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Symfony Angular SPA Template

This template is heavily inspired in Microsoft SPA templates for ASP.NET Core. It's an Agular project with a Symfony project inside the ServerApp directory


This template assumes that you have installed the following tools and they are available in your $PATH:


Client Side

To install all client side dependencies run:

npm install

Server Side

To install all server side dependencies run:

npm run dependencies:serverapp

Development server

To run the project run npm run serve and go to http://localhost:3000. Symfony API will be available at http://localhost:3000/api


The npm run build script will generate a ready to deploy code with both client side and server side apps. Upload the generated /dist directory to your apache webserver and make sure that your server root directory is /public.


There's a production ready-ish Dockerfile using multistage builds for smaller image size.

Other SPA templates

You can check this other Symfony SPA templates