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Deploy cuplfrontend on Amazon S3 and cuplbackend on a DigitalOcean droplet.


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Deploys a system made up of:

System Diagram

Diagram showing cuplfrontend cuplbackend and the database

DNAME is short for DEPLOYMENT NAME d3 or latest

Frontend Diagram

Scanning cuplTag with an NFC phone causes the frontend web application to open.

The application is hosted at a domain, for example: and registered to the Amazon Route53 DNS server.

An A Record routes traffic to a Amazon CloudFront distribution. CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network, which stores copies of files from a given origin at edge locations worldwide.

CloudFront reduces latency in file access, compared to just hosting from S3. It is also easy to add an Amazon-provided SSL certificate, by requesting one in Amazon Certificate Manager. The frontend should be served over HTTPS in a production environment.

The frontend web application provides a Graphical User Interface to cuplbackend. Data are stored and retrieved via calls to its web-based API.

Backend Diagram

The backend web application is hosted at a domain name, for example:

The domain is registered with the DigitalOcean DNS server. An A record routes traffic to the IP address of a DigitalOcean Droplet, which is a virtual machine running Linux.

Services are packaged into Docker containers. This is done for isolation: one service is not able to interfere with another. Each sees its own Linux installation and has to install its own dependencies, thereby avoiding dependency hell.

The 3 services run on a single Docker instance using Docker Compose. Each is defined in docker-compose.yml:

  1. Nginx-certbot runs the web server, Nginx. This acts as a reverse proxy. It rewrites requests received over TCP/IP into the WSGI protocol, which is standard for Python web applications.
  2. The cuplbackend web application. It is built atop of the Flask framework. The application exposes two HTTPS APIs. The interface is text only: data are read and written as JSON. Data are persisted in an external PostgreSQL database.
  3. A Redis instance. A cuplbackend dependency named Flask-Limiter uses this to record and block API requests.


This tutorial demonstrates how to run the cupl web application, which consists of a frontend and a backend. This will be set up on your own infrastructure, accessible from a ROOT_DOMAIN of your choice.

The frontend and backend are hosted on separate subdomains.

Multiple instances, or deployments, of the web application can share a ROOT_DOMAIN. These can run different application versions.

Each deployment has a DEPLOY_NAME:

  • A test deployment (required). DEPLOY_NAME = latest
  • Production deployment (optional). These are named dX where X is any integer. example DEPLOY_NAME = d3
Frontend Backend
Functionality View cuplTag data. Plot samples in charts and export CSV files. Stores / retrieves cuplTag samples and metadata from a database.
Interface Graphical (screenshots) Text-based API (docs)
Subdomain example
Host AWS Cloudfront CDN DigitalOcean Droplet


  1. A GitHub account.
  2. A DigitalOcean account.
  3. An AWS account.


Create the Backend Droplet

This part of the tutorial is derived from an article by Daniel Wachtel.

Start Droplet Specification
  1. Sign into DigitalOcean.
  2. Select Droplets from the left menu.
  3. Select Create Droplet.
  4. Select a datacenter (example San Francisco 3).
  5. Keep the defaults (screenshot):
    • Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) x64.
    • Basic Shared CPU.
    • Regular Intel with 2GB of RAM.
  6. The monitoring add-on is recommended.
  7. Under Authentication select SSH keys.
  8. Select New SSH Key
  9. The Add public SSH key popup will open.
Create an SSH Key Pair for the Root User
  1. Open a Bash shell on your local machine.
  2. Run cd ~/.ssh
  3. Run ssh-keygen.
  4. Name your keypair DEPLOY_NAME-ROOT_DOMAIN-root (example latest-lpuc-root).
  5. Enter a passphrase.
  6. Press ENTER and the key pair (a public and private key) will be generated.
Copy the Public Key to the Droplet
  1. Run cat (example cat to display the public key.
  2. Copy the public key.
  3. Paste it into the SSH key content box, which is in the Add public SSH key popup. image-20210727222512067
  4. Enter DEPLOY_NAME-ROOT_DOMAIN-root (example latest-lpuc-root) as the Name.
  5. Click Add SSH Key.
Back up the Private Key

Recommendation: store the private key and the passphrase in a secure location, such as a password manager. If you lose these credentials, you will lose root access to your droplet, which is needed to install security updates. The private key can be seen by entering cat DEPLOY_NAME-ROOT_DOMAIN-root without the .pub suffix.

Finalize Droplet Specification
  1. Under Choose a hostname enter cupldeploy-DEPLOY_NAME-ROOT_DOMAIN (example cupldeploy-latest-lpuc).
  2. Select Create Droplet.
  3. Wait for the Droplet to be created.
  4. Note the IPV4 address of your droplet in the top-left corner as BACKEND_DROPLET_IPV4 (highlighted in yellow). image-20210727225556294

Install NGINX Web Server on the Droplet

NGINX is installed here for test purposes and removed later. The test web page Welcome to NGINX! shows your droplet (and later your DNS) is running ok.

The following steps assume the droplet private key is located in the ~/.ssh folder on your local machine.

  1. Open a Bash shell.
  2. Type ssh root@BACKEND_DROPLET_IPV4 (example ssh root@
  3. Enter the private key passphrase.
  4. You will be logged into the droplet as root.
  5. Run apt-get install nginx


Test the Web Server
  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Enter http://BACKEND_DROPLET_IPV4 in the address bar. You must use HTTP, because HTTPS has not been set up yet.
  3. Expect to see the nginx test page (screenshot).

Register your Root Domain

  1. Sign into Amazon Route 53 using your AWS account.

  2. In the Register domain section, find and buy your choice of ROOT_DOMAIN. image-20210725185842549

  3. Wait for domain name registration to complete.


Add an A Record for the Droplet

The backend web application should be accessible from a domain name and not just an IP address.

This will be referred to as: LATEST_DROPLET_HOST = latest.b.ROOT_DOMAIN (example

An A record points LATEST_DROPLET_HOST to your web server at BACKEND_DROPLET_IPV4.

  1. Sign into Amazon Route 53 using your AWS account.

  2. Select Hosted Zones.

  3. Select the ROOT_DOMAIN you created in the previous step. This hosted zone was created automatically in the previous step. image-20210731143437729

  4. You will see 2 records: NS and SOA. Select Create Record in the top left. image-20210731145258815

  5. Under Record name enter latest.b

  6. Under Value enter BACKEND_DROPLET_IPV4 (example

  7. Change TTL (seconds) to 60.

  8. Select Create records.


  9. The newly created A record will show in the list. Wait at least 60 seconds for the DNS change to propagate.

Test the A Record
  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Enter http://LATEST_DROPLET_HOST in the address bar. You must use HTTP, because HTTPS has not been set up yet.
  3. Expect to see the test page (screenshot).

Remove NGINX from the Droplet

NGINX is no longer needed, so uninstall it from your droplet. Instructions are similar to those used for installation.

  1. Open a Bash shell on your local machine.
  2. Type ssh root@BACKEND_DROPLET_IPV4 (example ssh root@
  3. Enter the private key passphrase.
  4. You will be logged into the droplet as root.
  5. Run apt-get remove nginx nginx-common, then Y to confirm.
  6. The server still runs after removal. Run killall nginx to stop it.

Install Docker on the Droplet

Whilst still connected to the droplet as root, install the latest version of docker using the repository.

Install Docker-Compose on the Droplet

The GitHub Actions Runner uses the Docker Contexts feature to deploy containers onto the (remote) droplet.

Both the runner and droplet must run the same version of docker-compose. A mismatch can cause container deployments to fail.

As of writing, cupldeploy supports docker-compose version 1.27.4. To install this on your droplet, run the following as root:

curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

When finished, run docker-compose -v.

Expect to see:


Add a Non-root User to the Droplet

The cupldeploy GitHub Actions script signs into the droplet cupldeploy-latest-lpuc as a non-root user: LATEST_DROPLET_USERNAME.

In this tutorial, LATEST_DROPLET_USERNAME = deployer.

  1. Open an SSH connection to your droplet as root (if this is not already open).
  2. Run adduser deployer.
  3. Set a long password of your choice.
  4. Remove the need to be sudo in order to run docker (source)
    1. Run sudo groupadd docker.
    2. Run sudo usermod -aG docker deployer.

Create an SSH key pair for deployer

This should be done on your local machine. Do not create the key pair on the droplet.

  1. Open a Bash shell on your local machine.
  2. Run ssh-keygen to create an SSH keypair for the deployer user.
  3. Name your keypair DEPLOY_NAME-ROOT_DOMAIN-deployer (example latest-lpuc-deployer).
  4. Do not create a passphrase for this key pair.
Copy the Public Key for deployer to the Droplet

The script below is thanks to Michael Wyraz. Modify it according to your needs and run on your local machine. It:

  1. Makes an SSH connection from your local machine to the droplet as root.
  2. Copies the SSH public key file (stored locally as into the authorized_keys file for the droplet user deployer.
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh "sudo mkdir /home/deployer/.ssh; sudo tee -a /home/deployer/.ssh/authorized_keys"
Save the Private Key for Later

View the private key by entering cat DEPLOY_NAME-ROOT_DOMAIN-deployer (example latest-lpuc-deployer).

From now on, this will be known as LATEST_DROPLET_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY. Save it to your password manager.

Test the SSH Connection

This step verifies that you can use SSH to connect to the backend droplet as deployer.

  1. Open a Bash shell on your local machine.
  2. Run ssh deployer@LATEST_DROPLET_HOST (example ssh
  3. Expect the SSH connection to open successfully (screenshot).


cuplbackend stores data in a Postgres 11 database. The connection is set by the following GitHub Secrets:

DB_USER Database username.

DB_PASS Database password.

DB_HOST Database host name or IP address.

DB_PORT Database port number.

LATEST_DB_NAME Database name.

These are used by to construct a connection string in the format


Any database provider can be used, but a managed solution (with automatic backups) is recommended for production.

There are benefits to co-locating your database server with the backend application server (droplet):

  • Reduced latency.
  • Improved security. The DB server can communicate over a private network (VPC). There is no need to expose it to the internet.

Create a DigitalOcean Database

In this tutorial, we will set up a DigitalOcean managed database in the same datacenter that hosts our droplet.

  1. Sign into DigitalOcean.
  2. Select Databases from the left menu.
  3. Select Create a Database Cluster.
  4. Under Choose a database engine select PostgreSQL version 11.
  5. The default cluster configuration will work.
  6. Select the same datacenter that your droplet is in (example San Francisco 3). (screenshot)
  7. Under Choose a unique database cluster name enter db-postgresql-DATACENTER-ROOT_DOMAIN (example db-postgresql-sfo3-lpuc).
  8. Select the green Create a Database Cluster button.
  9. You will enter the getting started step-by-step, whilst the database is provisioned. Click Get Started.
  10. Under Add trusted sources enter the name of your droplet. (screenshot)
  11. Select Allow these inbound sources only.
  12. Select Continue, I'll do this later followed by Great, I'm done.
  13. From the top menu, select Users & Databases.
  14. Under Add new user enter deployer followed by Save.
  15. Under Add new database enter latest-lpuc-db followed by Save. An empty database will be created. (screenshot)
  16. Finally we will note our database credentials. From the top menu, select Overview.
  17. Under Connection Details select VPC network.
  18. Under User select deployer.
  19. Under Database/Pool select latest-lpuc-db. (screenshot)
  20. Record the following:
Variable Name Connection Details Name Example
DB_USER username deployer
DB_PASS password click show to reveal
DB_HOST host private-db-***
DB_PORT port 25060
LATEST_DB_NAME database latest-lpuc-db
DB_SSLMODE sslmode require

Run cupldeploy

Fork the Git Repository

  1. Navigate to

  2. Sign into GitHub.

  3. Select the Fork button in the top-right corner. image-20210801150235279

  4. The forked repository will open.


Define GitHub Secrets

GitHub Secrets are a means of providing sensitive strings to Actions scripts. Similar to environment variables, these must be defined for your forked repository for Actions to run successfully. Secrets ensure that sensitive data are not stored in the GitHub repository itself.

  1. Select Settings from the top menu.

  2. Select Secrets from the left submenu.

  3. Select the New repository secret button.


  4. Under Name enter DB_HOST.

  5. Under Value enter the database host name recorded earlier.

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 6 until all of the following are defined:

Name Value
DB_USER link
DB_PASS link
DB_HOST link
DB_PORT link
LATEST_HASHIDS_SALT *** random string ***
LATEST_CSRF_SESSION_KEY *** random string ***
LATEST_SECRET_KEY *** random string ***
CERTBOT_EMAIL Your email address

Recommendation: Save all secrets in a password manager. These will not be readable again on GitHub.

Recommendation: Random strings should be at least 20 characters in length, mixed case and contain letters, symbols and numbers.

Run the Deployment Action

  1. Select Actions from the top menu.
  2. If this is the first time, you will see a warning message. When you are satisfied, select I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them.
  3. Select the workflow CI from the left menu.
  4. Select Run workflow image-20210801170204562
  5. Expect to see 2 out of the 3 tasks pass with a green tick. Refer to troubleshooting if the backend deployment task 'Use docker-compose over SSH to run cuplbackend...' fails. It is normal for the frontend deployment 'Build react app and copy to S3' to fail at this stage. screenshot

Test cuplbackend

If either of these tests fail, see troubleshooting.

  1. In a web browser, navigate to latest.b.ROOT_DOMAIN (example Expect to see: screenshot

  2. Click on the Consumer API Root link. Expect to see the page below. The consumer API is being served. screenshot


This part of the installation guide is based on an article by Andrew Bestbier.

S3 Bucket

  1. Sign into Amazon S3.
  2. Select Create bucket. (screenshot)
  3. Enter a unique bucket name. This will be referred to as AWS_S3_BUCKET (example lpuc-frontend-bucket).
  4. Select an AWS Region where the bucket will be created. You can leave the default. This will be referred to as AWS_S3_REGION (example us-east-2).
  5. Uncheck block all public access. The web application will be hosted from here, so public access is required.
  6. Check **I acknowledge that the current settings... **
  7. Select Create bucket.
Enable Static Web Hosting
  1. Select your AWS_S3_BUCKET. (screenshot)
  2. Select the Properties tab.
  3. Scroll down to Static website hosting and enable it.
  4. Set the Index document to index.html.
  5. Set the Error document to index.html.
  6. Select Save changes.
  7. Your bucket will be assigned a URL.


Edit Permissions

When you visit the URL, you will see an error message 403 Forbidden. There is a problem with permissions.

  1. Return to the bucket settings and select the Permissions tab.

  2. Scroll down the Bucket policy section. Select Edit.

  3. Paste the following into the Policy text box, substituting lpuc-frontend-bucket with your AWS_S3_BUCKET name.

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": "*",
                "Action": "s3:GetObject",
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::lpuc-frontend-bucket/*"
  4. Select Save changes.

  5. Navigate to the bucket URL again and expect to see 404 Not Found. The bucket is empty for now.

Create an AWS User with Limited Access

  1. Sign into AWS Identity and Access Management.
  2. Select Users from the left-hand menu. image-20210811095253005
  3. Select Add users.
  4. Enter a User name (example lpuc-aws-user).
  5. Check Programmatic access.
  6. Select Next: Permissions.
  7. Select Attach existing policies directly.
  8. Search for and check AmazonS3FullAccess.
  9. Search for and check CloudFrontFullAccess.
  10. Select Next: Tags.
  11. Select Next: Review (screenshot)
  12. Select Create user.
  13. On the next screen you are given credentials for the new user. AWS will not show these to you again and you will need them later. image-20210811102123088
    1. Record the Access key ID as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
    2. Show the Secret access key and record it as AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

Obtain an ACM Certificate

This is needed for cuplfrontend to be served over HTTPS. The next section assumes your ROOT_DOMAIN was registered with Amazon Route 53.

  1. Sign into AWS Certificate Manager.

  2. In the top-right corner, change your region to US East (N. Virginia).


  3. Under Provision certificates select Get started.

  4. Check Request a public certificate and select Request a certificate.

  5. Under Domain name enter the domain your frontend application will be served from. This will be in the format DEPLOY_NAME.f.ROOT_DOMAIN (example

  6. Select Next.

  7. Check DNS validation and select Next.

  8. Select Review (screenshot).

  9. Select Confirm and request.

  10. Open the drop down for your domain and select Create record in Route 53. image-20210811104227816

  11. Select Create. A CNAME DNS record will be created in your Route 53 hosted zone. ACM uses this as proof of domain ownership when issuing a certificate.

CloudFront CDN

CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network. It copies files from the S3 bucket to locations around the world. Web application load times are reduced when files are in close proximity to your users. It also provides an easy means of serving the frontend over HTTPS, using the certificate created above.

Create a Distribution
  1. Sign into AWS CloudFront.
  2. Select Create Distribution.
  3. Under Select a delivery method select Get Started.
  4. Under Origin Domain Name select your AWS_S3_BUCKET from the drop-down.
  5. Under Origin Path enter the DEPLOY_NAME preceded by a / (example /latest).
  6. Under Restrict Bucket Access check No.
  7. Under Viewer Protocol Policy select Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
  8. Under Alternate Domain Names (CNAMES) enter DEPLOY_NAME.f.ROOT_DOMAIN (example
  9. Under SSL Certificate check Custom SSL Certificate.
  10. Select your ACM certificate from the drop down list. (screenshot)
  11. Select Create Distribution in the bottom right.
  12. The distribution will take several minutes to start. Wait for In Progress to change to Enabled. image-20210812232645488
  13. Make a note of the distribution ID (covered in blue above). There is one distribution per deployment. For DEPLOY_NAME = latest, the variable will be named LATEST_AWS_CLOUDFRONT_DIST_ID.
  14. Also make a note of the domain name.
Define the Error Page

The 403 error page does not route to the page defined in the frontend web application, unless these steps are followed:

  1. Go to the distributions list in CloudFront.
  3. Select the Error Pages tab from the top menu.
  4. Select Create Custom Error Response.
  5. Under Customize Error Response check Yes.
  6. Under Response Page Path enter /index.html.
  7. Under HTTP response code enter 200.
Add an A Record to the CloudFront Distribution
  1. Sign into Amazon Route 53.
  2. Select Hosted Zones.
  3. Select your ROOT_DOMAIN.
  4. Select Create record in the top right.
  5. Under Record name enter latest.f
  6. Enable the Alias switch.
  7. From the dropdown menu select Alias to CloudFront Distribution.
  8. Select your distribution domain name from the dropdown list.
  9. Change TTL (seconds) to 60.
  10. Select Create records.


Re-run cupldeploy

Define GitHub Secrets
  1. Navigate to your fork of cupldeploy on GitHub.

  2. Follow the instructions here to add the following secrets:

Name Value Required
AWS_S3_BUCKET link Yes
AWS_S3_REGION link Yes
Re-Run the cupldeploy Action
  1. Follow the instructions here to run the deployment action again.
  2. Expect to see green ticks everywhere. Both the backend and frontend should deploy successfully.


Test cuplfrontend

In a web browser, navigate to latest.f.ROOT_DOMAIN (example Expect to see:


If you do, stop work for the day and open a beer. I'll have a Staropramen, cheers! You now have a graphical frontend to the backend you deployed earlier.