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cyberCBM edited this page Aug 31, 2012 · 8 revisions

Welcome to ScPlayer - The Network Music Player!

ScPlayer "Server-Client Audio Player" is Juce(C++) based Music player for Network teams to play their network hosted music. ScPlayer uses C++ as programming language, And use JUCE and DrowAudio libraries. ScPlayer is Server Audio Player that can create playlist of music files and poses server which allows CsPlayer to connect to it. ScPlayer(Server) and CsPlayer(Client) are Manager kind of application, using which group of peoples in Network can play/pause Network hosted music ( Network hosted music means your music files should be stored on some network places that is accessible to both client and server player, i.e Samba server), change music and communicate to server.

ScPlayer(Server) is Server Music player that let you play music files stored on machine's local drives. It has network server which let Client Player connect using IP address and port number of server. This player can play music by loading music file like .wav,.bwf;.aiff;.aif;.flac;.ogg;.mp3;.wmv;.asf;.wm;.wma and can save playlist to disk too. It is easy to use and very useful while multiple peoples want to manage music of one machine. ScPlayer can manage number of clients which can modify music play/pause/next/previous/stop current playing song. It has playlist generation and other basic features like other audio players.

ScPlayer(Client) can connect to server and after acquiring lock from server It can change current playing song, or play/pause/stop the song. Client can know who has lock to the server Player ?, While Client is connected to ScPlayer-Server it can change songs from playList, add songs to current playlist from network drive, play/pause, Drag and drop and changes the playList, delete the songs from current playList too, All the clients will be updated lively when any changes are done by Server or locked Client.

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