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A semantic and usable contact form for Frog CMS
by Marijn Scholtus (

Updated for Wolf CMS
by David Reimer (

This is a straight forward and semantic contact form with usability in mind.
It provides a standard contact form with name / email / subject / message fields.
It will check and validate all field input and return errors while keeping
the user's input untouched.

It also includes an non-obtrusive way of combatting spambots.


1.	Unzip the file and move the tb_contactform folder to your /frog/plugins/ directory.
	Make sure that the folder on the server is called "tb_contactform" and rename it if
	it's not.
2.	Go to the Administration > Plugins tab in your Frog CMS Admin, and enable the plugin.

3.	Insert the following code where you want your contact form to appear:

	<?php TB_Contactform(''); ?>
	(Replace the example email address in the code sample above with your actual email address)
4.	Add to following basic CSS to your CSS file (or style the form yourself):

	.tbContactform .antispam {
		display:  none;
		visibility: hidden;

	.tbContactform label {
		width:  95px;
		display:  inline-block;
		vertical-align: top;
		clear: both;

	.tbContactform input.text,
	.tbContactform textarea {
		width:  225px;
		padding: 2px;

	.tbContactform textarea {
		height:  115px;

	.tbContactform input.submit {
		display: block;
      	margin-left: 250px;
      	width:  auto;

	.tbContactform .tbErrors p {
		color: #FF0000;

5.	Done! You can edit the index.php file to finetune the form to your likings.


The TB_Contactform function takes four variables:

	<?php TB_Contactform('', '', 'Success message heading', 'Success message body'); ?>

- Email address the form is sent to (mandatory)
- CC email address (optional, default: FALSE)
- Success message heading (optional, default: Your message was sent successfully)
- Success message body (optional, default: Please allow up to three days for a reply.)

Only the first variable is mandatory. Leave any of the other variables blank to keep the defaults. For example, to override the default success message without sending a CC use the following code:

	<?php TB_Contactform('', '', 'Success message heading', 'Success message body'); ?>

1.0.3	4 January 2011		Lightly modified to work natively in Wolf CMS.

1.0.2	21 December 2009	Fixed a syntax error in the makeSafe function.
							Thanks Stefan Probst!
1.0.1	3 September 2009	Fixed a bug in the makeSafe function with the handling some special characters.
							Thanks to Konstantin Baev for notifying me of the bug.
1.0		29 April 2009		Initial stable release.


TB_Contactform is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Netherlands License:

Please attribute the original author and keep a link to when redistributing this plugin in any way.


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