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Korra looks over Republic City

Korra builds on Vegeta to process sessions that simulate one or many users moving through a prescribed workflow. This is quite different from typical load testing tools , and if you're trying to flood your site with customers randomly browsing your product catalog you should use something like:

or any of a number of other, far more mature tools. (This presentation might provide some additional background on that.)

So each concurrent session that Korra processes is backed by a script, which is just an ordered sequence of simple actions. How you generate this script is up to you. It's plain text and in a straightforward format very similar to Vegeta, allowing custom headers and body per request along with additional directives to pause between steps, or poll a URL until a specified halt condition.

It walks through these actions one at a time in a session, logging information about each transaction. Every session is separate from every other session, and we use Go's concurrency model to potentially represent many thousands of users on a single node.

Once all sessions are complete you can report on the results. Transaction results can be dumped to JSON or CSV formats so you can process with your favorite tools, and there are some simple reports Korra can generate out of the box.


  • Sample scripts
  • Discuss script generation strategy
  • Reporting rethink
    • Do histograms and time based trends for URL buckets -- that is, use them in places other than text reporter
    • Time based trends across URLs
    • Filters for reporting and dump (keep this?)
    • Be able to output to file for pg COPY
    • Add request count distribution for text reporters
  • Tests (currently just brought over from Vegeta, boo)
  • Point sessions to URL to get tarball with data and to upload results
    • Start 'leader' process with pointer to directory of tarballs + common key followers must provide to get + report data
    • Doles them out one at a time to followers via /data; follower must include some unique name + common key
    • Takes results via /data along with unique name + common key
  • godoc, other stuff I don't know about

Install and Run: CLI

You need go installed and GOBIN in your PATH. Once that is done, run:

$ go get
$ go install

After that run korra from the command-line to see if you've got everything setup.

Install and Run: Docker

You can also reference a Docker container and mount your scripts. You'll need to mount your directory of scripts to /app/scripts, which is where the output will be written as well:

$ docker run -v /path/to/myscripts:/app/scripts cwinters/korra

You can also use the container to run other commands -- for example, you can validate your scripts:

$ docker run -v /path/to/myscripts:/app/scripts cwinters/korra validate

Or generate reports:

$ docker run -v /path/to/myscripts:/app/scripts cwinters/korra report

These simple commands work because many commands default to the current working directory for inputs, and the container sets its WORKDIR to /app/scripts.

Here's a simple example executing a script and running a report on it:

$ mkdir sample

$ echo 'GET' > sample/one.txt

$ ls sample

$ docker run -v $(pwd)/sample:/app/scripts cwinters/korra output...

$ ls sample
one.bin one.txt

$ docker run -v $(pwd)/sample:app/scripts cwinters/korra report
OVERALL: 1 results
Requests	[total]				1
Duration	[total, attack, wait]		136.790285ms, 0, 136.790285ms
Latencies	[mean, 50, 95, 99, max]		136.790285ms, 136.790285ms, 136.790285ms, 136.790285ms, 136.790285ms
Bytes In	[total, mean]			0, 0.00
Bytes Out	[total, mean]			0, 0.00
Success		[ratio]				100.00%
Status Codes	[code:count]			200:1
Error Set:
GET /: 1 results
Requests	[total]				1
Duration	[total, attack, wait]		136.790285ms, 0, 136.790285ms
Latencies	[mean, 50, 95, 99, max]		136.790285ms, 136.790285ms, 136.790285ms, 136.790285ms, 136.790285ms
Bytes In	[total, mean]			0, 0.00
Bytes Out	[total, mean]			0, 0.00
Success		[ratio]				100.00%
Status Codes	[code:count]			200:1
Error Set:

That doesn't exercise much Korra functionality, but it gives you an idea of how easy it is to run with containers.


Scripts are text files that specify a few commands:

  • Execute an HTTP request
  • Pause execution
  • Output a comment to the log

Some commands comprise a single line, but they can also use successive lines for additional context.

HTTP commands

An HTTP command looks like:

http-method url
[header-key: header-value]

The first line is common to pretty much every load testing tool -- an HTTP method and URL to hit. Korra supports the HTTP methods: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT. Adding more is fairly trivial but we need a good use case.

Similar to Vegeta Korra supports custom headers and bodies per-request. Headers are sent as-is, though we trim any leading and trailing whitespace from both the key and value. Empty values are not allowed, and invalid request body references will prevent Korra from starting. You can check both with the validate command (see below).

For example, here's a sequence of two HTTP commands separated by a pause:

PAUSE 4850

And here's the same thing but with additional context for each HTTP command:

Authorization: Token ABCDEFG
PAUSE 4850
Authorization: Token ABCDEFG
Accept: image/*

Here's another example, this time with headers and a body reference:

Authorization: Token ABCDEFG
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token ABCDEFG
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

Each HTTP request will result in an entry in the performance data. You'll see entries in the log like:

15:36:53.542024 user_110213.txt 8/23: 200 => GET /pages/students/answers/4321, 374 ms
15:36:53.543519 user_112635.txt 11/19: 201 => POST /api/assignments/7654/share, 53 ms

Polling HTTP commands

Polling HTTP commands have only two differences from HTTP commands:

  1. prefix the method with POLL,
  2. optionally tell Korra when she should stop polling.

Here's what it looks like:

POLL http-method url
[header-key: header-value]
[[Wait=time-in-ms Count=max-polls Status=regex-indicating-stop]]

By default the polling parameters are:

[Wait=1000 Count=5 Status=^2\d\d$]

which means we'll request the given method + URL, waiting 1 second between polls, until the first of:

  • we've polled five times, or
  • we get a status between 200 and 299

So say we've got a GET that will return a 204 until our resource is fully baked, at which point it will return a 200. To poll for that at a two-second interval we'd do:

Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token ABCDEF
[Wait=2000 Status=200]

Each poll will result in a separate transaction entry for reporting.

If you've got verbose logging on you might see the above command result in the log entries:

15:36:52.26492 user_112762.txt 12/31: 204 => GET /my/baked/resource, 29 ms
15:36:52.264939 user_112762.txt 12/31: Attempt 1 requires retry, 2000 ms pause until next poll
15:36:54.289954 user_112762.txt 12/31: 204 => GET /my/baked/resource, 24 ms
15:36:54.289974 user_112762.txt 12/31: Attempt 2 requires retry, 2000 ms pause until next poll
15:36:56.312294 user_112762.txt 12/31: 204 => GET /my/baked/resource, 22 ms
15:36:56.312315 user_112762.txt 12/31: Attempt 3 requires retry, 2000 ms pause until next poll
15:36:58.385529 user_112762.txt 12/31: 200 => GET /my/baked/resource, 73 ms

which would turn up in four separate entries in the performance data.

Additionally every transaction result has the RequestCount attribute; for non-polled requests this will always be 1. For polled requests it will request the poll number (starting at 1) so you can report on a distribution of how many polls it takes to retrieve a particular resource.


A PAUSE does what it says, pauses that session a given number of milliseconds:

PAUSE 5918

If you verbose logging is on you'll see this logged as:

15:36:21.668284 user_112762.txt 10/31: Sleeping (5918 ms)...

Pausing has no impact on any other session, and doesn't show up in any transaction result.


A COMMENT just results in a message sent to the log, with the message as everything after the COMMENT dierective. So from:

COMMENT ===== Start assignment 'Thinking about the emotions of color'

You'll see a logging message:

15:36:24.912834 user_112762.txt 11/31: ===== Start assignment 'Thinking about the emotions of color'

Comments show up even if you do not have verbose logging on. They have no functional impact on the session and do not show up in any transaction result.

Command arguments

Globs and directories

Arguments that take a single file can typically take a glob. But you need to ensure that Korra gets the glob, not the shell. So you'll need to single-quote it:

# OK
$ korra validate -file 'data/*.bin'
$ korra report -inputs 'data/user_1*.bin'

$ korra validate -file data/*.bin
$ korra report -inputs data/user_1*.bin

Additionally we'll try to do the right thing if you provide a directory instead. An argument specifying scripts will expand a {directory} to {directory}/*.txt; one defining results will expand it to {directory}/*.bin.

Sessions command

The sessions command is the heart of Korra. It takes a directory of session files and executes them all, recording performance data for each. (It also takes a series of arguments to configure HTTP client behavior, but we'll deal with that later.)


The overall log, which defaults to STDOUT, will print overall status periodically; if you provide the -verbose argument (or are in -pretend mode) you'll get progress for every session. Even if you're verbosely logging you can get a high-level view of progress with:

ubuntu@ip-10-3-2-144:~/loadtest$ tail -f 20150217-962-1x-10sp.log  | grep complete
15:44:09.074761 29651/30564 actions complete (97.01%); 914/962 sessions complete (95.01%)
15:44:39.075068 29721/30564 actions complete (97.24%); 916/962 sessions complete (95.22%)
15:45:09.075379 29787/30564 actions complete (97.46%); 922/962 sessions complete (95.84%)

The period length defaults to 30 seconds, you can change it with the -status option.

Validate command

The validate command tells you as much as it can about whether your scripts can be processed without actually running them. It will check all of the following:

  • HTTP invocations are valid (e.g., not just POLL GET)
  • HTTP methods are valid
  • HTTP URLs can be parsed
  • HTTP body file references exist
  • Headers have values
  • PAUSE has an integer argument
  • Polling parameters are integers or valid regular expressions

These checks are done for all actions in the specified file and default behavior is to display only problems. Passing in -verbose will display a summary of every action, which can be a useful sanity check.

Examples against a single file and glob:

$ korra validate -file user_19949.txt
===== FILE user_19949.txt OK

$ korra validate -file user_19950.txt
===== FILE user_19950.txt FAIL 2
Line 2: Invalid HTTP method: POLLGET
Line 10: Expected int as argument to PAUSE, got 'a-while'

$ korra validate -file 'scripts/*.txt'
===== FILE scripts/user_105967.txt FAIL 1
Line 10: Expected int as argument to PAUSE, got 'a-while'
===== FILE scripts/user_105968.txt OK
===== FILE scripts/user_105969.txt OK

Dump command

The dump command just serializes every performance result from the Go serialization format (gob) to either CSV or JSON.

Report command

The report command takes a set of transaction files and summarizes them in some way. There some functionality removed that's in Vegeta -- we concentrate on creating some useful summaries and allowing some configuration of them (i.e., defining the URL patterns to cut across) and then allowing you to export data to formats you can use in other tools.

One thing you can do is define URL buckets we'll report on. If you don't provide them we'll try to infer patterns from what we see -- which is rudimentary right now, just looking at digit-only path pieces and treating those as variable.

If you define them yourself just put one method and pattern per line in a file and reference that file from the report command. A pattern is a URL path with a * where paths may vary.

For example, the following would group blog posts by month:

GET /2015/04/*/*
GET /2015/03/*/*
GET /2015/02/*/*
GET /2015/01/*/*
GET /2014/12/*/*
GET /2014/11/*/*
GET /2014/10/*/*

And if you run a report with -show-urls you might see output like this:

GET /2015/02/*/*: 4 results
Requests	[total]				4
Duration	[total, attack, wait]		200.747558ms, 130.282399ms, 70.465159ms
Latencies	[mean, 50, 95, 99, max]		83.355554ms, 79.039844ms, 85.634748ms, 85.634748ms, 98.282467ms
Bytes In	[total, mean]			0, 0.00
Bytes Out	[total, mean]			0, 0.00
Success		[ratio]				100.00%
Status Codes	[code:count]			200:4
Error Set:
URLs in bucket:
	/2015/02/01/some-follow-ups.html: 2
	/2015/02/28/spreadsheets.html: 2
GET /2015/01/*/*: 21 results
Requests	[total]				21
Duration	[total, attack, wait]		1.231406471s, 1.165029385s, 66.377086ms
Latencies	[mean, 50, 95, 99, max]		77.709283ms, 78.112329ms, 87.614862ms, 87.93501ms, 89.317957ms
Bytes In	[total, mean]			0, 0.00
Bytes Out	[total, mean]			0, 0.00
Success		[ratio]				100.00%
Status Codes	[code:count]			200:21
Error Set: (empty)
URLs in bucket:
	/2015/01/07/til-aggregate-and-aws.html: 2
	/2015/01/08/thinking-about-multitasking.html: 2
	/2015/01/09/til-bash-n-stuff.html: 2
	/2015/01/13/til-newrelic-venv-hamartia.html: 3
	/2015/01/21/tir-psql-export-csv.html: 3
	/2015/01/24/iphone-keyboards.html: 3
	/2015/01/25/making-waffles.html: 3

You don't need to create patterns that cover every URL that might come up during your run. Behind the scenes we'll create a 'catch-all' bucket, and every result that doesn't match your pre-defined patterns will go into that bucket.


Test runs generally don't tax your system too much, unless you're running many tens or hundreds of thousands of concurrent sessions. While it's possible for them to be CPU bound or memory bound it's much more likely that you'll run into limits on file descriptors -- for every concurrent session we have one filehandle open, plus potentially one network handle.

On a UNIX system you can get and set the current soft-limit values for a user:

$ ulimit -n # file descriptors

Just pass a new number as the argument to change it. You may hit a system-defined cap that you as a user cannot exceed. In that case you'll have to talk with your sysadmin to raise them.

For example, on some GNU/Linux systems you'd create a file in /etc/security/limits.d with something like:

* soft    nofile   32768
* hard    nofile   32768

to modify the ceiling to 32768 open file descriptors. (See How do I increase the open files limit for a non-root user? for more.)

On OS X you should be able to do the same by editing /etc/launchd.conf with:

limit maxfiles 512 32768

See Change Mac OS X User Limits for more.

Why "Korra"?

Vegeta is a character on Dragonball Z who attacks a lot, so it's appropriate. I thought another cartoon character would be fun to use for this, and the last episode of Legend of Korra had recently ended so it was on my mind.

Balance, you say

First, I thought it would be great to pick a female character. But more specifically, Korra as the Avatar strives to bring balance to the world. She doesn't always know how to do it, and even when she does know she struggles to make it happen and deal with the consequences. But she tries.

Load testing is something people rarely do, and when it's done we're often trying to explore the balance between features and performance, or between features and scaling.

Also, since Korra can manipulate the elements you can think of Korra as flooding your site -- or blowing it down, or burning it... you get the idea.

They're stretches, but I'll stick with it.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Chris Winters

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


This is a fork of the excellent Vegeta project, which is also MIT licensed.


Session-based load testing using text files






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