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updates SIEM gravity setup; adds read/save forward arrays; adds backw…
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…ard field solve for builtin solver
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danielpeter committed Jun 1, 2024
1 parent 64e2e73 commit 120e31b
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Showing 20 changed files with 707 additions and 209 deletions.
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions src/shared/SIEM_math_library.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -385,6 +385,197 @@ function i_nearless (XVAL) result (I_nl)

end function i_nearless


subroutine dspherical_unitvect(theta,phi,unitr,unittheta,unitphi)

! this function computes unit vectors in spherical coordinates at a point
! defined by (r,theta,phi)

implicit none
double precision,intent(in) :: theta,phi
double precision,intent(out) :: unitr(3),unittheta(3),unitphi(3)
double precision :: ctheta,cphi,stheta,sphi
double precision,parameter :: zero = 0.d0

ctheta = cos(theta); stheta = sin(theta)
cphi = cos(phi); sphi = sin(phi)

unitr(1) = stheta*cphi; unitr(2) = stheta*sphi; unitr(3) = ctheta
unittheta(1) = ctheta*cphi; unittheta(2) = ctheta*sphi; unittheta(3) = -stheta
unitphi(1) = -sphi; unitphi(2) = cphi; unitphi(3) = zero

end subroutine dspherical_unitvect

subroutine spherical_unitvect(theta,phi,unitr,unittheta,unitphi)

! this function computes unit vectors in spherical coordinates at a point
! defined by (r,theta,phi)

implicit none
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),intent(in) :: theta,phi
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),intent(out) :: unitr(3),unittheta(3),unitphi(3)
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: ctheta,cphi,stheta,sphi
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter :: zero=0.0_CUSTOM_REAL

ctheta = cos(theta); stheta = sin(theta)
cphi = cos(phi); sphi = sin(phi)

unitr(1) = stheta*cphi; unitr(2) = stheta*sphi; unitr(3) = ctheta
unittheta(1) = ctheta*cphi; unittheta(2) = ctheta*sphi; unittheta(3) = -stheta
unitphi(1) = -sphi; unitphi(2) = cphi; unitphi(3) = zero

end subroutine spherical_unitvect


subroutine dlegendreP2_costheta(theta,P2,dP2,d2P2)

implicit none
double precision,intent(in) :: theta ! radian
double precision,intent(out) :: P2,dP2,d2P2
double precision :: ctheta
double precision,parameter :: half = 0.5d0,one = 1.d0,two = 2.d0,three = 3.d0

ctheta = cos(theta)

P2 = half*(three*ctheta*ctheta-one)
dP2 = -three*sin(theta)*ctheta
d2P2 = -3*cos(two*theta)

end subroutine dlegendreP2_costheta


subroutine legendreP2_costheta(theta,P2,dP2,d2P2)

implicit none
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),intent(in) :: theta ! radian
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),intent(out) :: P2,dP2,d2P2
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: ctheta
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter :: half=0.5_CUSTOM_REAL,one=1.0_CUSTOM_REAL,two=2.0_CUSTOM_REAL,three=3.0_CUSTOM_REAL

ctheta = cos(theta)

P2 = half*(three*ctheta*ctheta-one)
dP2 = -three*sin(theta)*ctheta
d2P2 = -3*cos(two*theta)

end subroutine legendreP2_costheta


subroutine compute_g_gradg_elliptical(ndim,r,theta,phi,rho,dotrho,g0,eps,eta,twothirdOmega2,g,gradg)

implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: ndim
double precision,intent(in) :: r,theta,phi,rho,dotrho,g0,eps,eta,twothirdOmega2
double precision,intent(out) :: g(ndim)
double precision,optional,intent(out) :: gradg(6)

double precision,parameter :: two = 2.d0,four = 4.d0,two_third = two/3.d0

double precision :: hmat(ndim,ndim)
double precision :: lfac,rinv
double precision :: cotthetaXdP2,doteps,ddoteps,doteta,dotg
double precision :: facP2,P2,dP2,d2P2
double precision :: unitr(ndim,1),unittheta(ndim,1),unitphi(ndim,1)
double precision :: unitrT(1,ndim),unitthetaT(1,ndim),unitphiT(1,ndim)

! compute unit vectors
call dspherical_unitvect(theta,phi,unitr,unittheta,unitphi)

unitrT(1,:) = unitr(:,1);
unitthetaT(1,:) = unittheta(:,1)
unitphiT(1,:) = unitphi(:,1)

call dlegendreP2_costheta(theta,P2,dP2,d2P2)

rinv = 1.d0/r

dotg = four*rho-two*rinv*g0 !dotg = four_pi_G*rho-two*rinv*g_ss
doteps = eta*eps*rinv !eta*eps/r
ddoteps = 6.d0*rinv*rinv*eps-8.0d0*rho*(doteps+rinv*eps)/g0 !two*four

doteta = doteps/eps+r*(eps*ddoteps-doteps*doteps)/(eps*eps)

cotthetaXdp2 = -3.d0*cos(theta)*cos(theta)

! lfac=g_ss+two_third*(eta*eps*g_ss+four_pi_G*r0*rho*eps-eps*g_ss)*P2-two_third*Omega2*r0
lfac = g0+two_third*(eta*eps*g0+four*r*rho*eps-eps*g0)*P2-twothirdOmega2*r

! compute g
g = -lfac*unitr(:,1)-two_third*eps*g0*dP2*unittheta(:,1)

if (.not.present(gradg)) return

! compute grad g
facP2 = (doteta*eps*g0+eta*doteps*g0+eta*eps*dotg+four*(rho*eps+r*dotrho*eps+r*rho*doteps)-doteps*g0-eps*dotg)

!hmat=-(dotg+two_third*facP2*P2-two_third*Omega2)*matmul(unitr,unitrT) &
! -two_third*(doteps*g0+eps+dotg)*dP2*(matmul(unitr,unitthetaT)+matmul(unittheta,unitrT)) &
! -rinv*(lfac-two_third*Omega2*r+two_third*rinv*eps*g0*d2p2)*matmul(unittheta,unitthetaT) &
! -rinv*(lfac-two_third*Omega2*r+two_third*rinv*eps*g0*cotthetaXdp2)*matmul(unitphi,unitphiT)
hmat = -(dotg+two_third*facP2*P2-twothirdOmega2)*matmul(unitr,unitrT) &
-two_third*(doteps*g0+eps+dotg)*dP2*(matmul(unitr,unitthetaT)+matmul(unittheta,unitrT)) &
-rinv*(lfac+two_third*rinv*eps*g0*d2p2)*matmul(unittheta,unitthetaT) &

gradg = (/ hmat(1,1),hmat(2,2),hmat(3,3),hmat(1,2),hmat(1,3),hmat(2,3) /)

end subroutine compute_g_gradg_elliptical


subroutine compute_g_gradg(ndim,r,theta,phi,rho,g0,g,gradg)

implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: ndim
double precision,intent(in) :: r,theta,phi,rho,g0
double precision,intent(out) :: g(ndim)
double precision,optional,intent(out) :: gradg(6)

double precision,parameter :: two = 2.d0,four = 4.d0
double precision :: hmat(ndim,ndim)
double precision :: lfac,rinv
double precision :: dotg
double precision :: ctheta,P2 !,dP2,d2P2
double precision :: unitr(ndim,1),unittheta(ndim,1),unitphi(ndim,1)
double precision :: unitrT(1,ndim),unitthetaT(1,ndim),unitphiT(1,ndim)

! compute unit vectors
call dspherical_unitvect(theta,phi,unitr,unittheta,unitphi)

unitrT(1,:) = unitr(:,1);
unitthetaT(1,:) = unittheta(:,1)
unitphiT(1,:) = unitphi(:,1)

!call dlegendreP2_costheta(theta,P2,dP2,d2P2)

ctheta = cos(theta)
P2 = 0.5d0*(3.0d0*ctheta*ctheta-1.0d0)

rinv = 1.d0/r
dotg = four*rho-two*rinv*g0 !dotg = four_pi_G*rho-two*rinv*g_ss

lfac = g0

! compute g
g = -lfac*unitr(:,1)

if (.not.present(gradg)) return

! compute grad g
hmat = -dotg*matmul(unitr,unitrT)-rinv*lfac*matmul(unittheta,unitthetaT) &

gradg = (/ hmat(1,1),hmat(2,2),hmat(3,3),hmat(1,2),hmat(1,3),hmat(2,3) /)

end subroutine compute_g_gradg

end module siem_math_library

Expand Down
63 changes: 37 additions & 26 deletions src/specfem3D/SIEM_compute_kernels.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,13 +70,14 @@ subroutine calculate_first_gravity_kernel()

use specfem_par_full_gravity, only: gdof_cm1, inode_elmt_cm, inode_map_cm, nmir_cm, nnode_cm1, &
gknl1, &
gravload1, pgrav1, pgrav_cm1, pgrav_cm, &
gravload1, pgrav1, pgrav_cm1, pgrav_cm, neq1, ndscale1, dprecon1, &
is_active_gll,igll_active_on, &

use siem_math_library_mpi, only: maxvec
use siem_poisson, only: compute_grav_kl1_load
use siem_solver_petsc, only: petsc_set_vector1, petsc_zero_initialguess1, petsc_solve1
use siem_solver_mpi, only: interpolate3to5
use siem_solver_mpi, only: cg_solver3, diagpcg_solver3, interpolate3to5

implicit none

Expand All @@ -87,13 +88,6 @@ subroutine calculate_first_gravity_kernel()
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: maxload
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: gknl1_cm ! (3,NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)

! safety check
!TODO: full gravity builtin solver for kernels
print *,'ERROR: builtin solver not setup for gravity kernels'
call exit_MPI(myrank,'Error builtin solver not setup for gravity kernels')

! Allocate 1st grav kernel array :
if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating gknl1'
Expand All @@ -117,7 +111,17 @@ subroutine calculate_first_gravity_kernel()
maxload = maxvec(abs(gravload1))
if (myrank == 0) print *,' -- Max load: ', maxload

! builtin solver
pgrav1(:) = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
if (CG_SCALING) then
gravload1(:) = ndscale1(:) * gravload1(:)
call cg_solver3(myrank,neq1,pgrav1,gravload1)
pgrav1(:) = ndscale1(:) * pgrav1(:)
call diagpcg_solver3(myrank,neq1,pgrav1,gravload1,dprecon1)
! Petsc solver
call petsc_set_vector1(gravload1)

Expand All @@ -126,14 +130,14 @@ subroutine calculate_first_gravity_kernel()
call petsc_zero_initialguess1()

pgrav1(:) = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
! Here we use pgrav as the vector the solution is put into, just to
! Here we use pgrav1 as the vector the solution is put into, just to
! save on allocating another array. Note that we could allocate a
! separate temporary array but pgrav isnt used after this (apart from
! separate temporary array but pgrav1 isnt used after this (apart from
! if the forward wavefield is being saved, but it shouldnt be for SIMTYPE 3)
call petsc_solve1(pgrav1(1:))

! Now interpolate this component to the 5GLL setup (Crust mantle only):
! Now interpolate this component to the 5GLL setup (Crust mantle only)
pgrav_cm1(:) = zero
pgrav_cm1(:) = pgrav1(gdof_cm1(:))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,13 +211,14 @@ subroutine calculate_second_gravity_kernel()

use specfem_par_full_gravity, only: gdof_cm1, inode_elmt_cm, inode_map_cm, nmir_cm, nnode_cm1, &
gknl2, &
gravload1, pgrav1, pgrav_cm1, pgrav_cm, &
gravload1, pgrav1, pgrav_cm1, pgrav_cm, neq1, ndscale1, dprecon1, &
is_active_gll,igll_active_on, &

use siem_math_library_mpi, only: maxvec
use siem_poisson, only: compute_grav_kl2_load
use siem_solver_petsc, only: petsc_set_vector1, petsc_zero_initialguess1, petsc_solve1
use siem_solver_mpi, only: interpolate3to5
use siem_solver_mpi, only: cg_solver3, diagpcg_solver3, interpolate3to5

implicit none

Expand All @@ -225,13 +230,6 @@ subroutine calculate_second_gravity_kernel()
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: gknl2_cm
real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: div_gknl2_cm

! safety check
!TODO: full gravity builtin solver for kernels
print *,'ERROR: builtin solver not setup for gravity kernels'
call exit_MPI(myrank,'Error builtin solver not setup for gravity kernels')

! Allocate 2nd gravity kernel array
if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating gknl2'
Expand All @@ -257,7 +255,17 @@ subroutine calculate_second_gravity_kernel()
maxload = maxvec(abs(gravload1))
if (myrank == 0) print *,' -- Max load: ', maxload

! builtin solver
pgrav1(:) = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
if (CG_SCALING) then
gravload1(:) = ndscale1(:) * gravload1(:)
call cg_solver3(myrank,neq1,pgrav1,gravload1)
pgrav1(:) = ndscale1(:) * pgrav1(:)
call diagpcg_solver3(myrank,neq1,pgrav1,gravload1,dprecon1)
! PETSc solver
call petsc_set_vector1(gravload1)

Expand All @@ -267,10 +275,12 @@ subroutine calculate_second_gravity_kernel()
call petsc_solve1(pgrav1(1:))

pgrav_cm(:) = zero
! Now interpolate this component to the 5GLL setup (Crust mantle only)
pgrav_cm1(:) = zero
pgrav_cm1(:) = pgrav1(gdof_cm1(:))

pgrav_cm(:) = zero !initialise before interpolating to be safe

call interpolate3to5(NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE, NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE, nnode_cm1, &
inode_elmt_cm, nmir_cm, inode_map_cm, is_active_gll, igll_active_on, pgrav_cm1, pgrav_cm)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -537,6 +547,7 @@ subroutine SIEM_compute_crust_mantle_kernels()
! Local values for the GLL point
sdagtmp(:) = displ_crust_mantle(:,iglob)
stmp(:) = b_displ_crust_mantle(:,iglob)

hmatloc(:) = gradg_cm(:, iglob)

! (3) Gravity contraction s \cdot \nabla\nabla\Phi \cdot \s_dagger
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/specfem3D/SIEM_index_region.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ subroutine SIEM_get_index_region()
print *,'Error: invalid NGLL setting for SIEM indexing'
print *,' NGLLX/NGLLY/NGLLZ = ',NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ, ' - all must be equal to 5 for SIEM'
print *,' NGLLX_INF/NGLLY_INF/NGLLZ_INF = ',NGLLX_INF,NGLLY_INF,NGLLZ_INF,' - all must be equal to 3 for SIEM'
stop 'SIEM indexing only works for NGLLX==NGLLY==NGLLZ==5 and NGLLX_INF==NGLLY_INF==NGLLZ_INF==3 setting for now!'
stop 'SIEM indexing only works for NGLLX == 5 and NGLLX_INF == 3 setting for now!'

! Level-1 solver---------------
Expand Down

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