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High level API with O R mapper

Daniel Frantik edited this page Jun 8, 2020 · 12 revisions

Third option is to use High-level API with strongly typed entities. This API uses internal O/R mapper to map mikrotik repose sentences to prepared (or yours) objects. This API is in separate dll - so you should reference tik4net.objects.dll.

All methods of this API are implemented as extensions of ITikConnection and ITikCommand. That means that ADO.NET like API and High-level API could be used together.

NOTE: do not forget to put using tik4net.Objects; to your class header.

The main entry point is mikrotik router connection object (ITikConnection). Instance of connection object should be instancied via factory (ConnectionFactory). Command instance should be created via ITikConnection methods.

using tik4net;
using tik4net.Objects;
// ...
connection = ConnectionFactory.OpenConnection(TikConnectionType.Api, HOST, USER, PASS);
var interfaces = Connection.LoadAll<Interface>();

Using High-level API

Single row modify sample

// SCRIPT equivalent: interface set comment=test [/interface find name=ether1]
private static void ChangeCommentOnInterfaceWithName(ITikConnection connection, string interfaceName, string newComment)
  // Load by name (filter)
  var iface = connection.LoadByName<Objects.Interface.Interface>(interfaceName);
  // modify iface object + write changes to mikrotik
  iface.Comment = newComment;
// SCRIPT equivalent: interface set comment=test [/interface find default-name=ether1]
private static void ChangeCommentOnInterfaceWithDefraultName(ITikConnection connection, string defaultName, string newComment)
  // Load by default-name (filter)
  var iface = connection.LoadSingle<Objects.Interface.Interface>(connection.CreateParameter("default-name", defaultName));
  // modify iface object + write changes to mikrotik
  iface.Comment = newComment;

Notes - how to find single item

  • Use LoadByName where name is unique
  • Mark item by custom comment and use filter to find (REMARKS: prefix/suffix/regex are not supported by mikrotik API)
  • Use LoadAll and C# lookup in collection for more complicated scenarios (be carefull when reading bunch of rows)
  • Create custom small entity for handling large resultsets

More complex example

private static void CreateOrUpdateAddressList(ITikConnection connection)
  var existingAddressList = connection.LoadList<FirewallAddressList>(
          connection.CreateParameter("list", "TEST-LIST"),
          connection.CreateParameter("address", ""))
    if (existingAddressList == null)
        var newAddressList = new FirewallAddressList()
            Address = "",
            List = "TEST-LIST",
         existingAddressList.Comment = "Comment update: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
