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An analysis of a platform's usage through data mining and visualisation


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NGINX Access Log Digest

This project is a two-part exercise in data analysis and visualization. The first part is a Python script that reads an NGINX access log and transforms it into a more structured format. The second part is a Jupyter notebook that uses the produced data to analyze and visualize the last two months of traffic on one of the platforms I work on: GitHub Search.

Mining Script

The mining script is a Python program that reads an NGINX access log line-by-line and extracts the following fields:

  • IP address
  • Timestamp
  • HTTP request
    • Method
    • Path
  • HTTP response
    • Size in bytes
    • Status code
  • User Agent
    • Browser
    • Device
    • OS
  • Referrer

Apart from the fields above, the script also calculates the location of each IP address using the API. All this data is loaded into dataclasses and then exported to a CSV file. The data model used can be represented with the following diagram:

    Event ||--o{ Access : ""
    Access {
        string ip
        timestamp timestamp
        json query
        int status
        string size
        string referer
        json user_agent
    Event ||--o{ City : ""
    City {
        string name
        string region
    City ||--|| Position : ""
    Position {
        float latitude
        float longitude
    City ||--|| Country : ""
    Country {
        string name
        string code
    Country ||--|| Continent : ""
    Continent {
        string name
        string code

Jupyter Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook uses the data produced by the mining script to perform the actual analysis and visualization. It's written in the style of both a report and a tutorial. For each section, it explains the individual steps taken to produce the analysis and visualization, while also providing commentary on the results. Although we provide the data to run the notebook yourself, we have also deployed it to a GitHub Pages site, which you can access here.