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Phrase Detectives Corpus 1.1

J. Chamberlain, M. Poesio and U. Kruschwitz Release date: 1 May 2016

This is a corpus of 40 documents released from the main corpus of documents being annotated by the Phrase Detectives game (

Full documentation and preliminiary analysis of the data has been published in a paper at the LREC16 conference entitled "Phrase Detectives Corpus 1.0: Crowdsourced Anaphoric Coreference"

Please review and cite the relevant papers if you use this resource:

Chamberlain, J., and Poesio, M., and Kruschwitz, U. (2016). Phrase Detectives Corpus 1.0. AnaWiki, University of Essex, ISLRN 955-898-221-547-9.

Chamberlain, J., and Poesio, M., and Kruschwitz, U. (2016). Phrase Detectives Corpus 1.0: Crowdsourced Anaphoric Coreference. In Proceedings of the 2016 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'16).

Poesio, M., Chamberlain, J., Kruschwitz, U., Robaldo, L., and Ducceschi, L. (2013). Phrase Detectives: Utilizing collective intelligence for internet-scale language resource creation. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems.

Please report any errors or issues to


The corpus is avaliable at this link.

Document Guide

Source files are included in this corpus release including files appended:

  • No appending or -no_headder = The original file
  • .filtered = Coverted to an input format
  • -masxml_xsd = Original MASXML file
  • -masxml = File converted to MASXML format for the game
  • -sgf = File converted to SGF format to imported into the game
  • Export files are appended -game.

Annotation Guide

id = id of the markable
visibility = whether the administrator marked this to be "hidden"
start_chr = the markable span was edited and the new start character is this
end_chr = the markable span was edited and the new end character is this

timestamp = time the annotation was created
interface = interface the annotation was created on (0 = standalone PD, 1 = Facebook PD)
mode = mode of annotation (a = annotation, v = validation, e = expert)
agree = was this annotation in agreement with the interpretation
annotation_time = time to create the annotation response from page load
user_rating = rating of the user
user_id = encrypted user_id
type = interpretation type (DN = Discourse New, DO = Discourse Old, NR = Non-referring, PR = Property, SE = same entitiy)
ante = antecedent markable id
favoured = the expert indicates whether this is the best interpretation (y) or another might be better

type/type_id = the type of error detected:

  1. not_selectable
  2. out_of_context_window
  3. parse_error
  4. discourse_diexis
  5. ambiguous
  6. non_referring
  7. nearest_mention_embedding
  8. bridge
  9. quantifier

Change Log

23 April 2016: Files exported. Version 1.0 created.
23 Jan 2017: space removed from "document list.xls" and replaced with underscore. Version 1.1 created
23 Jan 2017: 5 documents from the GNOME corpora are removed
23 Jan 2017: Files confirmed to validate against the masxmlpd.dtd
15 Feb 2017: Intermediate source files removed


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