raw data
: this directory contains most of the raw data we collected from participants, i.e. the predictions made by people during prediction rounds
:- this file contains various python function utilities for general usage. e.g. this contains a function that downloads futures asset price from barchart (you'll need to reqest an API from them), and then combines this data with various other data.
generate belief update model data.py
:- file reads the raw data and generate the residual of the belief update models and save it to 'learning_dic_all.csv'
conjugate vs empirical.py
:- file reads learning_dic_all.csv plots the performance of different belief update models. the plotting pipeline is as such: files are read in python (full python conda environment is detailed before), processed using pandas, etc. and then plotted using r's ggplot2 via rpy2. this creates fig. 2 in paper.
bar chart improvement error bar.py
:- file plots fig 3.
:- file pulls asset and futures data from barchart.com's API and calculates first-order momentum predictions that are used in Table 1 in the paper.
brexit plot.py
:- file plots Brexit candlestick plot in supplementary fig. S1.
plotting improvement vs alpha BREXIT.py
:- file subsets predictions by alpha and then plots fig. 5.
:- file reads predictions from
raw data/
directory, subsets predictions by alpha and then saves improvement data to csv
- file reads predictions from
:- file generates risk subsets data for paretto curve improvements
paretto curve.py
:- file reads paretto data and plots paretto curve in fig. 4.
:- conda environment python packages and versions generated using https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html#exporting-an-environment-file-across-platform