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LLVM Version Manager

master travis-master
develop travis-develop

LLVMVM is a tool for installing and managing different versions of LLVM on a single system. It presently works for relatively recent versions of LLVM.

Inspired very heavily by gvm.


This will download the LLVMVM scripts to $HOME/.llvmvm, and modify your .bashrc (or equivalent) to source the LLVMVM environment scripts.

To install release v0.1.1

bash < <(curl -s -S -L

To install the most recent revision (check 'master' build status above)

bash < <(curl -s -S -L


Delete $HOME/.llvmvm. Optionally also remove a line like

[[ -s "/home/username/.llvmvm/scripts/" ]] && source "/home/username/.llvmvm/scripts/"

from your .bashrc or equivalent

Quick Start (installing an LLVM from source)

Check supported LLVM tags

llvmvm listalltags

Choose a tag to install

llvmvm install release_391_final

Add the installed version to the path. This must be done for every new terminal in the future.

llvmvm use release_391_final

Quick Start (installing LLVM binaries)

Check supported LLVM binaries

llvmvm listallbins

Choose a binary to install (note -B flag)

llvmvm install 3.2-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-12.04 -B

Add the installed version to the path. This must be done for every new terminal in the future.

llvmvm use 3.2-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-12.04

List LLVM versions

List the versions of LLVM that are installed

llvmvm list

List the llvmvm sources available for download

llvmvm listalltags

List the llvmvm binaries available for download

llvmvm listallbins

Uninstall an LLVM

List the installed versions of LLVM

llvmvm list

Choose a version to remove

llvmvm uninstall [version]

"Advanced" LLVMVM Examples

Usage: llvmvm [command] [version] [options]
  LLVMVM is the LLVM Version Manager

Available Options:
    -B,         Binary download
    -c,         Override CMAKE flags (use more than once for multiple flags)
    -n,         Provide a custom name for an install
    --default,  (with 'use' command, sets an install as the default LLVM)

Available Commands:
    help,         Display something like this message
    install,      Install an LLVM
    uninstall,    Remove an installed LLVM
    listalltags,  List support LLVM tags
    listallbins,  List supported LLVM binaries
    list,         List installed LLVMs
    use,          Switch to use an installed LLVM (with --default to set default llvmvm for future shells)

Install revision 217292

llvmvm install r217292

Install the trunk

llvmvm install trunk

Install a debug build of the trunk, with a custom name. Use that as the default llvm for all new shells.

llvmvm install trunk -c DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -n trunk-debug
llvmvm use trunk-debug --default

Upcoming (in rough order of priority)

  • Updating a trunk install
  • Build more LLVM components during source install (openmp, libcxx, etc...)
  • Choose to keep or remove source and object files


LLVM Version Manager







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