi Identifier gui=bold guifg=" . s:Red[3]
execute "hi Ignore guifg=" . s:Red[1]
execute "hi Operator gui=bold guifg=" . s:Red[5]
execute "hi PreProc gui=bold guifg=" . s:Red[3]
execute "hi Repeat gui=bold guifg=" . s:LightBlue[3]
execute "hi Special guifg=" . s:LightBlue[1]
execute "hi Statement gui=bold guifg=" . s:LightBlue[2]
execute "hi String guifg=" . s:DarkBlue[2]
execute "hi Title guifg=" . s:White[0]
execute "hi Todo gui=bold guisp=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=" . s:Red[4]
execute "hi Type guifg=" . s:LightBlue[4]
execute "hi Underlined gui=underline guifg=" . s:LightBlue[0]
" }}}

" {{{ groups
"execute "hi CursorIM TODO
"execute "hi DiffAdd
"execute "hi DiffChange
"execute "hi DiffDelete
"execute "hi DiffText
execute "hi Directory guifg=" . s:LightBlue[0]
"execute "hi Scrollbar TODO
"execute "hi SignColumn
"execute "hi SpecialKey guifg=" . s:Red[2]
"execute "hi SpellBad
"execute "hi SpellCap
"execute "hi SpellLocal
"execute "hi SpellRare

execute "hi Cursor guibg=" . s:DarkBlue[2] . " guifg=" . s:DarkBlue[0]
execute "hi CursorColumn guibg=" . s:Red[0]
execute "hi CursorLine guibg=" . s:Red[0]
execute "hi ErrorMsg guifg=" . s:White[0] . " guibg=" . s:Red[1]
execute "hi FoldColumn guibg=" . s:Red[0] . " guifg=" . s:Red[2]
execute "hi Folded guibg=" . s:Red[0] . " guifg=" . s:Red[2]
execute "hi IncSearch gui=none guibg=" . s:Red[2] . " guifg=" . s:Red[0]
execute "hi LineNr guibg=" . s:Black[3] . " guifg=" . s:LightBlue[4]
execute "hi MatchParen guibg=" . s:Red[2]
execute "hi ModeMsg guibg=NONE guifg=" . s:LightBlue[2]
execute "hi MoreMsg guibg=NONE guifg=" . s:Red[2]
execute "hi Pmenu guibg=" . s:LightBlue[3] . " guifg=" . s:DarkBlue[0]
execute "hi PmenuSbar guibg=" . s:LightBlue[3] . " guifg=" . s:Red[0]
execute "hi PmenuSel gui=bold guibg=" . s:LightBlue[3] . " guifg=" . s:Red[4]
execute "hi PmenuThumb guibg=" . s:LightBlue[3] . " guifg=" . s:Red[4]
execute "hi Question guifg=" . s:Red[2]
execute "hi Search gui=bold guisp=NONE guibg=" . s:LightBlue[4]
execute "hi StatusLine gui=none guibg=" . s:LightBlue[2] . " guifg=" . s:LightBlue[0]
execute "hi StatusLineNC gui=none guibg=" . s:Red[1] . " guifg=" . s:Red[4]
execute "hi TabLine guibg=" . s:Red[1] . " guifg=" . s:Red[3]
execute "hi TabLineFill guifg=" . s:Red[1]
execute "hi TabLineSel guibg=" . s:LightBlue[3] . " guifg=" . s:DarkBlue[0]
execute "hi Title gui=bold guifg=" . s:Red[3]
execute "hi VertSplit gui=none guibg=" . s:Red[1] . " guifg=" . s:Red[4]
execute "hi Visual guibg=" . s:Red[4] . " guifg=" . s:Red[0]
execute "hi VisualNOS gui=underline guibg=NONE"
execute "hi WarningMsg guifg=" . s:Red[3]
execute "hi WildMenu guifg=" . s:Red[0] . " guibg=" . s:Red[4]
" }}}

" {{{ GUI
"hi Menu TODO
"hi Scrollbar TODO
execute "hi Tooltip gui=none guibg=" . s:LightBlue[0] . " guifg=" . s:White[1]
" }}}
" vim:foldmethod=marker:

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