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  • LPF represents Ladybird Pattern Formation.
  • LPF is a framework for exploring the biological pattern formation exemplified by ladybird beetles.
  • LPF can be utilized as an educational framework for understanding biological dynamics, pattern formation, and complexity.




  • Reaction-diffusion PDE models for the color pattern formation of ladybird beetles.
  • Evolutionary search based on PyGMO providing the concept of island and archipelago.
  • GPU optimization of the reaction-diffusion PDE solver for a batch of parameter sets based on CuPy.


  • 🐍 Anaconda is recommended to use and develop LPF.
  • 🐧 Linux distros are tested and recommended to use and develop LPF.

Anaconda virtual environment

After installing anaconda, create a conda virtual environment for LPF. In the following command, you can change the Python version (e.g.,python=3.7 or python=3.9).

conda create -n lpf python=3.9

Now, we can activate our virtual environment for LPF as follows.

conda activate lpf

Package installation

In the repository directory under the active anaconda environment, execute the following command.

python develop

After installing the package, we can update the package with git pull command. This is why we install this package with python develop instead of python install.

git pull

Dependency of the PDE solver

💡 To optimize the solver for a batch of parameter sets based on GPU computing, install CuPy. However, if you want to use only the cpu, you can omit it.

Dependency of the evolutionary search

The order of installing the following packages is important to avoid version conflicts.

1. Install PyTorch

Install PyTorch following the official documentation.

2. Install the packages in the requirements.

Install the packages in requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Install PyGMO

Install PyGMO as follows.

conda install pygmo -c conda-forge

Getting Started



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