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acffordyce973 edited this page Jun 10, 2016 · 16 revisions

Proxy In-Game commands

(For public proxy server users all commands begin with !)

All users

!help - List commands in game.

!count - Returns the number of people currently connected to the proxy.

!g <Message> - Sends <Message> to the global inter-proxy chat channel.

!goff - Disables and mutes the inter-proxy chat channel for you.

!gon - Enables and shows the inter-proxy chat channel for you.

!gmode - Changes which PSO2 chat channel inter-proxy chat displays inside.

!gprefix {col} - Changes the colour of inter-proxy chat text. {col} refers to PSO2's colour codes which can be found here.

!eqnotice - Toggles between EQ Notices being shown or not.


!clients - Displays information on all connected users.

!globalmsg <Message> - Sends a proxy system message to all users connected.

!kick <value> - Kicks the user with player id of <value> specified by the second argument. You can only kick player IDs that are currently online.

!ban <pid/segaid> <value> - Kicks and bans the user with player id or SEGA id of <value> specified by the second argument. You can only ban player IDs that are currently online.

!listbans - Displays the list of banned users.

!unban <SEGA ID> - Removes <SEGA ID> from the ban list.

!op <SEGA ID> - Makes <SEGA ID> a proxy admin.

!deop <SEGA ID> - Removes proxy admin rights from <SEGA ID>.

Proxy Console commands

Including the In-game commands, there are also some commands that can only be used in the Console.

reloadplugin <> - Reloads the specified plugin.

reloadbans - This will reload the pso2proxy.bans.json file if you have made manual changes.

reloadblocknames - This will reload the blocknames.resources.json file if you have made changes.

reloadloginmessage - This will reload the loginmessage.config.yml file if you have made changes.

irc <command> - This command allows you to control the IRC bot for Global Chat. Usage examples:

  • irc JOIN #pso2proxygchat
  • irc PRIVMSG #pso2proxygchat :Test
  • irc PART #pso2proxygchat
  • irc NICK NewNick
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