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From Oracle to PostgreSQL

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 GitHub Workflow Status GitHub issues GitHub pull requests

Yet another guide

This present guide aims to be a collaborative work, with a starting point former and actual PostgreSQL enthousiasts from Dalibo, a french company. It focuses on multiple differences between Oracle Databases and PostgreSQL in a developer's point of view.


  • This guide is released under the CC BY-NC-SA license. See LICENSE.

  • The generated website theme "hugo-book" is released by Alex Shpak under the MIT license. See themes/hugo-book/LICENSE.

How to contribute

Any contribution on the project is welcome. Create an issue for misspelling word or erroneous information or open a new Pull Request to add or modify any content of this guide.

Content is written in pure markdown with 80 characters per line.

This guide provides several translations under appropriate content.xx directory, where xx is a language subtag according to RFC 5646. A new language must be added in global config.yaml, as follows:

    languageName: English
    contentDir: content.en
    weight: 1
    title: From Oracle To PostgreSQL
    languageName: French
    title: Porter Oracle vers PostgreSQL
    weight: 2

Any new language must provide a translation file under i18n/ directory.


See authors.yml collection.