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Restaurant Page

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Restaurant Page


This project is part of The Odin Project - Full Stack JavaScript Path. The main goals are configuring Webpack, using Npm and a code design with ES6 Modules. As content the page is around a Soup Restaurant which does not exist.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Npm
  • Webpack


  • Run npm init in your project directory to generate a package.json file.

  • Run npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev to install webpack to the node_modules directory of your project.

  • Create a src and dist directory with the following contents:

    • an index.js file in src;
    • an index.html file in dist.
  • Create a webpack.config.js file that looks just like our file from the tutorial.

  • Set up an HTML skeleton inside of dist/index.html with single <div id="content">.

  • Create a bare-bones homepage for a restaurant. Include an image, headline, and some copy about how wonderful the restaurant is. It’s okay to hard-code these into the HTML for now just to see how they look on the page.

  • Now remove those elements from the HTML (so leave only the <html>, <body>, and <div id="content"> tags) and instead create them by using JavaScript only

  • Next, set up your restaurant site to use tabbed browsing to access the Contact and Menu pages.

  • Put the contents of each ‘tab’ inside of its own module.

  • Write the tab-switching logic inside of index.js. You should have event listeners for each tab that wipes out the current contents and then runs the correct ‘tab module’ to populate it again.
