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Coded prototype for a fictional conference demonstrating form validation and error handling using vanilla JavaScript. This demo centers around a JavaScript class created to validate user entered data and present validation error messages (hints) to the user either in real-time as a user interacts with the form, or after the form has been submitted.

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Interactive Conference Registration Form Prototype

Coded prototype for a fictional conference demonstrating form validation and error handling using vanilla JavaScript.

This demo centers around a JavaScript class created to validate user entered form data and present validation error messages (hints) to the user. The class has been developed to receive a set of validation rules to use for validating each field in a form either in real-time as a user interacts with the form, or after the form has been submitted. The class can be used to validate a variety of forms such as registration forms, contact forms, checkout forms, login forms, expense forms, and others.

The validation script assumes HTML5 form validation is disabled (novalidate) and that the form is submitted via a submit button. It is also assumed <input> fields are wrapped by a <label> element which are used to append error messages to.

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Fields With Real-time Validations

Fields with these IDs are validated on 'input' and 'blur' events. The validations are based on the same rules as when the form is submitted.

  • name
  • email

Fields With Conditional Validation Error Messages

The individual rules in these rule sets are evaluated based on what the user has entered into the form.


  • The activities validator checks to make sure the user has selected at least one checkbox from a set of checkboxes.
  • The validators for cc-num, zip, and cvv also include a condition that payment type 'credit-card' must be selected before the rule is evaluated.
'name', [
    method: field => field.value.length > 0,
    message: 'Name is required'
    method: field => field.value.length >= 3,
    message: 'Name must be at least 3 characters long'
    method: field => /^[a-zA-Z\-.'\s]+$/.test(field.value),
    message: 'Name should only contain letters, spaces, hyphens, periods, and apostrophes'
'email', [
    method: field => field.value.length > 0,
    message: 'Email is required'
    method: field => field.value.indexOf('@') > -1,
    message: "Enter the 'at' symbol in the email address."
    method: field => field.value.indexOf('@') !== 0,
    message: "The 'at' symbol should not appear at the beginning."
    method: field => field.value.indexOf('.') > -1,
    message: "Enter the 'dot' symbol in the email address."
    method: field => field.value.indexOf('@') < field.value.indexOf('.'),
    message: "The 'at' symbol must be before the 'dot' symbol."
    method: field => field.value.indexOf('@') === field.value.lastIndexOf('@'),
    message: "The 'at' symbol should only appear once."
    // NOTE: This email regex isn't bulletproof, could edit if needed
    method: field => /^[^@]+@[^@.]+\.[a-z]+$/i.test(field.value),
    message: 'Email address must be formatted correctly'
'activities', [
    method: field => {
      return field.querySelectorAll('#activities input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length > 0;
    message: 'Choose at least one activity'
'cc-num', [
    condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
    method: field => field.value.length > 0,
    message: 'Credit card number is required'
    condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
    method: field => !isNaN(field.value),
    message: 'Credit card number must be a number'
    condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
    method: field => /^\d{13,16}$/.test(field.value),
    message: 'Credit card number must be between 13 - 16 digits'
'zip', [
    condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
    method: field => field.value.length > 0,
    message: 'Zip code is required'
    condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
    method: field => !isNaN(field.value),
    message: 'Zip code must be a number'
    condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
    method: field => field.value.length === 5,
    message: 'Zip code must be 5 digits'
'cvv', [
    condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
    method: field => field.value.length > 0,
    message: 'CVV is required'
    condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
    method: field => !isNaN(field.value),
    message: 'CVV must be a number'
    condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
    method: field => field.value.length === 3,
    message: 'CVV must be 3 digits'

Code Organization Walk-through

10,000 Foot Overview
class FormValidator{
  // A generic form validator class
  // with methods for validating forms
  // and handling error messaging.

// Functions setting up the form
const addRegFormDefaults = () => {}
const addRegFormEventListeners = () => {}
const addRegFormValidationRules = regFormValidator => {}
const addRegFormRealTimeEventListeners = regFormValidator => {}

// Function to handle form submission using the validator class
const addRegFormSubmitEventListener = regFormValidator => {
  regForm.addEventListener('submit', ev => {
    // Reset the form before validating it again
    if (!regFormValidator.validateForm()) {
      // If validateForm() returns false, show error messages
    } else {
      // Submit the form!

// Add the validation class behavior to a form
const regForm = document.forms[0];
if (regForm) {
  const regFormValidator = new FormValidator(regForm);
More Detailed Explanations
class FormValidator {
  // FormValidator{} aims to be a generic form validation class so it might
  // be reused with other forms and validation rule sets.
  // Methods available to call on a form:
  removeHint(fieldId) // Used for real-time validations
  showHint(fieldId, error) // Used for real-time validations
  addValidator(element, rules)
  validateField(fieldId) // Used for real-time validations

const addRegFormDefaults = () => {
  // Set up the registration forms initial 'state'.
  // - Set default visibility of form elements.
  // - Disable any form elements that are enabled dynamically.
  // - Add any additional attributes to form elements.

const addRegFormEventListeners = () => {
  // Attach custom event listeners needed for this form, such as:
  // - Showing/hiding form elements based on selections
  // - Enabling/disabling form elements based on selections
  // - Checking for selected activity scheduling conflicts
  // - Adjusting total cost based on selections

const addRegFormValidationRules = regFormValidator => {
  // Add validation rules, per form element, to FormValidator{}.
  // The `method` value in each rule will be tested if true or false.
  // Validation methods and messages are assigned to an elements `id`
  // (such as `#name`) in the format:
    'name', [
        method: field => field.value.length > 0,
        message: 'Name is required'
        method: field => /^[a-zA-Z\-.'\s]+$/.test(field.value),
        message: 'Name should only contain letters, spaces, hyphens, periods, and apostrophes'
      // ...

  // If the method should only be evaluated if a condition is met, use something like:
    'cc-num', [
        condition: () => document.getElementById('payment').value === 'credit-card',
        method: field => /^\d{13,16}$/.test(field.value),
        message: 'Credit card number must be between 13 - 16 digits'

const addRegFormRealTimeEventListeners = regFormValidator => {
  // Attach real-time event listeners to form elements.
  // Uses same validations rules as the 'submit' event.
  // Example:
  const email = document.getElementById('email');

  // Validate email on input and blur
  const validateEmail = () => {
  email.addEventListener('input', validateEmail);
  email.addEventListener('blur', validateEmail);

const addRegFormSubmitEventListener = regFormValidator => {
  // Validate form on submit
  // - If invalid, prevent form from submitting
  // - If valid, submit the from
  // Note features can be added or remove if ever needed in cse this is used with other forms.
  // For example if you don't want to update the page title, remove its methods here.
  regForm.addEventListener('submit', ev => {
    if (!regFormValidator.validateForm()) {
    } else {
      // Submit the form!

// Assign the form a name for reference
const regForm = document.forms[0];

// Put it all together
if (regForm) {
  // Set default form state

  // Add custom event listeners

  // Assign a new instance of FormValidator{} to the regForm
  const regFormValidator = new FormValidator(regForm);

  // Add the form validation methods

  // Add real-time event listeners

  // Add the form submit event listener

Special Feature Callouts

  • The user is prevented from selecting two conference activities that occur at the same day and time.
  • Multiple validation rules including contextual 'hint' messaging added to each field.
  • On submit, if form is invalid:
    • An error summary panel appears at the top of the form.
      • Page scrolls to the panel so users can view list of errors.
      • Error panel includes links to scroll to invalid fields and focus cursor on it.
      • scroll-behavior: smooth added to prevent page jumping to/from the error summary panel.
    • The page title is updated to include number of errors.
      • Page title is the first thing read by screen readers.
      • Provides an additional visual cue to the user that there are errors.
      • Error count appears at beginning of title in case title is truncated in a browser tab.
    • role="status" and aria-live="polite" attributes included on error 'hint' messages to provide feedback to screen readers.
  • Code is modularized to be easily extensible and added to other forms.
  • Lots of comments included to help explain the code.
  • Includes code comment explaining how to view generated array of validation objects in the console.
  • Includes code comment noting how to run all the validations on 'submit' (or 'input' for real-time validated fields) instead of stopping on the first error for each field.


  • Safari has a bug preventing select options with the 'hidden' attribute from being visually hidden.
  • Safari 15.2 includes CSS scroll-behavior behind a feature flag, but Safari Technical Preview includes it as a standard (yay!) (caniuse).


  • Even though we're not using HTML5 validation, perhaps invalid or aria-invalid attributes should still be added for screen readers?
  • If an <input> is not wrapped in a parent <label>, match the <input>s id to a <label>s for attribute.
  • Refactor as an ES6 module to allow for easier automated tree-shaking to remove any unused methods.
  • Add methods for presenting a confirmation, thank-you, or success message at top of the page once the form has been successfully submitted instead of just reloading the page.
  • Any other ideas please let me know at


Coded prototype for a fictional conference demonstrating form validation and error handling using vanilla JavaScript. This demo centers around a JavaScript class created to validate user entered data and present validation error messages (hints) to the user either in real-time as a user interacts with the form, or after the form has been submitted.




