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Local DOM

Kathy Walrath edited this page Sep 15, 2015 · 1 revision

We call the DOM that an element is in charge of creating and managing its local DOM. This is distinct from the element's children, which are sometimes called its light DOM for clarity.

Polymer supports multiple local DOM implementations. On browsers that support shadow DOM, shadow DOM may be used to create local DOM. On other supported browsers, Polymer provides local DOM via a custom implementation called shady DOM, which is inspired by and compatible with shadow DOM.

Note: Currently Polymer uses shady DOM by default on all browsers. To opt into using shadow DOM where available, see Global Settings.

Local DOM template

To specify DOM to use for an element's local DOM, use the <dom-module> element. Give the <dom-module> an id attribute that matches the first argument to the @PolymerRegister(...) annotation on the elements class, and put a <template> inside the <dom-module>. Polymer will automatically clone this template's contents into the element's local DOM.



<dom-module id="x-foo">

  <template>I am x-foo!</template>



library x_foo;

import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import 'package:web_components/web_components.dart';

class XFoo extends PolymerElement { ... }

We say that an element definition has an imperative and declarative portion. The imperative portion is Dart code, and the declarative portion is the HTML code that contains the <dom-module> element. Typically, the HTML portion is referenced by the Dart portion, using an @HtmlImport annotation on the library as shown above.

Note This is one way that Polymer Dart and Polymer JS differ. In Polymer JS everything would typically be driven by HTML imports in your HTML files. In Polymer Dart it is instead recommended that your Dart files import your HTML files using @HtmlImport. It is also recommended that your HTML files only contain HTML, not script tags. This way, the entire program is reachable from your entry point script (the one with a main).

Note: Defining an element in the main HTML document is not currently supported.

Automatic node finding

Polymer automatically builds a map of statically created instance nodes in its local DOM, to provide convenient access to frequently used nodes without the need to query for them manually. Any node specified in the element's template with an id is stored on the $ map by id.

Note: Nodes created dynamically using data binding (including those in dom-repeat and dom-if templates) are not added to the $ map. The map includes only statically created local DOM nodes (that is, the nodes defined in the element's outermost template).



<dom-module id="x-custom">

    Hello World from <span id="name"></span>!



class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  void ready() {
    $['name'].text = name;

For locating dynamically-created nodes in your element's local DOM, use the $$ method:


$$ returns the first node in the local DOM that matches selector.

DOM distribution

To support composition of an element's light DOM with its local DOM, Polymer supports the <content> element. The <content> element provides an insertion point at which an element's light DOM is combined with its local DOM. The <content> element supports a select attribute which filters nodes via a simple selector.


  <header>Local dom header followed by distributed dom.</header>
  <content select=".content"></content>
  <footer>Footer after distributed dom.</footer>

In shadow DOM, the browser maintains separate light DOM and shadow DOM trees, and creates a merged view (the composed tree) for rendering purposes. addChild adds a node to an element's light DOM.

In shady DOM, Polymer maintains its own light DOM and shady DOM trees. The document's DOM tree is effectively the composed tree.


Polymer provides a custom API for manipulating DOM such that local DOM and light DOM trees are properly maintained. These methods and properties have the same signatures as their standard DOM equivalents, except that properties and methods that return a list of nodes return an List, not a NodeList.

Note: All DOM manipulation must use this API, as opposed to DOM API directly on nodes.

The following methods and properties are provided.

Adding and removing children:

  • Polymer.dom(parent).append(node)
  • Polymer.dom(parent).insertBefore(node, beforeNode)
  • Polymer.dom(parent).removeChild(node)
  • Polymer.dom.flush()

Calling append/insertBefore where parent is a custom Polymer element adds the node to the light DOM of the element. In order to insert/append into the local dom of a custom element, use root as the parent.

Async operations: The insert, append, and remove operations are transacted lazily in certain cases for performance. In order to interrogate the DOM (e.g. offsetHeight, getComputedStyle, etc.) immediately after one of these operations, call PolymerDom.flush() first.

Parent and child APIs:

  • Polymer.dom(parent).childNodes
  • Polymer.dom(node).parentNode
  • Polymer.dom(node).firstChild
  • Polymer.dom(node).lastChild
  • Polymer.dom(node).firstElementChild
  • Polymer.dom(node).lastElementChild
  • Polymer.dom(node).previousSibling
  • Polymer.dom(node).nextSibling
  • Polymer.dom(node).text
  • Polymer.dom(node).innerHtml

Query selector:

  • Polymer.dom(parent).querySelector(selector)
  • Polymer.dom(parent).querySelectorAll(selector)

Content APIs:

  • Polymer.dom(contentElement).getDistributedNodes()
  • Polymer.dom(node).getDestinationInsertionPoints()

Node mutation APIs:

  • Polymer.dom(node).setAttribute(attribute, value)
  • Polymer.dom(node).removeAttribute(attribute)
  • Polymer.dom(node).classList

Using these node mutation APIs when manipulating children ensures that shady DOM can distribute content elements dynamically. If you change attributes or classes that could affect distribution without using the Polymer.dom API, call distributeContent on the host element to force it to update its distribution.

DOM API examples

Some examples of using the Polymer.dom.

Add a child to the light DOM:

var toLight = document.createElement('div');

Insert a child into the local DOM:

var toLocal = document.createElement('div');
var beforeNode = Polymer.dom(this.root).childNodes[0];
Polymer.dom(this.root).insertBefore(toLocal, beforeNode);

Retrieve all <span> elements in the light DOM.

var allSpans = Polymer.dom(this).querySelectorAll('span');

You can use Polymer.dom on any node, whether or not it has a local DOM tree:

  <div id="container">
     <div id="first"></div>
var insert = document.createElement('div');
Polymer.dom($['container']).insertBefore(insert, $['first']);

Sometimes it's necessary to access the elements that have been distributed to a given <content> insertion point or to know to which <content> a given node has been distributed. The getDistributedNodes and getDestinationInsertionPoints methods, respectively, provide this information:


    <!-- x-foo's template -->
    var div = Polymer.dom(xFoo).querySelector('div');
    var content = Polymer.dom(xFoo.root).querySelector('content');
    var distributed = Polymer.dom(content).getDistributedNodes()[0];
    var insertedTo = Polymer.dom(div).getDestinationInsertionPoints()[0];
    // the following should be true:
    assert(distributed == div);
    assert(insertedTo == content)