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ofxAlmond - a GUI for openFrameworks

2017 Daniel Almeida

AlmondGUI is a Graphic User Interface library for openFrameworks.

Quick Intro

A GUI is a group of interface elements inside a window. The GUI object must be initialized on the setup method as well as (ideally) all gui elements. The GUIobject besides storing all elements, also serves as a factory object of gui elements.

void ofApp::setup(){
    gui = new GUI();

    label = gui->add<Label>({
        {"x", 10},
        {"y", 70},
        {"width", 100},
        {"height", GUI_LINE_HEIGHT * 1.5},
        {"caption", "Label"},

The GUI also needs to be updated and drawn, like this

void ofApp::update() {


void ofApp::draw() {


Developed with:

Developed with:

Graphic User Elements


Element is the AlmondGUI primitive. All different graphic user interface elements derive from here. It gathers all basic functionality needed for an element.


Use a Label to present textual information. Currently, labels only present one line of text. It cannot be pressed, so it cannot produce events.

Label element


  • x
  • y
  • width
  • height
  • visible


label = gui->add<Label>({
    {"x", 10},
    {"y", 70},
    {"width", 100},
    {"height", GUI_LINE_HEIGHT * 1.5},
    {"caption", "Label"},


Button can be pressed and is the basis of a few other elements like ToggleButton and Slider. It produces the click event.

Button element


  • x
  • y
  • width
  • height
  • visible


button = gui->add<Button>({
    {"x", 10},
    {"y", 10},
    {"width", 100},
    {"height", GUI_LINE_HEIGHT * 1.5},
    {"caption", "Button"}

Toggle Button

This element is also clickable but it changes between two possible states: pushed and not pushed.

Toggle element Pressed toggle element


  • x
  • y
  • width
  • height
  • visible


  • Boolean isPushed();

Get the state of the Toggle Button.

*void setPushed(Boolean _pushed);

Sets the state of the Toggle Button


toggle = gui->add<ToggleButton>({
    {"x", 10},
    {"y", 100},
    {"width", 100},
    {"height", GUI_LINE_HEIGHT * 1.5},
    {"caption", "Toggle"},

Button Group and Toggle Group

These elements show a group of buttons or toggles but actually are each one element.


A rectangular area that allows the selection of a float value by clicking/dragging inside of it. The minimum and maximum values are user-defined.

Slider element


  • x
  • y
  • width
  • height
  • visible
  • value
  • minValue
  • maxValue


slider = gui->add<Slider>({
    {"x", 10},
    {"y", 70},
    {"width", 100},
    {"height", GUI_LINE_HEIGHT * 1.5},
    {"caption", "Slider"},
    {"maxValue", 1.0},
    {"minValue", 0.0},
    {"value", 0.5}


Draws a FBO inside a rect. Can be used to display pictures or videos.



This is the most simple contaniner and it's used to gather elements inside. It can be scrollable.


Splits an area into a table, with a predifined amount of columns and rows, set on setup. each cell receives only one interface element which can be a viewport, including this way more elements


Splits a rectangle horizontaly or vertically into several sub rectangles. Each split can have it's own split amount. A splitter isn't an actual container. It just defines an area and each cell has an element but those elements aren't really treated as GUI childs, they remain childless, thus they are toplevel elements. This needs to be addressed a fixed because it's not a propper mechanism.


Creates a new windows with it's own user interface. This is work in progress and currently it isn't working at all.


Almond uses GUI objects for create Graphic User Interface structures. It was intended to exist one one GUI object per window and all other elements are created using that object's creator template method add.

The following exemplifies how to create a simple button and set behaviour to it's click event:

GUI *gui = new GUI();

Button *button = gui->add<Button>({
    {"caption", "Click me!"}

button->setOnClick([label1](Button *button) {
    cout << "Button clicked!" << endl;

The factory method add uses C++ templating to generate each type of elements. It always receives the needed information in a JSON-like variable. The content of this varies according to the type of element.


Hello World

This example present a brief usage of most of the Elements.


Shows how to use the viewport element can contain other elements and have a slider to scroll the content.


Example of how to use a table for composing interfaces.


Example not working. Needs to be fixed.

Splitter in spitter

Simple example that has splitters inside of splitters for dividing the screen into a 4x4 table. each splitter cell has a button.

Viewport in splitter

Example not working.


Shows two windows with their own GUI. Currently not working.


  • Transparency
  • Multi windows (started. not finished)
  • List (will display an array of elements)
  • generate gui tree for debugging (text)
  • changes the sequence of drawing (gui draws only what has null parents. then each element draws it's children)
  • Properly implement Interfaces. Only have method definitions. no implementations and no attributes. (started. not finished)
  • Rewrite Splitter. not working properly
  • unit test
  • Example with all GUI elements. a GUI elements gallery
  • Fix Viewport in Splitter example. Not drawing the gui elements. why?

Multi windows todo

  • a window is not part of the GUI. It's a stand alone object that is used for creating windows before running the main loop
  • all needed windows must be created at start time?
  • try to find a work around for this.


A Graphic User Interface for openFrameworks






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