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AWS ECS blue-green Deployment for Github Actions

This action deploys weighted DNS blue-green ECS cluster. It collects Route53 and ECS autoscaling information needed for the deployment.

ECS blue-green deploy consist of 5 steps.

  1. Get blue-green status from Route53
    • prepare the route53 record JSONs
    • determine the current primary/secondary services
    • determine the current min/max capacity for primary/secondary services
  2. Scale up original secondary cluster
  3. Download and update task-definition with new ECR image-id, then upload back to AWS
    • Note: This action does not cover this step!
  4. Update Route53 weight for blue-green
  5. Scale down original primary cluster

Table of Contents


Your Github repository will need to access AWS, I recommend going with OpenID Connect instead of AWS credentials. You can find more details from Terraform and Github Actions without AWS Credentials.

In your workflow yaml file, you will need the following blocks.

  AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_QA: 123456789012

  id-token: write
  contents: write
  actions: read

Under the steps section, configure AWS credentials via assume-role.

      - name: Configure AWS credentials [QA]
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
          role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::${{ env.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_QA }}:role/qa-github-actions
          aws-region: ${{ env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION }}


These environment variables need to be set in the action yml file in order to work properly.

Variable Description
HOSTED_ZONE_ID DNS zone ID (Z123456789ABC1)
ZONE_NAME DNS domain name (
ECS_CLUSTER ECS cluster name
SERVICE_BLUE First ECS service name
SERVICE_GREEN Second ECS service name
  HOSTED_ZONE_ID: Z123456789ABC1
  ECS_CLUSTER: qa-default-01
  SERVICE_BLUE: qa-rest-service-blue
  SERVICE_GREEN: qa-rest-service-green

Step 1: We use get-blue-green-info to get all the weighted DNS and ECS information.

      - name: Get blue-green status
        uses: "cwong47/action-deploy-ecs-blue-green@latest"
        id: get-blue-green-info
          action: get-blue-green-info
          hosted_zone_id: ${{ env.HOSTED_ZONE_ID }}
          zone_name: ${{ env.ZONE_NAME }}
          ecs_service_blue: ${{ env.SERVICE_BLUE }}
          ecs_service_green: ${{ env.SERVICE_GREEN }}
          ecs_cluster: ${{ env.ECS_CLUSTER }}

Step 2: Update the autoscale settings of the original secondary cluster to match the original primary cluster.

      - name: Scale up original secondary cluster
        uses: "cwong47/action-deploy-ecs-blue-green@latest"
        id: update-secondary-autoscale-capacity
          action: update-autoscale-capacity
          ecs_cluster: ${{ env.ECS_CLUSTER }}
          ecs_service: ${{ steps.get-blue-green-info.outputs.original_secondary_service }}
          min_capacity: ${{ steps.get-blue-green-info.outputs.original_primary_min_capacity }}
          max_capacity: ${{ steps.get-blue-green-info.outputs.original_primary_max_capacity }}

Step 3: Render task-definition using amazon-ecs-render-task-definition and amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition.

Step 4: Update weighted DNS accordingly.

      - name: Update Route53 weight for blue-green [QA]
        uses: "cwong47/action-deploy-ecs-blue-green@latest"
        id: update-primary-dns-weight
          action: update-dns-weight
          hosted_zone_id: ${{ env.HOSTED_ZONE_ID }}
          primary_route53_json: ${{ steps.get-blue-green-info.outputs.pending_primary_json }}
          secondary_route53_json: ${{ steps.get-blue-green-info.outputs.pending_secondary_json }}

Step 5: Update the autoscale settings of the original primary cluster to match the original secondary cluster.

      - name: Scale down original primary cluster [QA]
        uses: "cwong47/action-deploy-ecs-blue-green@latest"
        id: update-primary-autoscale-capacity
          action: update-autoscale-capacity
          ecs_cluster: ${{ env.ECS_CLUSTER }}
          ecs_service: ${{ steps.get-blue-green-info.outputs.original_primary_service }}
          min_capacity: ${{ steps.get-blue-green-info.outputs.original_secondary_min_capacity }}
          max_capacity: ${{ steps.get-blue-green-info.outputs.original_secondary_max_capacity }}



Name Description Default Required Used by
action What step to execute null true all
dry_run Dry run false false all
hosted_zone_id Hosted zone ID from Route53 null false get-blue-green-info|update-dns-weight
zone_name Zone name from Route53 null false get-blue-green-info
ecs_service_blue The "blue" cluster of your ECS service null false get-blue-green-info
ecs_service_green The "green" cluster of your ECS service null false get-blue-green-info
set_identifier_pattern Default is "blue|green" blue|green false get-blue-green-info
primary_route53_json Primary Route53 record in JSON format in base64 encoding null false update-dns-weight
secondary_route53_json Secondary Route53 record in JSON format in base64 encoding null false update-dns-weight
ecs_cluster The ECS cluster null false get-blue-green-info|update-autoscale-capacity
ecs_service The cluster of your ECS service null false update-autoscale-capacity
min_capacity Minimum capacity to autoscale the service null false update-autoscale-capacity
max_capacity Maximum capacity to autoscale the service null false update-autoscale-capacity


Name Description
original_primary_zone_id Original primary zone ID
original_secondary_zone_id Original secondary zone ID
original_primary_service Original primary service
original_secondary_service Original secondary service
original_primary_min_capacity Original primary minimum capacity for autoscale
original_secondary_min_capacity Original secondary minimum capacity for autoscale
original_primary_max_capacity Original primary maximum capacity for autoscale
original_secondary_max_capacity Original secondary maximum capacity for autoscale
pending_primary_json Pending primary JSON in base64 encoding
pending_secondary_json Pending secondary JSON in base64 encoding


The source code for this project is released under the MIT License. This project is not associated with GitHub or AWS.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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