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Gnuplot Swift

So, you have an amazing Swift project for which you need plotting capabilities. You have searched around and discovered that the available options for swift programmers are rather limited compared to other programming languages, such as Python, for example, which has [matplotlib].

Instead of reinventing the wheel. Why not stick to the old tried and true. And use this convenient wrapper around gnuplot.

Tested under Linux, macOS, and Windows. Works also in Swift Playground.


import Gnuplot

do {
  let plot = Gnuplot(data: "")
  plot.settings["key"] = "below"
  plot.userPlot = "plot sin(x)"
  try plot(.pdf(path: "/Users/daniel/Desktop/sinus.pdf"))

var curves = [[[Double]]](repeating: [[Double]](), count: 3)
curves = [ // Supports array of arrays
let curves2 = [[[1,2,3,1],[2,4,4,2],[3,5,6,4],[4,6,6,5],[5,7,8,6]]] // also allowed same output as curves

let plot = Gnuplot(xys: curves, titles: ["Best1", "Best2", "Best3"])
.set(title: "Curves").set(xlabel: "Iteration").set(ylabel: "Foo")

plot.svg // string with SVG plot (executes gnuplot)

plot.image // macOS only (executes gnuplot)

plot.commands(.svg(path: "")) // returns the gnuplot commands 

try plot(.png(path: "Curves.png")) // execute gnuplot


init<T>(xys: [[[T]]], titles: [String] = [], style: Style = .linePoints) where T : FloatingPoint

init<T>(xy1s: [[[T]]], xy2s: [[[T]]] = [], titles: [String] = [], style: Style = .linePoints) where T : FloatingPoint

convenience init<S, F>(xys: S..., titles: [String] = [], style: Style = .linePoints) where S : Sequence, F : FloatingPoint, F : SIMDScalar, S.Element == SIMD2<F>

convenience init<S, F>(xys: S..., titles: [String] = [], style: Style = .linePoints) where S : Sequence, F : FloatingPoint, S.Element == [F]

convenience init<S, F>(xs: S..., ys: S..., titles: String..., style: Style = .linePoints) where S : Collection, F : FloatingPoint, F == S.Element

convenience init<X, Y, F, S>(xs: X, ys: Y, titles: String..., style: Style = .linePoints) where X : Collection, Y : Collection, F : FloatingPoint, F == X.Element, S : SIMD, S == Y.Element, X.Element == S.Scalar

convenience init<T>(xy1s: [[T]]..., xy2s: [[T]]..., titles: String..., style: Style = .linePoints) where T : FloatingPoint