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Makoto YUI edited this page Jan 30, 2015 · 20 revisions



$ hive

-- add jar /tmp/hivemall.jar; -- hivemall v0.2 or before
add jar /tmp/hivemall-with-dependencies.jar; -- hivemall v0.3 or later
source /tmp/define-all.hive;

That's all :-)

You can find a brief introduction to Hivemall in this slide.

Automatic UDF setup

You can avoid issuing the installation command for each session by specifing the above commands in $HOME/.hiverc as follows:

[myui@dm01 ~]$ cat ~/.hiverc
add jar /home/myui/tmp/hivemall-with-dependencies.jar;
source /home/myui/tmp/define-all.hive;

Hive CLI automatically load Hivemall's temporary UDFs for each session. Find details in Hive's manual.

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