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An API for querying the WHO Mortality Database using ICD-10 codes

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WHO Mortality Data API

An API to allow easier querying of the World Health Organization's Mortality Data.

Check the official documentation at our website

Mortality Data drawn from the WHO ICD-10 (parts 1 and 2) raw data file (accessed November 2019).

ICD-10 codes taken from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website and the WHO Mortality Database Documentation (accessed November 2019).

This API returns data in JSON format with all values as strings.

Data available

The following datasets are available:

  • WHO Country codes
  • WHO Sex codes and their meanings
  • WHO 'Admin' codes and their meanings
  • WHO 'Subdiv' codes and their meanings
  • WHO Age format codes and their meanings
  • WHO Infant age format codes and their meanings
  • Country populations (from 1950)
  • ICD codes and description (currently only ICD-10)
  • Mortality (cause of death) statistics (from 1998 for certain countries)
  • Mortality (cause of death) statistics adjusted for population


The following endpoints are available (grouped by section):

Countries and Country Codes

List all countries:

Return all country names and associated codes used in WHO Mortality database.
GET /api/country-list

Find Country Code of Specific Country:

Return the name and code of a country (case insensitive).
GET /api/country/<country_name>

GET /api/country/djibouti

"id": 14,
"code": "1120",
"name": "Djibouti"

Search for Countries:

Return all countries with names that contain a search term
GET /api/country-search/<search_term>

GET /api/country-search/ka'

"id": 145,
"code": "3365",
"name": "Sri Lanka"
"id": 178,
"code": "4182",
"name": "Kazakhstan"

WHO Sex Codes

Endpoints related to the 'Sex' section of the Mortality Database (Short version: 1 = Male, 2 = Female, 9 = Unspecified)

List All Sex Codes

Return all sex codes used in the Mortality Database
GET /api/sex-list

Find Sex Code for Specific Sex

Return the code for a know sex
GET /api/sex-desc/<sex_name>

GET /api/sex-desc/female

"name": "female",
"code": "2"

WHO 'Admin' Codes

Endpoints related to the 'Admin' section of the Mortality Database

List All Admin Codes

Return all admin codes and descriptions used in WHO Mortality database.
GET /api/admin-list

Find Description of Specific Admin Code for Specific Country

Return the description of a specific admin code for a specific country.
GET /api/admin/<admin_code>/<country_code>

GET /api/admin/901/3150

"admin": "901",
"country": {
"code": "3150",
"name": "Israel"
"description": "Jewish Population"

WHO 'Subdiv' Codes

Endpoints related to the 'Subdiv' section of the Mortality Database

List All Subdiv Codes

Return all subdiv codes and descriptions used in WHO Mortality database.
GET /api/subdiv-list

Find Description of Specific Subdiv Code

Return the description of a specific subdiv code.
GET /api/subdiv/<subdiv_code>

GET /api/subdiv/A35

"code": "A35",
"description": "Selected Urban and Rural Areas"

WHO Age Formats

Endpoints related to the 'Age format' section of the Mortality Database

List All Age Format Codes

Return all age format codes and their year cut-off boundaries used in WHO Mortality database.
GET /api/age-format-list

Find Age Cut-Off Boundaries for Specific Age Format Code

Return the description of a specific age format code.
GET /api/age-format-code/<age_format_code>

GET /api/age-format-code/08 {

"age_format_code": "08",
"pop2": "0",
"pop3": "1-4",
"pop4": "empty4",
"pop5": "empty5",
"pop6": "empty6",
"pop7": "5-14",
"pop8": "empty8",
"pop9": "15-24",
"pop10": "empty10",
"pop11": "25-34",
"pop12": "empty12",
"pop13": "35-44",
"pop14": "empty14",
"pop15": "45-54",
"pop16": "empty16",
"pop17": "55-64",
"pop18": "empty18",
"pop19": "65+",
"pop20": "empty20",
"pop21": "empty21",
"pop22": "empty22",
"pop23": "empty23",
"pop24": "empty24",
"pop25": "empty25",
"pop26": "Unknown"

WHO Infant Age Formats

Endpoints related to the 'Infant Mortality' section of the Mortality Database

List All Infant Mortality Format Codes

Return all infant age format codes and their day cut-off boundaries used in WHO Mortality database.
GET /api/infant-age-format-list

Find Age Cut-Off Boundaries for Specific Infant Age Format Code

Return the description of a specific infant mortality age format code.
GET /api/-infant-age-format-code/<infant_age_format_code>

GET /api/infant-age-format-code/01

"infant_age_format_code": "01",
"infant_age1": "0 days",
"infant_age2": "1-6 days",
"infant_age3": "7-27 days",
"infant_age4": "28-365 days"


Note: Population and live births are both in units. Population figures are mid-year populations as stated by member countries.

All terms used in the population API queries should be in terms of WHO codes which can be found using other endpoints in this API

All Population Data

Return a dictionary of all available population data
GET /api/population-list

Find Multiple Population Entries Using Custom Query:

Get raw population data for given country, year, sex, admin or subdiv (or any combination thereof). Response returned as a list and multiple entries are allowed.

GET /api/population-search?country=<country>&year=<year>&sex=<sex>&admin=<admin>&subdiv=<subdiv>

Variables (variable name) = format: country = country code, year, sex = sex code, admin = admin code, subdiv = subdiv code
e.g. Return population data for males and females in the United Kingdom in 1989:
GET /api/population-search?country=4308&year=1989

Find Single Population Entry Using Custom Query:

Get raw population data for given country, year, sex, admin or subdiv (or any combination thereof). Returns data if only one population entry matches the query

GET /api/population-one?country=<country>&year=<year>&sex=<sex>&admin=<admin>&subdiv=<subdiv>

e.g. Return population data for only males in the United Kingdom in 1989:
GET /api/population-one?country=4308&year=1989&sex=1

ICD Codes (including condensed form)

Endpoints related to the ICD codes including search for descriptions and codes across multiple list versions used by WHO in mortality data.

All ICD Code Lists used in Mortality Data

Find descriptions of all different code lists used in Mortality Data.
GET /api/icd-code-list-list

ICD Code List Description

Find the description of a specific code list.
GET /api/icd-code-list/<code>

GET /api/icd-code-list/103

"list": "103",
"description": "3 Character ICD10 codes"

ICD Code Description

Find the description of a certain code in a certain list. (If list is unknown use the ICD Search endpoint.)
NOTE 1: Y34 and Y349 respectively refer to the sum of all deaths from accidental deaths V00-Y89 for countries reporting with list 103 and 104 respectively
NOTE 2: If a country reports with a 4 character code in the 10M list, the death will not be counted in the 3 character code total (all numbers are mutually exclusive).
GET /api/icd/<list>/<code>

GET /api/icd/104/Y25

"list": "104",
"code": "Y25",
"description": "Contact with explosive material (undetermined intent)"

ICD Search

Search the ICD with a search term (searches both codes and description)
GET /api/icd-search/<search_term>

GET /api/icd-search/boil

"results": [
"list": "103",
"code": "W35",
"description": "Explosion and rupture of boiler"
"list": "104",
"code": "W35",
"description": "Explosion and rupture of boiler"
"list": "10M",
"code": "W35",
"description": "Explosion and rupture of boiler"

ICD List

Return all ICD codes and their descriptions in all lists used in Mortality Database
GET /api/icd-list

Mortality Data

Endpoints related to the WHO Mortality Database. Each mortality database entry details the number of deaths in a given country in any given year for any given sex from a certain cause. Mortality data starts in 2005.

NOTE: Some cause of death ICD codes listed in the mortality database do not appear in any official ICD documentation, specifically related to the W.. and Y.. cause of death codes. I have contacted the WHO for clarification on this issue.

Find All Mortality Entries Matching Set of Single Search Variables:

Get raw mortality data for given country, year, sex, admin or subdiv and cause (or any combination thereof). Response returned as a list and multiple entries are allowed.

GET /api/mortality-data-search?country=<country>&year=<year>&sex=<sex>&admin=<admin>&subdiv=<subdiv>&cause=<cause>

Variables (variable = format): country = country code, year, sex = sex code, admin = admin code, subdiv = subdiv code, cause = cause code. All codes can be found from the respective endpoints
e.g. Return mortality data for males and females in the United Kingdom in 2006 caused by "Airgun discharge (undetermined intent)":
GET /api/mortality-data-search?country=4308&year=2006&cause=Y240

Find Single Mortality Data Entry:

Get raw mortality data for given country, year, sex, admin or subdiv and cause (or any combination thereof). Returns data only if only one mortality entry matches the query

GET /api/mortality-data-one?country=<country>&year=<year>&sex=<sex>&admin=<admin>&subdiv=<subdiv>&cause=<cause>

e.g. Return mortality data for only males in the United Kingdom in 2016 caused by "Driver of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident":

GET /api/mortality-data-one?country=4308&year=2016&sex=1&cause=V840

Find All Mortality Entries Matching Lists of Search Variables:

Get raw mortality data for lists of given country, year, sex, admin or subdiv and cause (or any combination thereof). Response returned as a list and multiple entries are allowed.

GET /api/mortality-search-multiple?country=<country>,<country>,...&year=<year>,<year>,...&sex=<sex>,<sex>,...&admin=<admin>,<admin>,...&subdiv=<subdiv>,<subdiv>,...&cause=<cause>,<cause>,...

Return mortality data for males and females in the United Kingdom and Croatia in 2005 and 2006 caused by "Airgun discharge (undetermined intent)":
GET /api/mortality-data-search?country=4308,4038&year=2005,2006&cause=Y240&sex=1,2

Mortality Data - adjusted for population

Endpoints related to the WHO Mortality Database with all mortalities adjusted for population (per 100,000) - also known as ASDR per 100,000. All other factors are the same as for the mortality data detailed above.

NOTE: Some cause of death ICD-10 codes listed in the mortality database do not appear in any official ICD documentation, specifically related to the W.. and Y.. cause of death codes. I have contacted the WHO for clarification on this issue. NOTE: In some cases there is population data but no mortality data, or vice versa. In these situations the data point is removed so as to avoid confusion due to mixing of age-specific and absolute data.

Find All Population Adjusted Mortality Entries Matching Set of Single Search Variables:

Get adjusted mortality data for given country, year, sex, admin or subdiv and cause (or any combination thereof). Response returned as a list and multiple entries are allowed.

GET /api/mortality-adj-search?country=<country>&year=<year>&sex=<sex>&admin=<admin>&subdiv=<subdiv>&cause=<cause>

Variables (variable = format): country = country code, year, sex = sex code, admin = admin code, subdiv = subdiv code, cause = cause code. All codes can be found from the respective endpoints
e.g. Return population adjusted mortality data for males and females in the United Kingdom in 2006 caused by "Airgun discharge (undetermined intent)":
GET /api/mortality-adj-search?country=4308&year=2006&cause=Y240

Find Single Population Adjusted Mortality Data Entry:

Get adjusted mortality data for given country, year, sex, admin or subdiv and cause (or any combination thereof). Returns data only if only one mortality entry matches the query

GET /api/mortality-adj-one?country=<country>&year=<year>&sex=<sex>&admin=<admin>&subdiv=<subdiv>&cause=<cause>

e.g. Return population adjusted mortality data for only males in the United Kingdom in 2016 caused by "Driver of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident":

GET /api/mortality-adj-one?country=4308&year=2016&sex=1&cause=V840

Find All Population Adjusted Mortality Entries Matching Lists of Search Variables:

Get population adjusted mortality data for lists of given country, year, sex, admin or subdiv and cause (or any combination thereof). Response returned as a list and multiple entries are allowed.

GET /api/mortality-search-multiple?country=<country>,<country>,...&year=<year>,<year>,...&sex=<sex>,<sex>,...&admin=<admin>,<admin>,...&subdiv=<subdiv>,<subdiv>,...&cause=<cause>,<cause>,...

Return population adjusted mortality data for males and females in the United Kingdom and Croatia in 2005 and 2006 caused by "Airgun discharge (undetermined intent)":
GET /api/mortality-data-search?country=4308,4038&year=2005,2006&cause=Y240&sex=1,2


Every attempt has been made to keep data true to the original raw data files but veracity cannot be guaranteed. If this is important, download the data directly or use one of the WHO's data querying services All analyses, interpretations or conclusions drawn from this API or found on this website are credited to the authors, not the WHO (which is responsible only for the provision of the original information). For more information visit the WHO website


An API for querying the WHO Mortality Database using ICD-10 codes






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