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IN PROGRESS: Step 8. Using java spring-boot reactive webflux rsocket r2dbc docker compose docker swarm and k8s kubernetes


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Using java spring-boot reactive webflux r2dbc docker compose docker swarm and k8s kubernetes



  • Configured Travis CI pipelines
  • Initialized draft and implement of VuePress documentation
  • Implemented step1 with sets of spring boot 2.2.o.RELEASE reactive applications
  • Implemented step2 with replacing in-memory map DBs -> r2dbc-postgres spring-data integration (run pg in docker)
  • Implemented step3 and Dockerize all applications using maven plugin
  • Implemented step4 and Dockerize multi-module application using maven plugin (all in one)
  • Implemented step5 with docker-compose maven plugin
  • Implemented step6 and Dockerize all applications using jib maven plugin from Google
  • Implemented step7 with docker-swarm
  • Implemented step8 with k8s and skaffold
  • Implemented step9 with k8s and helm-chart
  • Implemented stepX with project riff

Step 1

Simple sets of applications implementation for local run

./mvnw -DskipTests

java -jar step1-speakers-rest-api-service/target/*.jar
java -jar step1-sessions-rsocket-service/target/*.jar
java -jar step1-frontend/target/*.jar

#http :8082/speakers name=max
#http :8082/speakers name=bax
#http :8082/speakers
http :8080

Step 2

Simple sets of r2dbc applications with postgres (in docker)

#./mvnw -pl :step2-docker docker:start
docker stop pg || true ; docker run --rm --name pg -p 5432:5432 postgres:alpine


java -jar step2-speakers-rest-api-service/target/*.jar
java -jar step2-sessions-rsocket-service/target/*.jar
java -jar step2-frontend/target/*.jar

#http :8084/sessions name=maximum speakers=max
#http :8084/sessions

#http :8085/speakers name=max
#http :8085/speakers

http :8083

#./mvnw -pl :step2-docker docker:stop
docker rm -f -v pg

Step 3

An applications in docker using maven plugin

./mvnw -pl :step3-postgres-fabric8 docker:build docker:start
./mvnw -pl :step3-sessions-rsocket-service-fabric8,:step3-speakers-rest-api-service-fabric8,:step3-frontend-fabric8 clean package docker:build docker:start

#http :8087/sessions name=maximum speakers=max
#http :8088/speakers name=max
http :8086

./mvnw -pl :step3-speakers-rest-api-service-fabric8,:step3-sessions-rsocket-service-fabric8,:step3-frontend-fabric8 docker:stop docker:remove
./mvnw -f step3-postgres-fabric8/ docker:stop docker:remove

Step 4

Dockerized multi-module application using maven plugin (all in one)

./mvnw -f step4-all-in-one-fabric8 clean package -DskipTests
./mvnw -f step4-all-in-one-fabric8 -pl :step4-all-in-one-fabric8 docker:build docker:start

#http :8090/sessions name=maximum speakers=max
#http :8091/speakers name=max
http :8089

./mvnw -f step4-all-in-one-fabric8 -pl :step4-all-in-one-fabric8 docker:stop docker:remove

Step 5

Dockerized multi-module application using docker-compose maven plugin (all in one)

./mvnw -f step5-all-in-one-docker-compose -pl :step5-all-in-one-docker-compose docker:build docker:start
./mvnw -f step5-all-in-one-docker-compose
./mvnw -f step5-all-in-one-docker-compose -pl :step5-all-in-one-docker-compose docker:stop docker:remove

#./mvnw -pl :step5-all-in-one-docker-compose docker-compose:up

#http :8093/sessions name=maximum speakers=max
#http :8094/speakers name=max
http :8092

./mvnw -pl :step5-all-in-one-docker-compose docker-compose:down

Step 6

Dockerized multi-module application using jib maven plugin from Google and docker-compose maven plugin (all in one)

./mvnw -pl :step6-all-in-one-google-jib -P pg-start
./mvnw -f step6-all-in-one-google-jib compile jib:dockerBuild
./mvnw -pl :step6-all-in-one-google-jib -P pg-stop

./mvnw -pl :step6-all-in-one-google-jib -P compose-create
./mvnw -pl :step6-all-in-one-google-jib -P compose-up

#http :8096/sessions name=maximum speakers=max
#http :8097/speakers name=max
http :8095

./mvnw -pl :step6-all-in-one-google-jib -P compose-down

Step 7

Dockerized multi-module application using docker-swarm (all in one)

prepare docker-swarm

docker swarm init
docker service create --name registry --publish published=5000,target=5000 registry:2

run test postgres container for success tests during build

./mvnw -pl :step7-all-in-one-docker-swarm -P pg-start
./mvnw -f step7-all-in-one-docker-swarm compile jib:build
./mvnw -pl :step7-all-in-one-docker-swarm -P pg-stop

test with docker-compose

./mvnw -pl :step7-all-in-one-docker-swarm -P compose-create
./mvnw -pl :step7-all-in-one-docker-swarm -P compose-up

#http :8099/sessions name=maximum speakers=max
#http :8100/speakers name=max
http :8098

./mvnw -pl :step7-all-in-one-docker-swarm -P compose-down

docker stack deploy

docker stack deploy -c step7-all-in-one-docker-swarm/docker-compose.yml step7

#http :8100/speakers name=max                  | jq '.'
#http :8099/sessions name=maximum speakers=max | jq '.'
http :8098

docker stack rm step7
docker service rm registry
docker swarm leave -f


./mvnw build-helper:parse-version versions:set -DnewVersion=\${parsedVersion.majorVersion}.\${parsedVersion.minorVersion}.\${parsedVersion.nextIncrementalVersion} -DgenerateBackupPoms=false


#docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`
for i in $(docker ps -aq) ; do docker rm -f -v $i ; done

#docker rmi -f `docker images -q --filter=dangling=true`
for i in $(docker images -q --filter=dangling=true) ; do docker rmi -f $i ; done

#docker rmi -f `docker images -q -f=reference='*/*step*'`
for i in $(docker images -q -f=reference='*/*step*') ; do docker rmi -f $i ; done

GitHub Pages

Documentation is located here


For further reference, please consider the following sections:


IN PROGRESS: Step 8. Using java spring-boot reactive webflux rsocket r2dbc docker compose docker swarm and k8s kubernetes








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