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Babel ES7 npm

Babel ES6 / ES7 npm Skeleton

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Babel ES6 / ES7 npm Skeleton for the brave coders lifing on the edge

Whats inside?

  • Node optimized ES6 / ES7 transpilation with Babel
  • ES6+ aware minifier based on the Babel toolchain babili
  • Code monitoring and auto server restart with nodemon
  • ES6+ Testing via babel-register with Mocha & Chai
  • HTML Test Report via mochawesome
  • Code Linting with ESLint
  • Benchmark Testing with benchmark.js
  • Javascript Standard Coding Style ready
  • Debugging with babel-node-debug
  • Sourcemap generation
  • Vulnerability scan via nsp
  • Check for latest versions of dependencies via ncu
  • npm scripts to quickly run tasks


Ready, steady, go ...

  • git init - create a new git repository
  • npm init -y - create a initial package.json
  • npm install --save-dev babel-cli nodemon eslint - install development dependencies
  • eslint --init - setup your ESLint Style (in my case JS Standard)


Node.js comes already with a huge set of ES6 features. A detailed list of supported features can be found at To speed things up and avoid transpiling stuff which is already natively supported via Node i recommend only installing the missing features for your current Node Version:

  • npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015-node6 - Node.js Version 6x
  • npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015-node5 - Node.js Version 5x
  • npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015-node4 - Node.js Version 4x
  • npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015 - for all Node.js Versions


npm install --save-dev babel-preset-stage-0 - for ES7 Support

ES6+ aware Minifier

Lets minify our production stuff directly with Babel.


  • npm install --save-dev babili babel-preset-babili


Testing with Mocha and Chai, HTML Reports via mochawesome

  • npm install --save-dev babel-register - install babel-register for on the fly compilation
  • npm install --save-dev mocha chai - install mocha and chai for testing
  • npm install --save-dev mochawesome - install mochawesome to export tests results as html files


The tests and benchmark stuff not really makes sence for a module that does nothing more then return a + b without any further checks. Its just a simple demonstration how to use the frameworks and tools with minimal example code to get you quick up and running. For further learning and better integration for your needs you should read more in detail about that stuff on the project pages.

Benchmarking Suite

Benchmark Testing with Benchmark.js

  • npm install --save-dev benchmark microtime - install benchmark and microtime for performance testing


At the moment of writing Node.js Version 6x is sadly not working with node-inspector/. in current Version 0.12.8. Its a known issue i reported here. Hopefully when you read this its fixed for Node Version 6x and you can install babel-node-debug for debugging ... (no known issues for users with Node Version 4x and 5x).

  • npm install --save-dev babel-node-debug

In case everything works fine you can change the line in your package.json


  • "debug": "nodemon $2 --exec babel-node --debug",


  • "debug": "babel-node-debug $2",

and run it via npm run debug src for a damn sweet debugging experience.

Security & Updates

Run vulnerability tests via node security platform and update scans via ncu

  • npm install --save-dev nsp - install node security platform command-line tool nsp
  • npm install --save-dev npm-check-updates - install ncu to check for the latest versions of the dependencies

gimme some more

For more packages have a look at the or read more about this topic on


To avoid messing around with separate config files like .babelrc, .eslintrc.json and so on we can put all that stuff directly in our package.json file:

  "name": "your-awesome-module",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "babel": {
    "presets": [
  "eslintConfig": {
    "extends": "standard",
    "plugins": [
  "scripts": {
    "start": "nodemon $2 --exec babel-node",
    "debug": "nodemon $2 --exec babel-node --debug",
    "benchmark": "babel-node benchmark",
    "benchmark:watch": "nodemon $2 --exec babel-node benchmark",
    "lint": "eslint src",
    "lint:fix": "eslint --fix src",
    "build": "babel -s true src -d dist",
    "serve": "node dist/index.js",
    "test": "mocha -c -S -R spec 'tests' --compilers js:babel-register --check-leaks",
    "test:watch": "mocha -w -c -S -R spec 'tests' --compilers js:babel-register --check-leaks",
    "test:reporter-nyan": "mocha -c -S -R nyan 'tests' --compilers js:babel-register --check-leaks",
    "test:reporter-dot": "mocha -c -S -R dot 'tests' --compilers js:babel-register --check-leaks",
    "test:reporter-list": "mocha -c -S -R list 'tests' --compilers js:babel-register --check-leaks",
    "test:reporter-landing": "mocha -c -S -R landing 'tests' --compilers js:babel-register --check-leaks",
    "test:export": "mocha -S -R mochawesome 'tests' --compilers js:babel-register --reporter-options reportDir=reports --check-leaks",
    "scan:security": "nsp check",
    "scan:updates": "ncu"

I added to npm start and npm run debug a argument ($2) to pass the location of the file. This allows you to quickly switch between different files without changing package.json.


In case you want to run ./src/index.js you can pass npm start src without the need of index.js. To run ./src/app1.js run npm start src/app1 and so on ...

Lets run it!

  • npm start src - execute code with life reload via nodemon transpiled with babel-node
  • npm run debug src - execute code with debug flag enabled
  • npm run benchmark - run benchmark tests with benchmark.js
  • npm run benchmark:watch - run benchmark tests with benchmark.js and watch for file changes
  • npm run lint - code linting with eslint
  • npm run lint:fix - fix problems automatically with eslint
  • npm test - run tests with mocha and chai with spec as reporter
  • npm run test:watch - run tests with mocha and chai and watch for changes
  • npm run test:reporter-nyan - run tests with mocha and chai with nyan reporter
  • npm run test:reporter-dot - run tests with mocha and chai with dot reporter
  • npm run test:reporter-list - run tests with mocha and chai with list reporter
  • npm run test:reporter-landing - run tests with mocha and chai with landing reporter
  • npm run test:export - export tests results as html files in the ./reports folder via mochasome
  • npm run build - transpile and minify ES6+ code and create sourcemaps with babel & babili
  • npm run server - serve production files from the ./dist folder via node
  • npm run scan:security - run vulnerability tests via the node security platform nsp
  • npm run scan:updates - check for latest versions of dependencies via ncu

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Development by

Developer / Author: Maik Ellerbrock
Company: Frapsoft


Copyright (c) 2016 Maik Ellerbrock

MIT Licence


🍭 Babel ES6 / ES7 - Testing, Benchmark, Auto Reload, Linting







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