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Releases: darkwallet/darkwallet

Darkwallet Alpha 8

23 Jan 22:29
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Darkwallet Alpha 8 Pre-release

This release brings the following main features:

  • atm module (for now only cashout)
  • history cache (final format)
  • adapted for new gateway architecture providing more feedback (deployed on testnet)
  • unlimited storage
  • lots of fixes

Please read the full release notes at:

Thx to all who participated in the release!

Darkwallet Alpha 7

05 Nov 18:16
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Darkwallet Alpha 7 Pre-release

This release brings the following main features:

  • bip44
  • i18n
  • bitcoinjs-lib 1.2

More graphical release notes at:

This release breaks keyring format, check for more information

Thx to all who participated in the release!

Dark Wallet Alpha 6

20 Oct 14:52
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Dark Wallet Alpha 6 Pre-release

This release brings the following main features:

  • Heavy bugfixing
  • New logo and sidebar
  • Hardened mixer

More graphical release notes at:

Thx to all who participated in the release!

Update: Made a bugfix release 0.6.1 fixing a bug affecting many users breaking lobby communications.

Dark Wallet Alpha 5

23 Jun 04:51
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Dark Wallet Alpha 5 Pre-release

This release brings the following main features:

  • Bitid login support
  • Watch-only pockets
  • Seed scanner

More detailed release notes at:

Thx to all who participated in the release!

Dark Wallet Alpha 4

13 Jun 18:24
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Dark Wallet Alpha 4 Pre-release

4th Public Alpha Release of DarkWallet

Introduces automatization of multisig actions on top of our lobby system

More detailed release notes at:

Dark Wallet Alpha 3

15 May 11:56
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Dark Wallet Alpha 3 Pre-release

3rd Public Alpha Release of DarkWallet

Introduces an Identity and Pairing system as well as many bug and stability fixes.

More detailed release notes at:

Dark Wallet Alpha 2

09 May 05:16
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Dark Wallet Alpha 2 Pre-release

It's been an intense week providing support on the trollbox channels, discussing new features, sorting out issues in git, coping with life and all that.

It's been a very positive feedback from the community and we are very grateful! Also for everyone who has tested it and risked their bitcoins, testcoins or just some time, a very big thank you!! We can't make the software better without people also testing, battle testing and letting us know about everything that's happened.

We have put out a Roadmap for our release plan while on alpha, and also make a detailed document about known issues with the alpha1.

We have worked hard to polish the most annoying bugs. Some things are still pending since they need re-architecting or sometimes decissions to be made with the community, but all in all we think the alpha2 is really improved and are happy to have it now ready so people can upgrade and forget some of the old problems.

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Dark Wallet Alpha

01 May 06:14
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Dark Wallet Alpha Pre-release

Welcome to the DarkWallet software, a next generation wallet designed with the heart, by the people and for the people.

This is fully experimental and bleeding edge concepts put together into a wallet, whose initial 3-4 months development has been funded by a crowdfunding where more than 1000 people from around the world put money forward to make this happen.

We have made a wallet that will make use of new mechanics to better preserve the financial privacy and freedom of users.

In this release we have what we can call "feature complete", at least for the basics of what can make a 1.0. This doesn't mean we're there yet, there is a lot of work to be done, and maybe still 1 or 2 breakthroughs.

What we present: Stealth, coinjoin, 'multisig support, pockets, an innovative interface.

Read more at: