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A Flask-based wrapper for the SKCC Skimmer. Provides a web-based interface for SKCC spots and sked status


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This is a web wrapper to K7MJG's SKCC skimmmer python application.

It parses the output of a out-of-the box configuration of his application and displays them in a web page. This webpage is mobile friendly, too.

Behind the scenes, the web app will kick off a process for K7MJG's SKCC skimmer application. You won't normally see the output of this process. The web app will translate the output that you would normally see and places it in a convenient website that you can browse from inside your network.

It's not recommended that you expose this website to the outside world. You do so at your own risk!!!

Main web app User Interface:

Skimmer Screenshot

Info from SKED page:

SKED Screenshot

Note: the green text is what you get from a QSO from this member.

Info from a RBN SPOT:

SKED Screenshot

Note: This is highlighted blue because its the first time the skimmer saw this member and you need them for goals or targets. They also may need you for their target hence the "/ they: C".

Configuring SKCC SKIMMER

Once you've downloaded either the release or the source directly, you must configure the SKCC SKIMMER in order for it to work correctly. If you have used K7MJG's SKCC skimmmer before then you have already done this and the rest should be easy. If not there's only a few lines to configure.

If you have already run K7MJG's skimmer before then you just need to copy and paste your existing skcc_skimmer.cfg over the included file of the same name. If you have never run the skimmer before, open the included file and update these three things:

  • Your callsign: MY_CALLSIGN
  • Your QTHs Maidenhead GridSquare: MY_GRIDSQUARE
  • the path to your master adi file (skcclogger): ADI_FILE

For example, here's what my skcc_skimmer.cfg looks like in the file (this is on Windows 10):

    MY_CALLSIGN    = 'KQ4DAP'           
    MY_GRIDSQUARE  = 'EM82dl'           
    SPOTTER_RADIUS = 750          

    ADI_FILE       = r'C:\\SKCCLogger\\Logs\\skcc.adi'

You could also take the time to change your goals, targets, and bands. Refer to the skcc_skimmer configuration for more information.

To configure web-app specific options open skimmerwebapp.cfg.

Running the Webapp - Windows

This section is for Windows users:

  1. Download the release package
  2. Extract to a location you will be able to find again
  3. Update the included skcc_skimmer.cfg file inside the package by either:
    • copying an existing skcc_skimmer.cfg into here
    • open the file and update the needed settings
  4. Execute the run_webapp.bat file.
  5. Point your browser to to see the website

You should see a command prompt appear with server status information and some other output. This is the skimmer running and printing. It prints out a lot. If needed this can be disabled, look in skimmwerwebapp.cfg

Running the Webapp - Others

This section is for non-Windows users and other cool people.

Run directly from source using Python. It's really not that hard, and the process is explained in the next sections:

Install Dependencies

You need Python 3, Flask, and Flask_sock.

After installing Python, at the command prompt run these:

$ python -m pip install flask
$ python -m pip install flask_sock

Or, optionally

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt    
#  ^^^ will include pyinstaller which is needed for exe releases

Running the WEB APP

Once this file is updated and saved, you are ready to run the application at the command prompt, like so:

$ python

Browse to the location it outputs ( and enjoy.

Running with Docker

Coming soon. Hopefully!


- Cainan KQ4DAP


A Flask-based wrapper for the SKCC Skimmer. Provides a web-based interface for SKCC spots and sked status





