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Wallpaper Json Structure

Dani Mahardhika edited this page Jun 26, 2017 · 2 revisions

This is a sample for default json structure. With dashboard configuration which available in release 3.2.0 and above, you can define your own json structure.

		"author": "Taken from gadgetraid",
		"url": "",
		"thumbUrl": "",
		"name": "Nougat Wallpaper 1"

                "author": "Taken from gadgetraid",
		"url": "",
		"thumbUrl": "",
		"name": "Nougat Wallpaper 2"

How to change wallpaper json structure?

  1. Open inside apps\java\com.yourpackagename\applications\.
  2. Use setWallpaperJsonStructure() from Configuration to define your own json structure. Be careful, array name, name, author, url, and thumbUrl are case sensitive.

Here an example


public class CandyBar extends CandyBarApplication {

    public void onCreate() {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        /* This is default json structure */
                new JsonStructure.Builder("Wallpapers")

NOTE: If you are following default json structure, you don't need to add this.

Still confused?

Here more example

1. You have json with structure like this

    "wallpapers": --> different array name
		"author": "Taken from gadgetraid",
		"url": "",
		"name": "Nougat Wallpaper 1"
                --> no thumbUrl
                "author": "Taken from gadgetraid",
		"url": "",
		"name": "Nougat Wallpaper 2"
                --> no thumbUrl

The configuration

    new JsonStructure.Builder("wallpapers")
        /* If thumbUrl set to null, url will be used as thumbUrl */

2. Another json structure

    "wallpapers": --> different array name
		"creator": "Taken from gadgetraid", --> different author name
		"imageUrl": "", --> different url name
		"name": "Nougat Wallpaper 1"
                --> no thumbUrl
                "creator": "Taken from gadgetraid", --> different author name
		"imageUrl": "", --> different url name
		"name": "Nougat Wallpaper 2"
                --> no thumbUrl

The configuration

    new JsonStructure.Builder("wallpapers")

3. Weird json structure

[ --> no array name
        "creator": "Taken from gadgetraid", --> different author name
	"imageUrl": "", --> different url name
	"name": "Nougat Wallpaper 1"
        --> no thumbUrl
        "creator": "Taken from gadgetraid", --> different author name
	"imageUrl": "", --> different url name
	"name": "Nougat Wallpaper 2"
        --> no thumbUrl

The configuration

    new JsonStructure.Builder(null)

4. Another weird json structure

[ --> no array name
        "creator": "Taken from gadgetraid", --> different author name
	"imageUrl": "", --> different url name
	--> no name
        --> no thumbUrl
        "creator": "Taken from gadgetraid", --> different author name
	"imageUrl": "", --> different url name
	--> no name
        --> no thumbUrl

The configuration

    new JsonStructure.Builder(null)
        /* If name set to null, wallpaper name will be generated automatically
         * Like: Wallpaper 1, Wallpaper 2, Wallpaper 3, ...