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Quick and easy way to allow my wife to tell me to be quiet :)

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Is Bonnie Recording

Simple frontend and backend to allow my Voice Over Actress wife (here) to turn on a USB LED in my office to tell me to be quiet so she can record 😂😂

How does this work and...why

I'm leveraging a blink(1) LED light to turn on/off when my wife needs to tell me to be quiet when she needs to record. The frontend is written in Svelte and is quite simple, and the backend is Python which utilizes Flask and the blink(1) Python Library to turn the light on and off via JSON POSTs with a simple REST API. The node selection works in conjunction with node-feature-discovery, which is a fantastic way to map physically connected devices to nodes.


The few big pushes for this project have been:

  • I wanted to prove at least slightly capable with modern frontend frameworks
  • I wanted to leverage node auto-selection based on where the USB blink(1) devices is connected
  • I wanted to have a simple button to press to turn on a light no matter where my wife was to tell me she needs to record
  • I wanted to have a good example of multi-architecture containers without having to make any architecture-specific settings in the Kubernetes deployment manifest

Technologies Leveraged / Utilized

  • Svelte (Frontend)
  • Python3 (Backend)
    • Flask
  • Hardware
    • Blink(1)
    • Turing Pi v2
  • Kubernetes
    • Traefik v2
    • Cert-Manager
    • node-feature-discovery
    • podman
    • buildah
    • NGINX

Local Development

From the root directory, you'll want to build both containers:

podman build -t localhost/ibr-frontend:dev frontend
podman build -t localhost/ibr-backend:dev backend

Using podman, we can then deploy things easily enough:

podman play kube manifests/deployment-dev.yaml

If you want to shut it down or re-deploy, run:

podman play kube manifests/deployment-dev.yaml --down

Production Deployment

  1. Ensure that the containers are built appropriately and pushed up to Docker Hub.
# Set the Git Tag
export docker_tag="v0.1.1"

# Create the Frontend Manifest
buildah manifest create isbonrecording-frontend

# Build Frontend Images
buildah bud --tag "${docker_tag}" \
  --manifest isbonrecording-frontend \
  --arch amd64 frontend

buildah bud --tag "${docker_tag}" \
  --manifest isbonrecording-frontend \
  --arch arm64 frontend

# Push Frontend Images
buildah manifest push --all \
  isbonrecording-frontend "docker://${docker_tag}"

# Create the Backend Manifest
buildah manifest create isbonrecording-backend

# Build Backend Images
buildah bud --tag "${docker_tag}" \
  --manifest isbonrecording-backend \
  --arch amd64 backend

buildah bud --tag "${docker_tag}" \
  --manifest isbonrecording-backend \
  --arch arm64 backend

# Push Backend Images
buildah manifest push --all \
  isbonrecording-backend "docker://${docker_tag}"
  1. Deploy/Update the Kubernetes Manifest
kubectl apply -k manifests
  1. ???

  2. Profit!