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ArduinoHAF :: Hardware Abstraction Framework for Arduino

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The goal of ArduinoHAF is to provide a Framework of hardware abstractions to make it easier and cleaner to add devices to your project. This allows you to think of things like LEDs and Relays (for example) as building blocks that you can just add on to your sketch, instead writing a bunch of code into your sketch to do things like initialize the pin(s) the device is attached to, trigger the output to go low or high and any other logic needed to interact with that piece. Instead, you just declare an instance of the device, initialize it, and then use the appropriate methods to control it. Many of the abstractions in this Framework will optionally allow you to attach callbacks to act as event handlers for when the device changes state.

How to use

Add the appropriate header for the device you want to use in your sketch. So, if you wanted to use an LED, you could do it like so:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "LED.h"

#define PIN_LED 4


void setup() {

void loop() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

How to install

If you are using PlatformIO, you can simply run the following command:

> pio lib install arduinohaf

Otherwise, download the zip from then extract its contents to a folder called "ArduinoHAF" and then move that folder to your libraries folder.


Q: Why not just have a single include so you can include the whole framework?
A: By having separate includes, you can keep code size down. Every include you add to your sketch increases the compiled size and memory usage. Microcontrollers have a fairly finite amount of program storage and memory available. By only including the pieces you need, you can hopefully keep it to a minimum. As this framework grows, attempting to include the whole thing would be quite expensive and may exceed your Arduino's total capacity, causing the Build to fail.