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Pig_MovieLens Matrix Factorization

daijyc edited this page Mar 2, 2015 · 5 revisions

This page explains how to run matrix factorization on MovieLens 1M dataset.

Caution: Matrix factorization is supported in Hivemall v0.3 or later.

Calculate the mean rating in the training dataset

a = load 'training' as (userid:int, movieid:int, rating:int);
b = group a all;
c = foreach b generate AVG(a.rating);
dump c;



register hivemall-0.3-with-dependencies.jar

%default mu 3.58176375
%default factor 10
%default iters 50

define array_avg HiveUDAF('');
define train_mf_sgd HiveUDTF('', '(null, null, null, "-factor ${factor} -mu ${mu} -iter ${iters}")');

rmf sgd_model

a = load 'training' as (userid:int, movieid:int, rating:int);
b = foreach a generate flatten(train_mf_sgd(userid, movieid, rating, '-factor ${factor} -mu ${mu} -iter ${iters}')) as (idx:int, u_rank:{(rank:float)}, m_rank:{(rank:float)}, u_bias:float, m_bias:float);
c = group b by idx;
d = foreach c generate group as idx, array_avg(b.u_rank) as Pu, array_avg(b.m_rank) as Qi, AVG(b.u_bias) as Bu, AVG(b.m_bias) as Bi;
store b into 'sgd_model';

See OnlineMatrixFactorizationUDTF#getOption() for other options.

Note that there are no need to set an exact value for $mu. It actually works without setting $mu but recommended to set one for getting a better prediction.

Note: Hivemall also provides train_mf_adagrad for training using AdaGrad.

Predict and Evaluate (computes MAE and RMSE)

register hivemall-0.3-with-dependencies.jar

%default mu 3.58176375
define mf_predict HiveUDF('');
define mae HiveUDAF('hivemall.evaluation.MeanAbsoluteErrorUDAF');
define rmse HiveUDAF('hivemall.evaluation.RootMeanSquaredErrorUDAF');

rmf predicted

testing = load 'testing' as (userid:int, movieid:int, rating:int);
sgd_model = load 'sgd_model' as (idx:int, Pu:{(float)}, Qi:{(float)}, Bu:double, Bi:double);

c = join testing by userid LEFT OUTER, sgd_model by idx;
d = foreach c generate testing::userid as userid, testing::movieid as movieid, testing::rating as actual, sgd_model::Pu as Pu, sgd_model::Bu as Bu;

e = join d by movieid, sgd_model by idx;
f = foreach e generate d::actual as actual, mf_predict(d::Pu, sgd_model::Qi, d::Bu, sgd_model::Bi, ${mu}) as predicted;
g = group f all;
h = foreach g generate mae(f.(predicted, actual)) as mae, rmse(f.(predicted, actual)) as rmse;
dump h;

0.6728969407733578 (MAE)

0.8584162122694449 (RMSE)

Item Recommendation

Recommend top-k movies that a user have not ever seen.

register hivemall-0.3-with-dependencies.jar

%default userid 1
%default topk 5
%default mu 3.58176375

define mf_predict HiveUDF('');

sgd_model = load 'sgd_model' as (idx:int, Pu:{(float)}, Qi:{(float)}, Bu:double, Bi:double);
training = load 'training' as (userid:int, movieid:int, rating:int);

b = filter training by userid == ${userid};
c = foreach b generate movieid;

d = cogroup sgd_model by idx, c by movieid;
e = filter d by IsEmpty(c.movieid);
f = foreach d generate flatten(sgd_model) as (movieid:int, Pu:{(float)}, Qi:{(float)}, Bu:double, Bi:double);

personal_model = filter sgd_model by idx == ${userid};
personal_model = foreach personal_model generate Pu, Bu;

g = cross f, personal_model;
h = foreach g generate f::movieid as movieid, mf_predict(personal_model::Pu, f::Qi, personal_model::Bu, f::Bi, ${mu}) as predicted;
i = order h by predicted DESC;
j = limit i ${topk};
dump j;
movieid predicted
920 4.8556857
1035 4.792883
1721 4.784465
527 4.75746
2503 4.717167
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