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Danny Lin edited this page Oct 5, 2020 · 1 revision

Import ScrapBook X Data (WebScrapBook < 0.79)

The site indexer of WebScrapBook supports reading metadata from ScrapBook X. You can simply enter the site indexer and pick a ScrapBook X folder to build a site index. After that the original ScrapBook X data tree will be available using the generated tree/map.html or tree/frame.html.

After the site index is built, ScrapBook X config files can, and would better, be deleted, especially the scrapbook.rdf file in the main directory, to avoid a potential confusion when you build site index repeatedly in the future.

A Demo Procedure

Say you want to import C:\User\Test\ScrapBook to C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook:

  1. Copy C:\User\Test\ScrapBook to C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook.
  2. All files and folders other than data/, icon/, scrapbook.rdf, and manually created ones in C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook are meaningless to WebScrapBook (and there's no plan to support them in the future), and you can safely delete them. (You can still leave them alone for future reference, though.)
  3. Enter the site indexer (toolbar button > Generate site index).
  4. Drag C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook folder into the tab of the site indexer, and wait for the indexing to complete.
  5. Extract the contents of the generated ZIP pack to C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook.
  6. Open C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook\tree\map.html or C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook\tree\frame.html and check if you can see the original ScrapBook X data tree. If yes, you are done.
  7. Delete C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook\scrapbook.rdf to avoid a conflict on future indexing of C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook.

If you have planned to run backend server for C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook, you can follow the above procedure and run backend server for C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook afterwards, or alternatively do following procedure:

  1. Copy C:\User\Test\ScrapBook to C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook.
  2. Optionally remove files and folders other than data/, icon/, scrapbook.rdf, and manually created ones in C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook. (See step 2. above)
  3. Run backend server for C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook. Go to toolbar button > Options and set address, user, and password for the backend server.
  4. Enter the site indexer (toolbar button > Generate site index).
  5. Click Index for server, and wait for the indexing to complete.
  6. Go to toolbar button > Open scrapbook (if already opened, click to refresh), and check if you can see the original ScrapBook X data tree. If yes, you are done.
  7. Delete C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook\scrapbook.rdf to avoid a conflict on future indexing of C:\User\Test\WebScrapBook.
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