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Contains the dataset for the Brazilian Championship A-Series

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BCAS - Brazilian Championship A-Series

This is the repository for the BCAS (Brazilian Championship A-Series). It contains the matches with date/hour, host team, score, visiting team. More details on ResearchGate.

Files (OBS: all files must be ANSI):

  • /

    • ranking-2003-YEAR.txt -- official rankings for BCAS
    • matches-2003-YEAR.txt -- all matches played from 2003 to YEAR in BCAS
    • average-attendance-2003-2019.txt -- average attendance (average number of supporters in stadia) for all teams in BCAS from 2003 to 2019 (only)
    • process/ -- contains the Perl, C, batch, MS-Excel files
      • -- this is the main Perl script, the one that does all the process described in the paper
      • do-all.bat -- runs many years in parallel (use with caution, your CPU may use all cores at once)
      • -- this script runs the validation, i.e., it compares official ranking and statistics with my dataset (this is just an auxiliary process)
      • vector-matrix-product-file.c -- performs the Vector-Matrix Product (VMP) to compute the probability vector for each team
      • spreadsheets/ -- statistical analysis files (auxiliary file, for computing some of BCAS statistics described in the paper)
        • Analysis.xlsx
        • Results-All.xlsx
        • Simple-MC.xlsx
        • Simple-MC-new-method.xlsx
      • output/ -- generated script output and analysis files
  • Download Perl (5.28)

  • Run:

    • PROMPT: perl 2006
      • this will execute the process for year 2006 (Y=2006) generating several files in the output/ folder

How to create a new analysis session

The idea is to be able to change parameters and inspect generated output for insight.

1. Change parameters in script YEAR (YEAR is the command line parameter):

The following set of parameters may be changed:

  • M: number of matches to analyse (as M is close to 1, less information will be used to count the frequencies between states)
  • W: window size (from 2 to 19, however, if 19 is chosen, the frequency will be very low)
  • O: overlap between windows (it is currently set to go from zero to (W-1)

There is one constant that you should consider: $METHOD = 2; (it is currently using the modified DTMC instead of standard DTMC)

2. Run the script for a year:

PROMPT: perl 2010

3. Observe output in folder ./output/

  • the following files will be generated:
    • ./output/all-2010.txt --> this is the file with ALL results
    • ./output/dtmc-2010.txt --> file with all team's DTMC (Discrete Time Markov Chain)
    • ./output/ctmc-2010.txt --> file with all team's CTMC (Continuous Time Markov Chain)
    • ./output/mc-only-states-2010.txt --> shows only the observed states for each team for that year (it could be used to derive another prediction technique)

4. Use MS-Excel or similar software to analyse generated output

  • Look at folder ./spreadsheets/ for examples

How to cite this dataset

Czekster, Ricardo M. (2023), Brazilian Championship A-Series, Kaggle Dataset DOI: 10.34740/kaggle/ds/1050099

How to cite this work

Czekster, Ricardo M. (2020), Predicting Brazilian Football Championship first and last four teams between 2006 to 2019 since mid-season, Jan/2020 (non peer reviewed pre-print), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33748.96646/2

Link to ResearchGate