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API Errors

Michael Bryant edited this page Feb 20, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • invalid_request: Something about the contents of the request is invalid, usually bad field values.
    • Status code: 400 Bad Request
    • Body:
        "error": "invalid_request",
        "message": "invalid value [value] for field [field]"
  • method_not_allowed: The attempted request method is not allowed on this resource.
    • Status code: 405 Method Not Allowed
    • Header: Allow: follow with list of accepted HTTP methods
    • Body:
        "error": "method_not_allowed",
        "message": "method [method] is not allowed on [resource]"
  • not_authenticated: User needs to log in to use this path/method combination.
    • Status code: 401 Unauthorized
    • Headers:
      • WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="[what is being accessed]", charset="UTF-8": Indicates the authentication method that should be used with the server. In this case, the method is Basic. See more on MDN
    • Body:
        "error": "not_authenticated",
        "message": "you must log in to access this resource"
  • not_authorized: Authenticated user is not allowed to access the given resource.
    • Status code: 403 Forbidden
    • Body:
        "error": "not_authorized",
        "message": "you are not authorized to access this resource"
  • rate_limited: This client is being rate-limited.
    • Status code: 429 Too Many Requests
  • resource_not_found: The requested resource does not exist. Usually happens if a bad ID is given in a URL containing IDs.
    • Status code: 404 Not Found
    • Body:
        "error": "resource_not_found",
        "message": "the [resource] with ID [id] does not exist"
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