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Pasta-Man is a software application designed to securely store passwords and sensitive information in an encrypted format. It provides users with a convenient way to manage their passwords, ensuring they are protected from unauthorized access.

Project Badges

Continuous Deployment PyPI - Version PyPI - Status PyPI - Python Version dependency status for latest release PyPI - License

Important Updates

  • No version of this software support python 3.9. Try upgrading to python 3.10. All versions below v1.1.2 were yanked due to this. However, they will run fine on python 3.10 and above. To install them, use ==<version> while using pip.

    pip install pasta-man==<version>


See Changelog here.

Table of Contents


  • In the digital login password age we need a one stop vault for storing all our login credentials with concerned of atmost security.
  • The repeated use of single password in multiple accounts may lead to data breach or loss of data.
  • Weak passwords are easy to interpreat for attackers, use of strong passwords is recommended,but it is difficult to remember complex passwords.
  • Mostly passwords written in somewhere lead to comprosing of data and privacy of user.


Secure Management of Passwords

Pasta-Man uses tripple layer encryption for saving passwords. Once Pasta-Man is provided with a password to manage, it encrypts it with a Master Password and stores it in a file, which then again is encrypted with the master password. The so called Master password is stored as an encrypted string (this encryption is done using password and salt not known to users.).

The user will be prompted to provide a master password if it is the first use. If not, Pasta-Man will work as usual.


Pasta-Man stores passwords with tags such as target (the target application or link or any platform the password is meant for), target-type (target-type can be an app or link or any other category defined by the user. --- Pasta-Man supports creation of user defined tags and can easily fetch search results for the same.).


User can search for passwords using keywords in keyword-types.

For Example:
If there is a target (say, abcde) which contains a keyword (say, abc), the user can search abc in keyword-type == target. Similarly, if there is a target-type (say, link) which contains a keyword (say, github), the user can search for github in keyword-type == target-type.

Copy to Clipboard

Upon Search, Pasta-Man allows to copy the password for the found match to user's clipboard (given, the user provides the master password), instead of revealing it because of bad management. Pasta-Man also allows to Remove that match search result.

Faster than basic tkinter apps

Pasta-Man actively uses Threads to carry out intensive tasks in order to minimize GUI lag as well as have better performance than any basic app created through python tkinter lib.

Import-Export Passwords

Pasta-Man v1.0.10 onwards supports importing and exporting of passwords. Note: Pasta-Man can only import passwords that were exported by Pasta-Man. This Import/Export Feature is a solution to changing your PC or system.

Be relieved that the exported passwords will be in encrypted format.

  • Export Format: Pasta-Man will append all the passwords encrypted by master password and all the data associated with it, to the encrypted master password into the output format chosen by user.

  • Import Mechanism: Pasta-Man will decrypt the master password associated with the passwords file and then decrypt all the data appended to it and then encrypt the data and passwords by using the current system master password, then append it to the currently existing passwords. And finally encrypt everything again.

  • Usage:

    pasta-man -e <output-file-format> # or pasta-man --export <output-file-format>
    pasta-man -i # or pasta-man --import

    Both of the commands above will trigger a file/directory selector dialog for selecting the desired directory or files.

Code Description

To know more about the code structure and module information like -

  • Modules that are imported

    • Internal (all the modules used that already come with your python interpreter)

    • External (all the modules used that were installed using pip, these are also mentioned in pyproject.toml and requirements.txt)

    • Project specifiv (all the modules used that were specifically created for this project.)

  • Hierarchy

    The hierarchy of classes and functions.

  • Individial Object Descriptions

    Descriptions about individual components of the code such as funtions and parameters.

  • Working

    If there is any working rule or basic working of the module.

All these can be seen by running the following commands:

# pasta-man v1.0.9 and above supports docstring fetching, and can be done using:

# in the terminal/CMD, run
$ pasta-man -dwl # for docs with listing of hierarchy.


User can now change Theme for the app from the Menu Bar. Default is Arc. Whatever theme the user chooses, It will be set as default and next time Pasta-Man is launched, that theme will be loaded.

Themes can be changed using the MenuBar -


MenuBar Screenshot

Currently Supported Themes

  • Adapta
  • Arc
  • Aquativo
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Breeze
  • Clearlooks
  • Elegance
  • Equilux
  • Keramic
  • Kroc
  • Plastik
  • Radiance (Ubuntu)
  • Smog
  • Win XP
  • Yaru


  • Python>=3.9
  • pandas
  • requests
  • tk
  • ttkthemes
  • colorama
  • wrapper-bar>=0.1.4
  • pyperclip
  • optioner>=1.5.2
  • cryptography
  • pyinstaller


Easily install pasta-man using pip.

pip install pasta-man==1.1.5

README before #Usage

After update v1.0.4, pasta-man launches as a separate process. There are two commands that gets installed with pip install pasta-man>=1.0.4 -> pasta-man and pasta-man-launcher.

  • pasta-man Command

    • This command will launch pasta-man as a separate and independent process.

    • The terminal will be usable after pasta-man command is run.

    • The output logs will be stored in -> HOME/.pastaman/.log in Linux and MacOS.

  • pasta-man-launcher Command

    • This will launch pasta-man in the terminal.

    • The terminal wont be available until this process is running.

    • All outputs will be logged in stdin (in the terminal screen)


  • To run Pasta-Man, run the following in the terminal/CMD. This will open up GUI.

    $ pasta-man
  • To show full list of CLI commands supported by pasta-man, in terminal/CMD, run:

    $ pasta-man -h # or pasta-man --help
    Pasta Man v1.1.5
      |  -h or --help                     : show this help and exit.
      |  -v or --version                  : show version and exit.
      |  -p or --path                     : show install path and exit.
      |  -rmc or --remove-configurations  : remove existing configs. [Warning] This is irreversible.
      |  -dwl or --doc-w-list             : list all modules of pasta-man. Enter the full-module-name for docstring.
      |  -i or --import                   : import a passwords file. Only files exported by pasta-man can be imported.
      |                                     Syntax: pasta-man --import
      |  -e or --export                   : export passwords.
      |                                     Syntax: pasta-man --export <export-format>
      |                                     Available export formats -> ['csv', 'xlsx']
      |  -s or --search                   : search a keyword in keyword-type.
      |                                     Syntax: pasta-man --search <keyword-type> <keyword>
      |                                     Available keyword types -> ['target', 'target-type', 'username']


  • Windows
    • Running pasta-man for the first time will trigger a setup mechanism. If the setup fails for any reason, run the following commands in the CMD.

      pasta-man -rmc


      pasta-man --remove-configurations

      And then run pasta-man again.
      NOTE: This command is irreversible and will also delete master password along with any saved passwords.


Uninstall using pip

pip uninstall pasta-man

Yanked Versions

  • All below v1.1.2

    No support for Python 3.9.

  • v1.0.5

    Major Bug: After Threads Update and Threads Patch 1, There was a major bug where the code breaks while initializing the app for the first time.