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Home control server unit that works together with IoT-raspberry

Server-Setup with docker

It is strongly recommended to use SSL! If you want to disable SSL, set useSSL to false in your config.js.

Place your SSL files in /etc/letsencrypt on your host machine.

MongoDB data is stored in /var/lib/mongodb-iot-server.

Build the docker containers with

docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm node ./install

Start the Iot-Server

docker-compose up -d

To stop

docker-compose down

To open a bash of a running IoT-Server container

docker-compose exec node bash

To open a bash of a stopped IoT-Server container

docker-compose run --rm node bash

Server-Setup without docker


apt-get update
apt-get install -y git build-essential


Install node 6 or above, as described here:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs


As described here:

Use either

apt-get install mongodb

or someting like

apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927
echo "deb trusty/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list
apt-get update
apt-get install -y mongodb-org
service mongod start


SSL is strictly necessary for operating the IoT-server. All the IoT-raspberrys talk to your server over an encrypted SSL tunnel.

Install letsencrypt

cd /opt
git clone

Create certs for your domain

/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto certonly --agree-tos --cert-path /opt/keys --standalone --renew-by-default --email -d

Create a symlink in /opt/keys now or change the config.js to match the generated certificates.

ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /opt/keys

Can be automated by a cronjob. As the certificates are valid for 90 days currently, once per month should be good enough.

self signed?

If you want to or have to create your own ssl certificate and can't use letsencrypt, do the following:

mkdir /opt/keys && cd /opt/keys
openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048
openssl req -new -key privkey.pem -out csr.pem -subj "/C=DE/ST=Hessen/L=Darmstadt/O=Dis/"
openssl req -x509 -days 365 -key privkey.pem -in csr.pem -out cert.pem 

Change the config accordingly to:

sslPrivateKeyPath: '/opt/keys/privkey.pem',
sslCertificate: '/opt/keys/cert.pem',
sslCa: false

Installing the application itself

npm install -g bower gulp node-gyp
git clone /var/www/IoT-server
cd /var/www/IoT-server
mkdir logs uploads
npm install
bower install --allow-root
chmod +x update
cd /var/www/IoT-server/server
cp config.js.sample config.js
nano config.js

Important parts of the configuration

SSL is necessary (see section above).

  • port: The port the webserver runs on.
  • sslPrivateKeyPath: Path to your private key pem file.
  • sslCertificate: path to your certificate file.
  • sslCa: your certificate chain.
  • gcmApiKey: the api key of your google cloud messenging api if you want to utilize push messages (more to be described soon).
  • mediaBasePath: Path where videos are stored, that the raspberry uploads (only relevant, if you have a camera on your raspberry).
  • dsn: config base DSN for your mongodb database


for a quick launch, while you are connected via SSH:

cd /var/www/IoT-server/server
node index.js

For a more sophisticated operation, use a launch script.

Register as a service

npm install -g pm2
cd /var/www/IoT-server/server && pm2 start index.js --name iot-server && pm2 startup

restart service

pm2 restart iot-server
pm2 stop iot-server

logs and monitoring

pm2 logs iot-server
pm2 show iot-server
pm2 list iot-server
pm2 monit iot-server


Without data point aggregation, your mongodb database will fairly quick overflow. Once an hour, the datapoints are aggregated to an hourly level. Datapoints older than one week are aggregated to a "per day" level.

Add this to your /etc/crontab

0  *    * * *   root    cd /var/www/IoT-server/server && node aggregator.js >/dev/null
37 13   * * *   root    cd /var/www/IoT-server/server && node sendpush.js >/dev/null

The second script executes once a day (at which time doesn't matter, so I put 13:37). It sends a daily summary via GCM push to all registered browsers that once connected to a raspberry.

Other things

Want to send Google Now commands to your raspberry?


Home control server unit







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