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v1.13.1 suite.1

John Tuttle edited this page Sep 20, 2021 · 12 revisions

Release v1.13.1+suite.1

The next planned release v1.13.1+suite.1 is Sept 2021. The target dates are as follows:

  • Kick off held Sept 1, 2021.
  • Hand off to Technical Writers by Sept 13, 2021.
  • Release by Sept 17, 2021.

Release Checklist

Prepare New Release

Definition of Done & Release Notes

  • Conjur product owner reviews and approves the PR. All changes are:
    • Complete and usable by users
    • Documented
  • Conjur product manager reviews the PR and adds "What's new" text in a comment.
  • PR is updated to include "What's new" text.
  • Conjur maintainer reviews and approves the PR, ensuring the PR checklist is complete for a release.
  • Conjur maintainer merges the PR and creates a tag.
  • Conjur maintainer copies the HTML release notes from the draft release to the docs issue.

Finalize Release

  • Technical writers publish the release notes.
  • Conjur maintainer publishes the draft GitHub release.