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Current investigation:

  • from a given hexachord (like Cnemne), what can you get to with:

    • all stepwise motion (each voice moves <= 2 halfsteps)
    • any fifth in the result chord is not approached in same direction by both voices
  • hexachord transitions that respect some voice leading rules

    • parallel fifths are bad
    • step-wise motion is good



The main focus right now is a mathy theory of voice-leading in hexachord transitisons.

  • Easy to learn nemne transitions?
  • For another quality as well?
  • All transitions between the two?


Right now I can play sine waves and such generated by Netwire through OpenAL. My main current use is for a dynamic metronome.


  • A note is what a piano key corresponds to. C4 is a note. B#3 and C4 are the same note.
  • A pitch-class is a note without a specified octave. C and C# are pitch-classes. C# and Db are the same pitch-class. The notes C3 and C4 have the same pitch-class, C.
  • A chord-quality is a set of pitch-classes, but two chord-qualities are the same if one is a transposition of the other.
    • The 7 "modern Western modes" (from "ionian" to "locrian") all have the same chord-quality, that of "major key without a mode chosen".
    • {C,E,G} and {C,F,A} are the same as chord-qualities; both are "Maj without a specified inversion".
    • "Maj all inversions" and "min all inversions" are distinct chord-qualities.
  • A mode-quality is a chord-quality with one pitch-class designated the "bass". In the following comma-delimited sequences the first pitch-class is the bass:
    • The 7 "modern Western modes" (from "ionian" to "locrian") are 7 distinct mode-qualities.
    • C,E,G and C,G,E are the same as mode-qualities; this is "Maj".
    • E,C,G is distinct however; it is "Maj6" or "Maj first inversion".
    • C,E,G and F,A,C are the same as mode-qualities; both are "Maj".


  • I can sometimes hear a bit of warbling in some metronome uses. I need to figure out what might be the cause.
  • I would like to try again to switch from OpenAL to PortAudio, but the current Haskell PortAudio binding is buggy, and I'm not terribly experienced with the FFI.

Past changes

  • Switched from Yampa to Netwire since Yampa is poorly documented, feels caught in an unfinished state, and is not currently developed. Netwire started as a fork of Yampa and seems to have left behind a lot of Yampa's uncertainly by developing its own stuff based on (<|>).

Old stuff


  • dynamic music
    • possibly eventually for game integration
    • but hopefully still an external somewhat-general library?
  • probabilistic
    • and "totally random" possibly even decent fallback, if all other computation not ready in time etc
  • slider kinds of inputs?
    • what will these look like
      • mood
        • sad vs happy
      • simple vs complex?
      • tonal vs atonal?
      • consonant vs dissonant?
      • eerieness?
      • intensity?
      • general speed
      • meter
  • grammar of tonal harmony progressions and transpositions?
  • should try to build on what it has played
    • try to have reuse things to be interesting and musical
      • sequences
      • formats, more or less strict
        • can't be too strict to fit into probabilistic model
        • fugue?
    • try to use strategies from human improv technique?
      • nothing should seem like an accident
      • but improvisers
  • make use of compositional techniques
    • again, sequences
  • lots of things are hard
    • e.g. when are long silences ok (after cadences etc..)

sound libraries

  • c
    • libsox
      • primarily: read and write different formats
      • apply various effects
      • play and record
    • portaudio
      • primarily: c callback -> play
      • play and record (raw audio only)
    • csound
      • simple music programming system
      • instruments then notes
        • so not going to work with dynamic instruments
        • but maybe modifiable or lib bindings can already be more flex?
      • lots of contributed instrumentation
    • supercollider
      • more advanced programming system than csound
      • so probably just overhead if wrapping in hs frontend stuff? idk..
  • haskell
    • haskore
      • large (slow?) library for representing music
    • hamusic
      • more lightweight alternative to haskore?


generated music







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