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Graph algorithms

This repository contains various graph algorithms. The algorithms are C# implementations of the algorithms that are described in the book Algorithms (4th), Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne.


Applied examples

  1. Passcode derivation (Project Euler)
  2. Precedence-contrained scheduling
  3. ...


This is an overview of the terminology:

  • degree: the number of edges for a vertex.
  • connected: a graph is connected if all vertices can be reached from any vertex v.
  • cyclic: a graph is called cyclic if there is a path from v to itself with a minimum path length that is greater than 2. If a graph is not cyclic, it is called acyclic.
  • eccentricity: the eccentricity of a vertex v is the length of the shortest path from that vertex to the furthest vertex from v.
  • diameter: the diameter of a graph is the maximum eccentricity of any vertex.
  • radius: the radius of a graph is the minimum eccentricity of any vertex.
  • center: any vertex is a center if it's eccentricity is the radius.
  • Wiener index: the Wiener index of a graph is the sum of the lengths of the shortest possible paths between all pair of vertices.
  • girth: the girth of a graph is the length of the shortest cycle in the graph.
  • DAG: a DAG is a directed acyclic graph.
  • strong connectivity: in a digraph, two vertices are strong connected if it is possible to visit both w from v, and v to w.
  • reachability: if there is a directed path from a vertex v to another given vertex w.


The implementations of the algorithms are far from complete. The goal of this repository is to have a set of biolerplate algorithms. They should be extended in context to whichever problem they are being used to solve.

It could occur that a certain method is implemented for a graph, and not a digraph, which you need. In this case you are left alone to implement the new algorithm for the other graph. The repository should provide plenty of examples to implement new algorithms.

Indirected graphs


The Graph object requires a number of vertices. If allowSelfLoops is set to true, the graph will not check for self-loops when calling AddEdge. If allowParallelEdges is set to true, the graph will not check if the edge already exists when calling AddEdge. Both are set to true by default.

The Graph object contains the following properties/methods:

  • Vertices returns the number of vertices.
  • Edges returns the number of edges.
  • void AddEdge(int v, int w) adds an edge from v to w.
  • void HasEdge(int v, int w) returns true if v is connected to w.
  • IEnumerable<int> Adjacent(int v) returns an IEnumerable for the adjacent vertices of v.
  • override string ToString() returns a string representation of the graph.
  • int Degree(int v) returns the degree of vertex v.
  • int MaxDegree() returns the max degree of the graph.
  • int AverageDegree() returns the average degree of the graph, which is 2 * E / V.
  • ParallelEdgesOrSelfLoopsAllowed returns true if allowSelfLoops or allowParallelEdges is set.

The graph can throw the following exceptions:

  • SelfLoopException is raised when a self-loop is created and allowSelfLoops is false.
  • ParallelEdgeException is raised when a duplicate edge is created and allowParallelEdges is false.


The SymbolGraph object is a symbol table wrapper on the Graph object. It will map strings to an index-based graph. The constructor requires a List<Tuple<string, string>> of inputs, where each tuple is a from/to edge. It also has the allowSelfLoops and allowParallelEdges checks.

The SymbolGraph object contains the following properties/methods:

  • bool Contains(string s) returns true if the graph contains the symbol s.
  • IEnumerable<string> Keys returns an IEnumberable with the keys.
  • int Index(string s) returns the integer index of the symbol s.
  • string Name(int v) returns the symbol for the integer index v.
  • Graph Graph returns the graph with integer indices.
  • override string ToString() returns a string representation of the graph.


The DepthFirstPaths object will run the DFS algorithm on the graph. The object requires a Graph and a source vertex s. If detailedTrace is set to true, the algorithm will print a detailed trace.

The DepthFirstPaths object contains the following methods:

  • bool HasPathTo(int v) returns true if there is a path from the source s to v.
  • IEnumerable<int> PathTo(int v) returns an IEnumerable with the path from the source s to v.


The BreadthFirstPaths object will run the BFS algorithm on the graph. The paths from BFS are shortest paths. The object requires a Graph and a source vertex s.

The BreadthFirstPaths object contains the following methods:

  • bool HasPathTo(int v) returns true if there is a path from the source s to v.
  • IEnumerable<int> PathTo(int v) returns an IEnumerable with the path from the source s to v.
  • int DistanceTo(int v) returns the distance from the source s to v.


The Cycle object will detect if a graph is cyclic. This assumes that the graph doesn't have any parallel edges or self-loops. The object requires a Graph object.

The Cycle object has the following property:

  • HasCycle returns true if the graph is cyclic.


The DirectedCycle object will detect cycles in a digraph. It will the path of the cycle. The object requires a Digraph object.

The DirectedCycle object has the following methods:

  • bool HasCycle() return true if the digraph has a cycle.
  • IEnumerator<int> Cycle() returns an enumerator for the path.


The TwoColor object will check if the graph is bipartite, which means it can be colored with two colors, such that no adjacent vertices have the same color. The object requires a Graph object.

The TwoColor object has the following property:

  • IsBipartite returns true if the graph is two colorable.


The GraphProperties object gives additional information about a graph. This requires the graph to be connected (no subgraphs). The object requires a Graph object.

The GraphProperties contains the following properties/methods:

  • int Eccentricity(int v) returns the eccentricity of a vertex v.
  • int Diameter() returns the diameter of the graph.
  • int Radius() returns the radius of the graph.
  • int Center() returns a center vertex.
  • int WienerIndex() returns the Wiener index of the graph.
  • bool Cyclic() returns true if the graph is cyclic. Uses the Cycle object.
  • int Girth() returns the girth of the graph.

The Cyclic() method requires the graph to have ParallelEdgesOrSelfLoopsAllowed evaluate to false. If the graph is not connected, it will raise an NotConnectedGraphException exception.


The ConnectedComponents object detects all the connected components within the graph. It will return a list of subgraphs. The constructor requires an IGraph object, either a Graph or Digraph.

The ConnectedComponents object contains the following properties/methods:

  • bool Connected(int v, int w) returns true if the vertices v and w are connected.
  • int Id(int v) returns the component id of the vertex v.
  • int Count returns the count of the components.
  • bool IsConnected will return true if the graph is connected, i.e. there is only one component.

Directed graphs


The Digraph object requires a number of vertices. If allowSelfLoops is set to true, the graph will not check for self-loops when calling AddEdge. If allowParallelEdges is set to true, the graph will not check if the edge already exists when calling AddEdge. Both are set to true by default.

The Diraph object contains the following properties/methods:

  • Vertices returns the number of vertices.
  • Edges returns the number of edges.
  • void AddEdge(int v, int w) adds an edge from v to w.
  • void HasEdge(int v, int w) returns true if v is connected to w.
  • IEnumerable<int> Adjacent(int v) returns an IEnumerable for the adjacent vertices of v.
  • override string ToString() returns a string representation of the graph.
  • Digraph Reverse() returns the digraph with reversed edges.
  • int DegreeOut(int v) returns the degree of vertex v.
  • int MaxDegreeOut() returns the max degree of the graph.
  • int AverageDegreeOut() returns the average degree of the graph, which is E / V.
  • ParallelEdgesOrSelfLoopsAllowed returns true if allowSelfLoops or allowParallelEdges is set.

The graph can throw the following exceptions:

  • SelfLoopException is raised when a self-loop is created and allowSelfLoops is false.
  • ParallelEdgeException is raised when a duplicate edge is created and allowParallelEdges is false.


The SymbolDigraph object is a symbol table wrapper on the Digraph object. It will map strings to an index-based digraph. The constructor requires a List<Tuple<string, string>> of inputs, where each tuple is a from/to edge. It also has the allowSelfLoops and allowParallelEdges checks.

The SymbolDigraph object contains the following properties/methods:

  • bool Contains(string s) returns true if the digraph contains the symbol s.
  • IEnumerable<string> Keys returns an IEnumberable with the keys.
  • int Index(string s) returns the integer index of the symbol s.
  • string Name(int v) returns the symbol for the integer index v.
  • Digraph Digraph returns the digraph with integer indices.
  • override string ToString() returns a string representation of the digraph.


The DirectedDFS object will run the DFS algorithm on a digraph. The object requires a Digraph and a source vertex s, or a list of vertices.

The DirectedDFS object contains the following methods:

  • bool Marked(int v) return true if a vertex v is accessible from s.
  • override string ToString() returns a string representation of the reachable vertices.


The DepthFirstOrder object will generate various orders of the digraph. These methods are useful in advanced graph-processing algorithms. The constructor requires a Digraph object.

The DepthFirstOrder object contains the following methods:

  • IEnumerable<int> Pre() returns an enumerator with the vertices in preorder.
  • IEnumerable<int> Post() returns an enumerator with the vertices in postorder.
  • IEnumerable<int> ReversePost() returns an enumerator with the vertices in reverse postorder.


The Topological object will sort a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in topological order. The constructor requires a Digraph object.

The Topological object contains the following methods:

  • IEnumerable<int> Order() returns an enumerator with the vertices of the DAG in topological order.


The KosarajuSharirSCC object will find the strongly connected components with a digraph. The constructor requires a Digraph object.

The KosarajuSharirSCC object contains the following properties/methods:

  • bool StronglyConnected(int v, int w) returns true if the vertices v and w are strongly connected.
  • int Id(int v) returns the identifier of the strongly connected component.
  • int Count returns the number of strongly connected components.
  • override string ToString() returns a string representation of the SCC.

The Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm helps to answer questions such as: Are two given vertices strong connected? and How many strong components does the digraph have?.


The TransitiveClosure object will determine if it is possible to reach from vertex v to any other given vertex w. The constructor requires a Digraph or a SymbolGraph.

The TransitiveClosure object contains the following properties:

  • bool Reachable(int v, int w) returns true if it possible to go from vertex v to another vertex w.

Graph builders


The GraphBuilder object contains static methods to generate graphs. The GraphBuilder object contains the following methods:

  • Graph GenerateGraph(string file, bool allowSelfLoop = true, bool allowParallelEdges = true).
  • SymbolGraph GenerateSymbolGraph(string file, bool allowSelfLoop = true, bool allowParallelEdges = true).
  • Digraph GenerateDigraph(string file, bool allowSelfLoop = true, bool allowParallelEdges = true).
  • SymbolDigraph GenerateSymbolDigraph(string file, bool allowSelfLoop = true, bool allowParallelEdges = true).
Graph format

The text file format for a Graph is:

from to
from to
SymbolGraph format

The text file format for a SymbolGraph is:

from to
from to
from to

More examples can be found in the Graph.Algorithms/Graphs folder.



The EuclideanGraph object will create an ugly image of a Graph.

The EuclideanGraph object contains the following static method:

  • static void ToImage(Graph g) which will save the image to graph_{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss_ffff")}.jpg in the current working directory.


Various algorithms for graphs.







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